Those trusted clansmen were stunned at first, and then reacted. They were all surprised and excited. They left their work and ran to the backyard. When they came back a moment later, they were all armed.

Some of the guests and other clerks were surprised and didn't know what happened, but some of them changed their looks.

Some of them were even more livid, including Lin He, who was still in the shop.

The three exchanged their eyes, and then came to the dark place together. Lin He said in a low voice: "I think we can't wait, we should..."

Lin He's hand quietly made a cut action, and his eyes were full of murderous spirit.

Yuan Ya was startled. She stared at Lin He in the same low voice, but roared: "are you crazy? Are we his opponents? I don't want you to die. "

Said also subconsciously glanced at the outside, see no one heard, this just a little relieved.

Songyuan is not as nervous as she is, but also a frown.

Lin He quickly explained, "of course, I'm not talking about Wuchen Qianzhi. I'm talking about Yunhe, that bitch and little hybrid Yuhe..."

As he said this, he also glanced at Wuhe and others who were ready to go outside. "They're going to save people. Why don't we take the lead, hehe..."

Songyuan smell speech subconsciously looked at Lin He one eye, face change uncertain. Yuanya almost instinctively wants to veto it. Since she came back to inquire about the news, she has an inexplicable fear of Zhao Chengfeng.

Moreover, she is different from Lin He. Although she and Songyuan were servants of the crane family at the beginning, they have no deep hatred with the crane family, or Yunhe and others. They betray the crane family just for the benefit.

"Songyuan is in charge, Yuanya is in charge, you don't want me just for your own revenge, I'm for all of us to consider, you think about those adults, if you really let them safely save the two evils, those adults' plan..." Lin he saw that they hesitated, secretly scolded them, but slowed down and said with a smile.

When they heard that Yan's face changed again, Yuanya immediately said, "those adults are just..."

Lin he didn't wait for her to finish. He shook his head and interrupted her with a smile. Then he waved to them and motioned them to get closer.

Songyuan didn't know what he was going to say, so he moved forward two steps. Yuanya didn't like it, so she had to do it.

The three of them gathered together. Then Lin He's voice was lower. His lips moved, but there was no sound.

Songyuan and Yuanya face suddenly changed, "is it true?"

With a sneer, Lin He nodded slightly.

Yuanya's face was very ugly. "Isn't that more dangerous..."

But before she finished speaking, Matsumoto said firmly: "let's do it like this?"

Yuanya looked at Matsumoto in surprise, and the latter gave a wry smile, "do we have a choice?"

Yuanya opened her mouth, then sighed and lowered her head.

"If we want to do it, we should be quick. Our people in the commercial building will not move. They will scare the snake. It's just the three of us, and then we will gather the people outside. We must start immediately..." Songyuan is a decisive person. He doesn't hesitate when he makes a decision.

After that, a confidant from the commercial building gave orders in a low voice. Then he waved his chin to Yuanya and Lin He, and quickly went to the side door beside him. Lin He's face was full of excited smile, and quickly followed.

Yuanya was reluctant, but both of them had already moved and could only keep up with each other.

At this time, the store's attention is on Wu he and others. No one notices that the three people are leaving. It's not until the people who have Wu he find that they are missing that they come to report to Wu he.

On hearing this, Wu he's face changed and he immediately turned back to the commercial building.

Upstairs, Zhao Chengfeng looks at Wu He, Lin He, Songyuan and others coming downstairs one after another. His eyes are slightly narrowed. He feels a little uneasy in his heart. He seems to have missed something. He can't help looking back at Liuli. However, he sees her eyebrows are slightly wrinkled and she seems to be thinking about something.

Heart move, with Chinese language asked: "glass, you help me analyze, I am not where there are any mistakes?"

He then repeated his analysis.

"My Lord, I didn't expect that when you were dealing with Wuhe and others, you even analyzed the whole situation and even the people behind you so thoroughly?" Liuli looked at Zhao Cheng in surprise and said, "thank you. I'm worried about you. You wonder why you decided to do it so soon. You should want to make a time difference and not give the people behind the scenes a chance to react?"

"Well, I said so much to ask you to help me analyze whether I missed anything. I didn't want you to flatter me." Zhao Chengfeng glared at her and said in secret: "how can you become the same as the kids and monks? You are such a dog. But this flattery level is a little better than those guys. It sounds comfortable. "

When he thought of the blood monk, the IMP and others, Zhao Chengfeng could not help but smile. But he immediately responded, coughed, frowned and said: "I didn't feel it before, but when Wu he and others came downstairs, I suddenly felt a little uneasy."

"I don't have any flattery." Liuli originally had a cool and pretty face, a little red, some depressed in my heart, but I was just a little surprised, even said I flattered.

However, when I think about it, I find that I have changed a little. When I followed his royal highness nishang in the past, I was shocked by the other party's performance sometimes, but I would never say it. On the contrary, I kept more vigilant.

Why? Why do I always unconsciously relax my vigilance when I face adults?

A slight frown.

However, she soon put these thoughts down and began to seriously analyze Zhao Chengfeng's words.

After thinking for a moment, he said: "in fact, your analysis is very comprehensive. If there is anything missing..."

Liuli bit his lip and said, "there is only one."


"Yunhe and her younger brother Yuhe, or a Wuhe in charge. I think you may have overlooked them. " Liuli then looked up at Zhao Chengfeng.

"Yunhe, her brother Yuhe and Wuhe are in charge of the affairs..." Zhao Chengfeng is slightly stunned when hearing the speech, and subconsciously raises his hand and touches his chin.

"Yes, my Lord, I think there are at least three doubts about their actions." Liuli nodded, then pulled up a finger and said: "first, sir, what role are these three people playing in this matter? If they are bait, how can they play the role of bait and let those behind the scenes be sure that the head of the crane clan will come to them?"

"Family? Ha ha, a person who is so vicious and resolute will really care about family affection? " "I don't think it's possible," Liuli said with a snee

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