Zhao Chengfeng touched his chin. He also considered this issue. But they didn't find the answer, "maybe those people are dead horse doctors..."

"It's possible, but if so, my Lord, don't you think those people seem to be too cautious and pay too much attention?"

Zhao Chengfeng nodded and did not speak.

Liuli pulled up another finger and said, "second, why isn't miss Yunhe early or late, but at this time, she is so urgent to let her brother go to gather power?"

"Yes, it's a bit unreasonable." Zhao Chengfeng nods slightly again. He didn't think about it before. At this time, Liuli mentions that he also feels that Yunhe's action is really against the rules.

In principle, if Yun he really wants his younger brother to grow up, he should not wait until this time. According to his information, her younger brother, Yu He, is actually 18 or 19 years old, and has already met the requirements for ranking several years ago.

But their sister and brother have never made any movement, which shows that Miss Yunhe is a very patient person, and should not be so rash.

After that, everything seemed to be designed according to the script. As expected, they were in danger and trapped in dangerous places.

At first, Zhao Chengfeng thought it was because of his appearance and refusal that Yunhe lost patience, but after careful analysis, he felt that it was not so simple.

So... Is it

Zhao Chengfeng's mind suddenly seems to have passed a flash of lightning.

If this is the case, then miss Yunhe is too cruel. It's just a gamble on the lives of her sister and brother. Is it a plan to put her to death?

"There's a third doubt..." Liuli pulls up the third finger and is about to speak. Suddenly, someone steps up the stairs quickly. They both stop talking.

Then the door was pushed open, and Wu he came in breathlessly, "big, big, Lin He are gone. I'm afraid they're going to go before us, and it's not good for them! My Lord, can we start at once? "

Zhao Chengfeng and Liuli looked at each other and exchanged their eyes. Then Zhao Chengfeng nodded and said, "OK, let's go."

Then he walked out.

Wu he was very happy and quickly turned to his side, "please, my Lord!"

Then he cheered to the downstairs: "get ready for the strong wind horse, and set out at once!"

When they came to the commercial building, more than a dozen tall horses were already ready at the door.

Zhao Chengfeng was slightly surprised to see the image of the horse. Besides being nearly twice as tall as the ordinary horse on the earth, the horse had crustaceans all over its body.

"Is this horse a kind of moth?" Zhao Chengfeng asked. I can't help overestimating Wansheng building.

"Yes, my Lord, this galloping horse is indeed a kind of moth, but it's not pure. It's a mixture of the blood of a different animal named galloping beast and the moth. When our family was in Xiaoqiu, this galloping horse was one of the unique commodities of our crane family. Unfortunately, there are only a dozen left in Wansheng tower, And I'm afraid I can't train my ability any more. "

Wu he sighed a little.

Then he said to Zhao Chengfeng and Liuli: "Qianzhi, Miss Liuli, please mount."

"Well." Zhao Chengfeng didn't say much. He turned over and got on the horse. Liuli also turned over his saddle to recognize his stirrups. He got on a small swift horse. Suddenly he thought of something and said to Wuhe, "Oh, by the way, Wuhe is in charge. You should also know our companions. Please send someone to tell them about this, saying that I will come back later as soon as I go with you, Let them wait for us at the inn. "

"Good." This kind of small matter, Wuhe in charge of nature will not disobey, promised, quickly called a man, according to Liuli's words ordered.

Then, with a wave of his hand, he and a group of people from Wansheng building set out with him quickly.

Then he handed a map to Zhao Chengfeng, pointed to one of the points and said, "my Lord, this is the location of the first lady. It's urgent. I'll tell you the specific situation slowly on my way."

Zhao Chengfeng took a look at it. Although he was a little surprised by the vastness and delicacy of the map, he included all the surrounding cities and the area of thousands of miles, and clearly marked them.

From mountains and lakes, a city and a pool, to a path and a stream, there are labels.

This kind of map is nothing in the earth world. Satellite maps have been used for a long time, but it is not common in this world.

So he nodded and said, "let's go!"

He handed the map to Liuli.

Liuli then took a look, and then quietly folded, income arms.

In this regard, the black crane just did not see.

Hearing Zhao Chengfeng's words, he immediately told one of the followers, "you take a team of people and lead the way ahead."

"Yes The man immediately waved to several people in the team, then shook the reins and jumped to the front of the team.

The others followed.

A series of actions made Zhao Chengfeng feel the flavor of an army. Although he was not as uniform as the modern soldiers on earth, he was obviously well-trained.

Zhao Chengfeng and Liuli couldn't help looking tiny again.

More and more I feel that the once crane people can't be underestimated. Even if they are like this now, they still have such qualities. It can be seen that at the beginning, even when they were in decline, they were not simple.

It can be inferred from this that the forces that are covetous of the crane clan are also not common.

However, they didn't say anything and followed Wuhe to the rear of the team.

Although the party galloped out of the city, it was not so grand, but now the situation is chaotic, most people come back to the city from the outside, but they left the city at this time, which has aroused many people's ideas.

Moreover, Wu he and others are celebrities in the Black Street City, and almost no one does not know that they are people from Wansheng tower.

"The people of Wansheng building went out of the city at this time. Did they find any treasure?"

"Hey, hey, you don't know. They went out of the city at this time, but they didn't find any treasure. When did you see wanshenglou people go to grab the treasure in person?"

"Do you know?"

"Of course, haven't you heard that the eldest lady of Wansheng building seems to be trapped in Yunheng mountain with her baby brother. I'm afraid they went out of the city to save their eldest lady and young master."

"How could it be?"

"It's true."

"But I wonder who the couple are. They don't seem to be from Wansheng building, do they?"

"Hey, I know that. Those two people are not simple. That young man is either someone else or the young master of Wuchen family, Wuchen Qianzhi, who is in the spotlight in our black street city recently. That woman should be the one who was rescued from the slavery by him at the beginning. I didn't know that before, but today I see that she is really a beautiful woman. "

"It's them. No wonder they dare to wade through the muddy water of Wansheng building. Outsiders are outsiders. They don't know the depth."

"Keep your voice down. No matter how deep people are, it's not your turn to talk about it."

All the way out of the city, the two sides of the pedestrian talk, Wuhe face is not good-looking, peep at Zhao Chengfeng, see his look indifferent, seems not to care, this just a little peace of mind.

Soon the party had arrived outside the city, identified the direction, and then urged the horse to go straight to the Yunheng mountains.

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