Wuhe looks at Zhao Chengfeng again.

Zhao Chengfeng leans lazily on the soft chair, clutching his chin with one hand. Seeing Wu he looking over, he smiles indifferently. A trace of disdain appears at the corner of his mouth, and his expression seems to be written with four words, "jicao, why are you surprised?"

The expression in Wuhe's eyes changed slightly, and finally gave up the plan of selective concealment.

First of all, he didn't know what he knew and how much he knew.

Second, there are two people, Lin He and Songyuan, who are determined to destroy the incident.

If he dare to hide something, these two people will not hesitate to expose him, rather than like that, he told the truth.

He suddenly realized that before Matsumoto and Lin he were so provocative, but Qianzhi didn't give up. Is there any reason to borrow these two people to put pressure on him.

Wuhe thinks it's possible.

But at this time, he didn't have time to study this kind of thing deeply, and it was useless to study it deeply. No matter whether Qianzhi was intentional or unintentional, the effect was the same.

When Wu he thought of this place, he felt relaxed. Sometimes it's easier to have no choice than to have one.

"My Lord, to tell you the truth, I, Miss Yunhe, young master Yuhe and most of the people in charge of the Wansheng tower are all survivors of the crane clan in xiaoqiuyu. Of course, in some people's words, it's called the remaining sin..."

Wuhe laughed at himself, then said slowly with a calm but complicated emotion: "our crane clan is a very old clan in the Black Death world, not my old Wuhe boasting. To some extent, the history of our crane clan is almost equal to the history of human beings in the Black Death world. It was once brilliant, just like this world, There has never been an eternal day and moon... "

Zhao Chengfeng listened quietly without interrupting him. But listen, or can't help yawning slightly, because the story is really quite old-fashioned.

It is nothing more than the ancient clan named after crane, which once flourished in full swing with flowers and brocade, but was slowly engulfed and eroded by the tide of time.

Then a little bit from the prosperous clan, slowly did not become a second rate, third rate, or even fourth rate clan.

However, with their innate business acumen, even though they can't be ranked in the whole black death world, in xiaoqiuyu, even when they are in the decline, they are still the overlord.

Moreover, time not only brought the decline of the crane clan, but also gave it the inside information and spiritual belief that other clans did not have.

So even in the most declining times, the crane people did not give up their pride and desire for rejuvenation.

For thousands of years, generations of the crane people have been working hard and planning for this hope.

In the end, they really found a way to revive. In fact, this is not new. Generally speaking, this kind of clan with ancient history will have one or two treasures left by its glory.

Usually, the decline of this clan is closely related to these treasures.

The same is true for the crane people. The reason why they were able to stand at the top of the world is that apart from a few outstanding heroes from their ancestors, it is also related to a thing called "crane jade of time".

Zhao Chengfeng, who had been forced to yawn, couldn't help gazing at this place, because this so-called "crane jade of time" of the crane clan is not only a semi divine weapon of alienation, but also involves the ability of time.

"Demigod level arms, the highest undead species in the world, isn't it the highest level or the imperial level? Is the demigod stage transformed by the Lord of extinction Zhao Chengfeng couldn't help questioning.

No way, whether it's demigod or time authority, he can't calm down because of the high pressure of both.

Demigod, time!

Which level of these two, Zhao Chengfeng, normally speaking, may not be able to touch in this world for a lifetime.

It's not that Zhao Chengfeng is not confident enough, it's too high-end.

Moreover, the world is not like the scientific and technological civilization of the earth, which belongs to the shared and cooperative civilization.

This kind of cultivation civilization is pure that the individual is king.

Inheritance and knowledge, ordinary is good, there are ways to get.

Not to mention the top core, it's the middle and high end. Not only do you want to learn, but you can't understand it even if you don't reach that level in front of you.

It's even possible to see one more look and collapse directly.

This is not true. This kind of sad story, which is directly crushed into ashes by the aftershocks or force field before meeting the top power or treasure, is just everyday in this kind of cultivation civilization.

Now there is a demigod baby that may be related to the law of time.

Zhao Chengfeng's first instinct is to leave quickly, which he can't help.

Demigod, time

Think about it with your toes. What kind of people can participate in this kind of treasure?

But then he frowned and touched his chin, feeling something was wrong.

He looked at the black crane suspiciously and said, "no, I don't know what level your crane people were at when they were brilliant. But at present, no matter you, your eldest lady, or the young master I haven't met, is there any one who surpasses the Viscount level?"

"At your level, it's not that I look down on you and get involved in this kind of thing. It's kind of you to leave a whole body. Can you still go to mangyu all the way from xiaoqiuyu and spend so many years in this black street city?"

Zhao Chengfeng said here, looking at Wuhe's eyes a little bad, "Wuhe is in charge of affairs, even if I read less, you don't take such a trick on me, do you?"

Wu he was sweating, but hearing what he said, Wu he realized that he had been cheated by Zhao Chengfeng. I'm afraid that this adult didn't know much about it as he thought.

However, at this time, he wanted to pull back, but he couldn't, so he had to take a road to the dark.

Immediately, he raised his hand to wipe his sweat and said with a bitter smile, "my Lord, do you want to hear me out?"

"When I say the demigod level, it refers to the crane jade of the time in a complete state. In fact, the crane jade of our family is just a fragment of the broken crane jade of the complete time. And we don't have that now

He said another self mocking wry smile, but with a complicated look.

Not only him, but also Lin He, the manager beside him, let out the flames of hatred. Teeth are also tightly biting, as if to tear what life.

Only the manager of Songyuan chuckled, full of sarcasm and disdain.

Zhao Chengfeng heard that it was just a fragment, and it was not in the hands of Wu he and others. He also said, "what? It's just a fragment after a long time, but it's not in your hands. In this case, why do those people still want to catch you?"

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