"Boom ~!"

As soon as they arrived outside the city, the earth began to shake, and the movement still came from the direction of the withered stone forest.

"What a terrible fight!"

All the people could not help but look at each other in horror, and the wind horse in the crotch also hissed.

It seems that I feel more real and terrible outside the city than in the city.

"Well, you young lady are really good at choosing places!" Zhao Chengfeng is also a frown, and let glass out of the map to see, face some ugly.

"Ha ha, my Lord, how should we go now? I think if we just pass by from the outside, we should..." Wu he's face is also not good, and he tries out with a bitter smile.

Hengyun mountain range is in the same direction as the withered stone forest. According to the normal way of walking, it just passes by the withered stone forest. There is even a section of road to pass through the periphery of the withered stone forest.

But Wuhe was a little lucky.

Zhao Chengfeng shook his head, "don't mention the periphery. Even if it's close to ten li, I won't get close to it. If you don't, you'll go around, or you'll pull in. You'll find someone else, and I'll go back to sleep. "

"This..." Wu he didn't expect that Zhao Chengfeng was so determined, and he was in a dilemma

"Boom ~!"

At the foot of the earth, there was a more violent tremor, and the galloping horse was whistling. Several Knights almost didn't turn over. A group of people quickly reined in the reins, and then the galloping horse was pacified.

Zhao Chengfeng looks at Wu he with a smile. The latter looks ugly.

However, he didn't say any more. He yelled to the riders who were driving ahead: "get around the dry stone forest and go through the Golden Snake Valley..."

"Yes Hearing his order, the rest of the people were relieved. Then they turned their horses and headed south.

Although they are worried about the young lady and the little master jade crane, the battle in the dry stone forest ahead is too dangerous.

To them, the movement is like a group of gods fighting there. Once they get close, they will turn into powder.

But people unconsciously speed up the horse.

Because Hengyun mountain range and Kuishi forest are in the East, we have to go south first by way of Golden Snake valley.

In this way, they would have to go at least a hundred miles closer, and the Golden Snake Valley Road was not easy.

Even if it is the speed of the swift wind horse, such a detour will take a lot of time.

Zhao Chengfeng didn't care much. Although the horse was tall and looked like it had a hard shell, he found that its shell was not so hard and even elastic.

And although the horse is very fast, it is very light and steady. It even feels like flying when riding on a horse.

"It's really a good horse. If only this kind of horse could be brought to the earth. Now the law of the earth's world is gradually changing. In the future, it's very likely that scientific and technological means of transportation will withdraw from the stage of history forever. Even if they don't, there will be many restrictions. It's inevitable to return to the era of animal transportation." Zhao Chengfeng's mind is free.

Next to him, Wuhe secretly observes him, but still tells him and Liuli about the Hengyun mountains and the news that Yunhe and others have passed back after they are trapped.

Not long after they left, not far from where they had stopped, a bulge suddenly appeared in a shadow. A moment later, it turned into a half exposed head. It was as if the shadow was a water surface, someone had half of his head exposed under the water, and it was as if half of his head had grown out of the ground. It was very strange.

But the head only exposed to the part of the eyes, the eyes below is still in the shadow, eyes coldly staring at the direction of Zhao Chengfeng and others to leave.

After a while, it slowly sank into the shadow and disappeared.

About ten minutes later, the maid in black came out of the shadow in a hall of the Lord's mansion.

Meilian's wife seemed to have a feeling. As soon as she looked back, she saw her. Liu Mei picked her up and asked, "how about it?"

"As my wife expected, they went out of the city together with wanshenglou people. Their target should be Hengyun mountain range, but it seems that their direction is to go through the Golden Snake valley." Kaya, the maid in black, replied without expression.

"If so, it seems that the boy is aiming at Wansheng building. I said how he suddenly came to the city Lord's mansion. It was his intention to find out the words of the marquis." Meilian's eyebrow picked again and said with a sneer, "ha ha, how bold!"

The maid in black didn't speak. She was also slightly surprised at the courage of Wuchen Qianzhi. Although she didn't know much about it, she vaguely knew that the Wansheng building was deeply involved. It seemed that even Marquis Lihu was afraid to intervene too deeply.

However, she did not dare to comment on this kind of thing. She immediately asked, "madam, do you want me to continue to follow them, or..."

Mrs. Meilian did not answer her, but suddenly asked, "is the Marquis back?"

"Not yet." The maid in black shook her head slightly.

Madame Meilian was about to speak when she heard a noise coming from outside.

"What's the matter?" Being interrupted, Mrs. Meilian couldn't help frowning. She turned her head and was about to tell the maid in black to see what happened.

But suddenly there was a hasty and flustered knock on the door.

"What's the matter?" The eyebrow lotus madam doesn't like of cold voice opening.

A woman's flustered voice rang out of the door. "Husband, Madame, the Marquis is is back."

"The Marquis is back?" Madame Meilian was slightly stunned. She didn't expect that the Marquis would come back just after she asked him. But why are these servants so flustered when the Marquis returns to the mansion?

Mrs. Meilian felt a little bad, and immediately came to the door. The maid in black behind her quickly opened the door for her.

Then they both saw the maid standing at the door, pale.

"What's the matter?" Kaya asked instead of Mrs. Meilian.

There was confusion in the maid's eyes. Nono didn't dare to speak.

"Say it Mrs. Meilian frowned and said in a cold voice.

Just at this time, a small figure in shining armor, like a monkey, stumbled in. As soon as he met him, he called, "cousin, it's not good, it's not good, cousin, no, Lord of the city, he seems to have been hurt..."


Hearing this, Mrs. Meilian and the maid in black were all pale with fright.

"Where are you and how are you hurt?" Mrs. Meilian then asked.

"Well, the Lord of the city went to the basement as soon as he entered the mansion. I don't know how he was hurt, but the Lord's face was frightening white, and he had blood on his body. He..." said rognono.

Meilian didn't wait for him to finish. She swept away the sleeve of her robe, swung away from him and the previous maid, and went out.

Although Madame Meilian is very strong, with the help of marquis Lihu for so many years, she also has the rank of viscount. After her swing, Rogge and the maid all tumbled to one side like a gourd.

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