According to the truth, no matter it's a piece or something, since it has been robbed, then these people are worthless.

For the enemies of the crane tribe, they either kill them to avoid future trouble, or abandon them.

But the current situation is that the crane people are still alive and well, and even operate a commercial building aboveboard.

But it seems to be in a delicate situation.

That's interesting.

And Zhao Chengfeng observes the three people's expressions.

He could understand the change of Wuhe's look.

But the reaction of the other two was a little interesting.

At present, the Songyuan steward and the other female steward are obviously foreigners. They should be someone or a representative of a certain force. The purpose here is to monitor and even take care of the people of the crane clan.

This identity is almost semi public.

Lin He is also a member of the crane family, but his identity seems to be the same as that of Songyuan. He is a standard traitor and a traitor.

But the hatred in his eyes seems to be more intense than Wuhe.

"Is the man who took the jade from the crane of the time also a member of your crane family?" Zhao Chengfeng asked with a smile.

Hearing his question, Wu he was stunned, and nodded again with a bitter smile, "you're a god of anticipation."

"Hum, that man is also worthy of being a member of the crane clan. No, all members of your clan are not worthy of being called the crane clan, because it is you who have brought the crane clan to such a state!" Lin He, the steward of Lin He, suddenly snorted. Then he stood up and pointed to Wu he's nose. "Wu He, I'll tell you today that everyone in your family should die, including Yunhe and her brother, and you, Wu He, everyone in your family should die, because you killed the crane family, My brother, my father, my uncle... They were all killed by you. They were all killed by you... "

Lin He seemed very excited, and his language was even confused. He kept repeating a sentence. At first, he only said fierce words, but then he turned into a roar, feeling as if he was going to lose control.

Finally, he turned to gnash his teeth and stare at the black crane, "and now, you even want to toss, do you want to kill all the last people?"

But Wuhe, who was criticized by him, looked strangely calm at this time. Looking at Lin He's eyes, he even had a smile, with a slight disdain and pity smile.

Lin He was more and more angry when he looked at him like this, but for some reasons he didn't dare to kill him.

Somehow, he turned his eyes to Zhao Chengfeng and pointed out, "and you, you think I don't know. Your purpose here is not the same as those people. You just hope to use us to lure out that bastard and rob shiheyu, but I tell you, don't dream."

"Ha ha, you probably don't know that man cheated our whole clan in order to activate the damned shizhiheyu. He said that he had found a way to activate shizhiheyu with the blood of the crane clan, and that as long as shizhiheyu is activated again, the glory of our clan will reappear in the world... Ha ha ha..."

"... glory, reappearance in the world... Ha ha, what bullshit glory, what bullshit method, it's just a conspiracy of their family, it's a conspiracy!"

"Enough!" Wu he suddenly cried out with a complicated expression. Then he lowered his voice and said, "enough, Lin He. Some words have already been explained to you many times, whether I or the young lady. Most of us are not before that. Let alone me, even the young lady and the young master, when you think about their age, they can't participate in that kind of nuclear secret. "

"And now

"What's enough?" Wu he would like to continue to say, but Lin He once again roared to interrupt him, and then again toward Zhao Chengfeng said with a sad smile: "do you know what their method is?"

Zhao Chengfeng looks at Lin He, who is close to madness. He glances at Lin He, who has a calm but complicated expression beside him, and the manager of Songyuan, who always has a sneer. Then he smiles and shakes his head, "I don't know, you go on."

He didn't get angry because of Lin He's out of control as Wu he worried. On the contrary, the other party's out of control, whether it's true or intentional.

But what he said was further improved and supplemented what Wu he said, which made his understanding of this matter more complete.

Lin He seems to be very excited at this time. He doesn't care about Zhao Chengfeng's reaction and thought at all. He smiles, "I don't know, of course you don't know, because you can't imagine that bastard, that beast, his so-called way is to sacrifice, and the sacrifice is the life above all the viscount in our family!"

Rao is that Zhao Chengfeng and Liuli are psychologically prepared, so they can't help but take a breath of air-conditioning

Sacrificing the life of a strong people, and also a fellow, not to mention that it is just a fragment of the demigod armed, even if it is a complete demigod armed, it is a little crazy, right?

Next to the black crane at this time can not help but pour out the color of sorrow.

And Lin He was already in tears.

"So did that man succeed in the end?" Liuli, who had never spoken, suddenly asked, but what she asked was not Lin He, but Wu he.

"It's a success, isn't it?" Wu he replied with a bitter smile, then sighed softly, "if it doesn't succeed, it's ok..."

In fact, he did not answer, Zhao Chengfeng probably guessed.

The crane clan must have been targeted by others. The conspirator of the crane clan is planning to activate the so-called crane jade of the time at the expense of the strong one of his clan.

I'm afraid others are waiting for him to finish this masterpiece.

So Wu he's just saying that if he doesn't succeed, it's OK.

For those who did not succeed, at least those who were below the Viscount could survive, but success might be lucky for the schemer, but it was the beginning of a new tragedy for the other survivors of the crane clan.

In fact, Zhao Chengfeng is still curious. In that case, how can Wu he and others escape.

At this time, there was a slight but rapid knock at the door.

It was a half year old boy who knocked on the door. He was also a man in Wansheng building. The door was open, but he didn't dare to come in. Instead, he stood at the door.

"Wuhe is in charge. There are guests looking for you." Young some cramped, when speaking eyes subconsciously looked at Zhao Chengfeng, slightly nervous.

Seeing this, everyone understood everything in an instant.

If someone is looking for something, it must be the person who was sent by Wuhe to the city master's residence to find out whether Zhao Chengfeng said it was true or not.

Realizing this, the atmosphere in the room suddenly changed.


Wuhe's sad expression disappeared in an instant, and he gave a forced reply with a dry smile.

Fortunately, when he saw Zhao Chengfeng, he just said nothing and was relieved.

No excuses. Just toward Zhao Chengfeng apologized smile, then immediately went to the door, and then pushed the boy out of the door.

In my heart, I secretly blame this young man. Although this kind of thing can't be concealed from Zhao Chengfeng and others, it can be more ingenious, such as sending something up and taking it with me. Ah, this child

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