This is the first time that they really see Zhao Chengfeng's accident. Although they have guessed the strength of this adult before, they are still shocked by his hand.

"Be careful ~!" When Wu he and others were stunned, they suddenly heard someone drinking in their ears.

Then I woke up. When I opened my eyes and saw it, I couldn't help but let out a cry of surprise. I dodged quickly, but it was still slow. The huge black shadow, which was split in two, poured down with a torrent of green blood.

"Oh, no... my God... Ah ~!"

Although they were fast and slow, they were not hit by the body of shadow, but they were still drenched with thick, disgusting green blood.

The smell almost didn't make people vomit.

But before they cried out their disgust, it felt like a meteorite fell in front of them and crashed directly into the dead leaf layer on the ground.

People instinctively bowed their heads, first took a breath of air conditioning, and then couldn't help swallowing a mouthful of saliva.

You can't see clearly in the air, you can only see a huge shadow.

This is close, only by the light of fluorite can we see the true face of the shadow.

The crowd breathed again.

"What a big thing! It's terrible!"

A crane man's Adam's apple rolled.

Other people subconsciously nodded, really big, good terror!

Although most of the corpses were trapped in the dead leaf layer, the exposed part was still half human height, covered with ferocious crustaceans, swarthy, and looked like a giant version of a weevil.

It's bigger than a galloping horse, and its mouth is like a ferocious black spear.

"What's this, the moth? Although I don't know the rank, it's very powerful. The adult cut it off at random!"

Some people subconsciously whisper, others also instinctively look up to the depth of the tree crown.

Wu he's face is changing. He also feels that Zhao Chengfeng's strength is really powerful. Although he had guessed before, he was shocked by what he saw with his own eyes.

Then he came back to his senses and quickly looked at the clear colored glaze which had already flashed far away. Although some of them didn't remind the other party earlier, he still didn't say a word of thanks: "thank you for reminding Miss colored glaze, otherwise it would be hard to be hit!"

Liuli didn't care, just nodded slightly, but his eyes always looked at the depth of the tree crown.

Seeing this, Wu he also looked up to the depth of the tree crown, although he could see nothing.

Not for a moment, I saw the crown branches and leaves move, and then a figure flashed from it, it was Zhao Chengfeng.

Once again, Zhao Chengfeng had already landed. He gave the map back to Liuli and said, "I have a look. The direction should be right. Let's go."

He said, "go." but he caught a glimpse of the dead moth on the ground and frowned, "why didn't you peel off the shell? It's all money!"

"Ah ~ Wu he and others were stunned. They didn't expect that the first sentence should be this, and they couldn't react.

Glass is also a Leng, in the heart of doubt, "we should not now find a way to disrupt their plans? I don't care about borers and crustaceans. "

However, seeing that Zhao Chengfeng had already started to work, she had to draw out her sword and go to help.

Wu he and others see this, the corners of the mouth can not help twitching, Heart Belly Fei, "these two people are to drop money eyes?"

But I didn't dare to say more. I helped him with all my hands.

However, this practice shows that the specialty is coming. If you don't do it, you can do it more skillfully than Zhao Chengfeng and Liuli.

Not only very fast, but also very clever to protect the beetle from damage.

A group of people quickly peeled off a huge moth beetle perfectly.

Zhao Chengfeng can not help but praise, "fierce, worthy of being professional, by the way, Wuhe is in charge, how much is it worth to sell you Wansheng building?"

"Ah?" Wu He, who was wiping his hands, didn't respond to the words, "that adult, you don't want to sell it to me now, do you? But I don't have any dimensional things, and there's no place to put them! "

"Well, let's go back." Zhao Chengfeng originally wanted to say that you can pay the money first and I will keep the things for you. But in the end, he also realized that it seemed a bit too much to say so. He said in his heart: "ah, they are all infected by Youya."


Youya left the city master's house through the back door and went straight to the refining workshop. But this time, she didn't go in. She just waited near the refining workshop and wanted to wait for Zhao Chengfeng to come back.

But after waiting for a long time, I didn't wait for Zhao Chengfeng.

She also thought that Zhao Chengfeng didn't plan to come back here after a conflict with the city Lord's mansion.

I couldn't help but feel chagrined and said to myself, "really, I knew I'd go around the front door and join uncle. What should I do now? I hope I can find uncle and find a way to help Elsa?"

Then I thought, uncle, since they don't live here, they are likely to stay in hotels. Anyway, there are only a few hotels in black street city. I can't find them one by one.

She did it when she thought of it. Soon she found link and others.

"What, uncle went to Hengyun mountain range. How can he do that?" You ya was so angry that he stamped his foot. "This uncle is really unreliable. He went to find another woman when I was away."

Next to him, Baron link and Leah couldn't help taking a puff. They said in secret, "miss Youya, don't you notice that your sentence is ambiguous?"

But Youya didn't feel anything about it. She glanced at the others and asked, "Why are there only two of you, the others?"

Knowing that other people had already taken Shouzhu and left, the little girl was not happy immediately. She muttered angrily, "a group of bastards who don't talk about loyalty and forget righteousness for profit. By the way, what about the rest of Shouzhu?"

Baron link and Leah were speechless. "That's what you care about, isn't it?"

But these words two people also can abdominal Fei once, certainly can't say directly.

Baron link coughed softly, changed the subject and asked, "miss uya, what are you going to do now? Otherwise, you will live here first, and then wait for the adults to come back. "

Leisurely elegant be diverged topic, this just temporarily forgot the affair of life bead, biting lip, some hesitant.

Then he shook his head. "It's no use waiting here. Elsa's rite of passage is in these two days. What should I do if I wait for my uncle to come back?"

Suddenly the eye bead son turns, expose two small tiger teeth way: "otherwise, simply go to Hengyun mountain range to look for uncle to calculate."

"No, no, it's absolutely not. Miss Youya, Hengyun mountains stretch for thousands of miles, there are lots of forests. You don't know where Qianzhi's destination is. Where can you find it?" Baron link and Leah's face changed when they heard this, and they stopped them.

"Come on, I'm just talking. I'm not stupid!" Youya also knows that it's not reliable to go to Hengyun mountain range, but she can't figure out what to do for a moment.

Can we just wait here.

Just said, but couldn't help sneezing loudly.

"Can't help gritting his teeth:" Damn, it must be the stingy uncle who is speaking ill of me

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