Wu he said and looked up at Zhao Chengfeng.

Zhao Chengfeng lowered his head, sipping the tea, and said in a man's voice: "it's OK, it was before, it's now, it's not too late to say before, it's not too late to say now."

Wu he couldn't see his expression clearly, but he was a little calm when he said that. It seems that Zhao Chengfeng didn't blame him for it, but he also heard a warning in this.

Now it's not too late to say, so the implication is that if it's still hidden, then don't blame me for letting go.

Wuhe's face changed again. In fact, he wanted to wait for the news to be clear and confirm what Zhao Chengfeng had said before. Then he would consider what to say and what not to say.

But Zhao Chengfeng obviously won't give him such ease.

Obviously, he wants to know the whole truth now. If Wuhe has any reservation, once he is exposed by Songyuan and others, Wuhe is worried that he will leave immediately.

Aware of this, Wu he couldn't help looking up at Zhao Chengfeng again.

"My Lord, although I don't know what the fact is, the seemingly dandy performance just now has put down the aggressive Matsumoto and others for the time being, and at the same time, it has forced my Wuhe to a dead corner. It's powerful."

"It's all right. Up to now, I can only tell the whole story. As for the final result, it depends on whether Wuhe sees the wrong person this time."

Thinking of this, his face became solemn. He looked up at Zhao Cheng and said, "have you ever heard of the crane family in xiaoqiuyu?"

"Oh, xiaoqiuyu, this is mangyu. It's quite far away. Go on." Zhao Chengfeng didn't look up and continued to drink tea. He didn't say he knew or didn't know.

Of course, he has never heard of the crane tribe, but he has heard of xiaoqiuyu.

The Black Death world is the same as the eternal life world. There is no division of day and night between the two worlds. The four seasons change, but they are closely related to these.

There are twelve states in the eternal world. Each state is in January, and the climate of each state corresponds to the month name of each state.

For example, from may state to July state, it is called xiayue state. The climate is mostly hot, and the time of day and month is long in a year. Take May 9 City in may state as an example, the division of day and month and night moon is on July 18, which is why the clan battle of May 9 city begins on July 15, Because the last three days of the day and the month are exactly after the 15th.

In winter, the situation will be reversed. In November, the days and months are the shortest. In most cities, the days and months of a year are less than four or five months, and the rest of the year is long night.

And all year round is the heavy snow diffuses, the climate is extremely cold.

Similar to the eternal world, the Black Death world is also similar, but the Black Death world does not have 12 states, but is divided into 24 regions.

I don't know if it's a coincidence that these 24 regions are very similar to the 24 solar terms in the Chinese cultural circle. Even their names are very similar.

For example, the small autumn region and black street city mentioned by Wu he are located in the region called mang region.

To some extent, it corresponds to Liqiu and mangzhong.

With the span of these two solar terms, the spatial distance between the two domains is certainly not close.

But what is the origin of the crane tribe?

"I knew they should have left one for link."

Zhao Chengfeng regrets that he sent them all away.

"Another low-level mistake."

Zhao Chengfeng in mind review, he ignored that he and Liuli are ectopic visitors, after all, know too little about the world.

"But if Wuhe can say that, it means that the crane family is not simple. It's just that I don't know what kind of power it is, and what kind of level of existence it involves. Marquis, Duke and Prince can't be the power of the emperor? "

Zhao Chengfeng judged that the emperor should not be possible, because this is the Black Death world after all. Most of the human forces in this world are excluded from the eternal world.

Some even came to the underworld because their ancestors were barbarians and later got the chance to get a title, but they were still not accepted by the mainstream, or they did not want to share with the original clan in the eternal world.

However, no matter what the reason is, it is unlikely that there will be a king in the town.

Otherwise, it's not that they moved, it's that they let others move.

After all, neither the environment nor the crisis of the underworld can be compared with the eternal world. Maybe no one wants to come.

"The Marquis level is probably not possible, but the Marquis level, the difference is so far, it should not be enough to make Marquis Lihu so scrupulous."

"Then it is very likely that this matter involves the existence of strong people at the level of duke or even King. It's a lot of pressure. "

Zhao Chengfeng was silent, but he couldn't help sighing.

Although I had been psychologically prepared for a long time, I still felt great pressure when I thought that it might involve the duke or even the king.

On the other hand, Wu he just sighed about the distance between the two regions. On the contrary, he didn't seem to have any idea about the crane tribe. He was a little strange in his heart, but he couldn't see his expression and didn't know what he thought.

He nodded reluctantly and said, "yes, it's far away."

"Well." Zhao Chengfeng finally put down the tea cup, but still hung his eyes, as if thinking about something. Then he frowned and asked, "why didn't they chase you? According to the truth, marquis Lihu should..."

When he said this, he suddenly stopped and looked up at the black crane with a smile.

When he looked at it, he saw that the black crane was sweating on his forehead, with the appearance of being completely seen through.

The old businessman, who has been working for many years, has a feeling of embarrassment.

He said in his heart: "sure enough, he knew everything, even those people, otherwise he would not say so..."

This is also his mood disorder at this time. If outsiders are present, it's easy to notice that Zhao Chengfeng's words are ambiguous. He says "they". There are too many of them. They can be crane people or anyone else, and they have no reference.

When it comes to Marquis Lihu, he only said half of it. He didn't say that Marquis Lihu should not dare to help you, or he should not be able to help you. He just said that he should

And then it stopped.

This is nothing more than the usual way of deceiving people, but people are the onlookers who see clearly and the fans who are in charge.

Just like Chinese fortune tellers or Western diviners, if you see through it, you will find it ridiculous, but once you fall into the wrong language, you will be astonished.

Great, brother word. He knows everything.

At this time, Wuhe had this feeling. He felt that he already knew everything. He was just looking at his honesty. He could not help looking at Songyuan and Linhe beside him. But he saw that they were also dignified. It seemed that they didn't leak it.

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