Zhao Chengfeng immediately realized that it was his own fault.

He forgot the difference in power between the two worlds.

In the ancient martial arts system of the earth world, it is not difficult to break through a wall with a stone, not to mention a virtual realm.

The so-called "picking leaves and flying flowers" can hurt people. It's a myth among ordinary martial arts practitioners, but the ancient martial arts practitioners who have become real Qi and even aura are children here.

With spiritual attachment, a leaf can become a sharp weapon.

But the power characteristic of this world is authority. Although it also has spiritual power, the practitioners of this world do not attach importance to it and are not good at using it.

It's the array and the refining weapon. Refining medicine is more useful for spiritual power.

The combat is basically based on spiritual power and authority.

If Zhao Chengfeng uses a certain authority, talent, skill or ability to break through an arrow stack, they may not be too surprised. For example, the blue and white count can do it easily.

But if the Earl of blue and white lost a pearl of longevity, the result would be broken one after another.

After all, fast speed can bring impact, but it can't change the material characteristics of Shouzhu.

However, Zhao Chengfeng's skill completely exceeded their judgment and overturned their cognition, which made it impossible for them to judge Zhao Chengfeng's strength, but it must be very powerful.

In their impression, this is by no means what an ordinary count or even a marquis can do.

To what extent can this person not be a grand duke?

Whether it's the black street city or the May 9 City, there's no room for a grand duke.

They also speculate that this may be a special ability brought by Zhao Chengfeng's authority. Although they have not heard of such a characteristic of that authority so far, it is not surprising that there are so many kinds of authority.

But even so, it's not easy to do that.

"What to do?" The three looked at each other.

The manager of Songyuan pondered for a while, and suddenly made up his mind to say: "Wuchen Qianzhi, young master, we are not going to make mistakes now. Your strength really shocked us, but I might as well say clearly that the adults behind us are not ordinary people. No matter how strong you are, you can't make enemies with the adults behind us?"

"And... The adults behind us are not alone. Each of them will represent one side of the power. Do you know what the consequences will be if they provoke public anger?"

"Have you finished?" Zhao Chengfeng looked at the three people with a smile. After waiting for a long time, he saw that they didn't speak any more. Then he said with a cold smile, "now that you're finished, go away!"

"You can't control this matter whether I interfere or not. I'd advise you not to try to control it

Zhao Chengfeng changed his ambiguous attitude and suddenly became extremely powerful and overbearing.

Looking coldly at the three people, "I'm in a good mood today for your rudeness before, so I don't look into the face of the people behind you. But from now on, you'd better learn to respect the people who are stronger than you, otherwise..."

Zhao Chengfeng Sen Han's eyes swept three people, instead of his words behind.

Three people can't help but get a tight heart, the heart is always unwilling, but dare not speak again.

"As for the people behind you, you can report to them. I'm not embarrassed, but you can't scare me just by bluffing."

Zhao Chengfeng sneered. To this extent, he dared to speak out in front of me. Not everyone in the world knows how to cherish life.

Today is also me, for any two people, these three people have already become corpses. Even if he was Zhao Chengfeng when he was in the world of the earth, he would have done it already.

Zhao Chengfeng said and waved, "go away!"

Among the three, Lin He opened his mouth and wanted to talk, but he was held by Matsumoto.

The latter looked up at Zhao Chengfeng seriously and nodded, "well, if you like, I will bring it."

Then he took another look at the black crane. He didn't say much. He pulled some of the cranes and went out. He was afraid to stay here again. He said something inappropriate on impulse.

He doesn't care about Lin He's life or death. He's afraid that this boy's impulse will implicate him. He can feel it. No matter what they dare to say, Zhao Chengfeng will really kill people.

Yuanya was the most ambitious of the three, but after she went out, she seemed to be more afraid of Zhao Chengfeng than the other two, and she almost bowed her head most of the time after she came back.

At this time, seeing that Songyuan and Linhe are going out, she quickly steps to keep up with them. She doesn't even want to give Songyuan a look warning or something?

Seeing this, Zhao Chengfeng could not help feeling his nose, "am I so scary? It seems that he has always been very kind?"

Liuli also some don't understand, Zhao Chengfeng powerful, she knows, before the show that hand can really calm people, but it's not so exaggerated.

That should be regarded as the normal operation of adults?

See two people doubt, next to black crane timely send a flattery, "adult, you this is not angry from power, your majesty even if not specially show, also is ordinary people hard to reach."

At this time, compared with Lin He and others, he was very happy.

Now that we are saved, not only the crisis of the young lady and the young master has taken a turn for the better, but our crane family may also find a thigh that we can really rely on.

However, there is still a question, that is, what kind of price should we pay, or how can we get this adult to do it?

He is racking his brains to figure out how to persuade Zhao Chengfeng.

But Zhao Chengfeng glanced at him, and then unexpectedly said, "are you ready?"

"Ah, ready?" Black crane a Leng, some didn't respond to come over, "prepare what?"

"Nonsense, of course, to save your eldest lady. Are you going to have dinner?" Zhao Chengfeng rolled a white eye, then jokingly asked: "why, don't you worry?"

Wu he was surprised and happy, but he couldn't believe his ears. "This adult, you are so easy to talk. You can't even talk about the price?"

Then he responded, "quickly nodded, worried, worried. The first lady has been trapped for two days. How can she not worry? And they're all ready to go at any time! "


Is it really good that this adult doesn't even talk about the price before he makes a move? What's he up to?

But then he said with a wry smile, "at this time, what else do I want to do with these, the cost, ha ha... My crane family, now the eldest lady and the young master are the last hope. If the eldest lady and the young master are not here, what cost can I compare with them?"

What's more, the only thing that the crane clan can win is Wansheng commercial building. I'm afraid he won't like it?

Thinking about this, Wuhe didn't hesitate any more. He bent over to Zhao Chengfeng and said, "my Lord, wait a moment!"

Then the wind rushed down the stairs, people on the stairs to the hall of a few trusted people cheered: "everyone immediately ready to gather, three minutes later, to save the young lady and jade master!"

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