
The trunk of an ancient tree surrounded by two people exploded, the withered leaves and sawdust flew around like arrows, and the ancient tree with a height of 100 meters also fell down.

Meanwhile, as like as two peas of thunder, the giant weevil worm broke out from the sawdust and dead leaves of the flying missile, which was exactly the same as the one that had been killed by Zhao Chengfeng's sword. But the head of this head almost doubled, and the black shell of the body was more ferocious and strong, running like a rambling armored vehicle.

Not only is the momentum amazing, but also the strength is not built. Otherwise, the trunk of such a thick ancient tree could not be smashed by it. Moreover, after smashing the huge tree, the speed did not decrease at all.

A member of the crane tribe was the first to bear the brunt of the attack. Before he could even scream, he was hit by the huge and terrible elephant trunk.

In fact, the strength of this people has Baron level, but the trunk of this giant weevil is just like a small siege pestle.

The Baron of the crane clan was smashed like the trunk of the ancient tree.

The next second, a sword light arrived late, and the giant elephant trunk moth was killed with a sword.

"DIHE ~!" Wuhe and other people of the crane clan could not help cracking their eyes when they saw this scene, but they could do nothing but roar, and even did not dare to pick up the corpses of their companions.

Because at this time, what they are facing is not only this giant moth, but also all kinds of sharp, high pitched, roaring and grumbling.

A giant weevil, big and small, was pounding like a tide from all directions.

They fought hard, and Zhao Chengfeng put out the fire everywhere, so they could withstand the fierce attack of these monsters.

The ancient trees around were also damaged, and the slightly thinner ones were almost broken, leaving a piece of debris.

In the distance, there are a pair of bloodthirsty eyes hidden in the dark, and I don't know how many terrible monsters are waiting around.

"My Lord, why are there so many monsters? They seem to be following us. What's the matter?" Black crane's face was pale and ugly.

Zhao Chengfeng ignored him. With a wave of his hand, a dagger flew out like lightning and stabbed into a giant elephant trunk moth that was rushing to the glaze.

In the heart secretly way: "this question you ask me, I specially want to ask you?"

But that said, the situation is a bit abnormal.

At this time, another giant elephant trunk borer fell from the crown of the tree overhead like a meteorite.


Zhao Chengfeng hummed coldly in his heart, and there was no pause in his hand. The sword and dagger were close and far away, and he killed him again.

This giant weevil like moth looks crazy, but in fact it is extremely cunning. It likes to hide in the tree crown and attack suddenly.

Because its body color is black, hiding in the dense canopy, it is impossible to prevent.

If it wasn't for Zhao Chengfeng's powerful divine sense, Wu hei and others would have died long ago, but even so, there were still several people of the crane tribe who lost their lives, just like the one before.

After all, there are too many moths. Although he seems to be very relaxed, in fact, these moths are not weak. They are not only powerful, but also fast and defensive.

He can easily kill because of the power of the law of the wind. In general, even the count's perfect strong, I'm afraid it's hard for him to be so relaxed.

Fortunately, with the constant realization in the past two days, he is more proficient in integrating the power of the law of the wind into the use of general sword moves. Otherwise, it is not as difficult as it is now, but very difficult.

However, this is only temporary. If he can't get rid of the siege of these moths as soon as possible, he is afraid that he will not be able to hold on for a long time. Even though his spiritual power is huge, his energy is limited, and more importantly, his sword can't hold on.

As soon as he thought of this in his mind, a moth suddenly jumped up, but the target was not him or anyone, but a dagger just shot through a moth and pulled back by the spirit power.

"Ah, not good ~!" Zhao Chengfeng eyebrows a pick, hastily urge Lingli, want to speed up the dagger back, but still a step late.

The dagger was still thrown to the ground by the weevil like moth. Then, the moth raised the elephant trunk like mouthpiece and smashed it on the dagger body.

With a slight click, the dagger broke into pieces like porcelain.

Zhao Chengfeng's sword flashed. With one sword, he cut the moth into two parts. He glanced at the dagger, but it was irremediable. He sighed.

Although it's only a baron weapon, it's a sharp weapon in his hand to deal with this kind of group attack. It's very easy to use for so long, but now it's destroyed.

What's more, without this dagger, it would be very disadvantageous.

He doesn't care about himself. He can't do it if these moths want to threaten him, but he can't support others any more.

Without his support, Wuhe and others could not cope with so many moths.

Zhao Chengfeng couldn't help frowning.

All of a sudden, he remembered that when he had climbed to the top of the forest sea to look into the distance, he had seen a mountain made up of rocks in this direction, covering an area of several kilometers, with no trees except some thorns.

Moreover, the mountain is extremely steep, which should be able to form a certain limit for the arthropod borers. Moreover, there is no such tall ancient wood in that place, and there is no canopy to block the sky, so these borers will lose the ability to hide and attack.

In that environment, even Wuhe and others can protect themselves.

With this in mind, he immediately told Wuhe and Liuli what he thought. Liuli naturally had no problem.

When Wu he heard Zhao Chengfeng's description, he seemed to think of something, but he frowned and couldn't remember what it was.

When he hesitated, he suddenly heard a faint rustling sound in the distance, just like the sound of the wind blowing on the treetops. But just for a moment, the rustling sound became louder and louder, as if the waves were rolling.

Hearing this voice, Zhao Chengfeng and Wu he's face changed.

Zhao Chengfeng didn't wait for Wuhe to answer, so he ordered directly: "withdraw in that direction, I'll cut off the rear!"

After that, it doesn't wait for Wuhe to say anything.

The sword in my hand starts suddenly!

"Lethal sword move, the wind blows on my face ~!"

Then the sword in his hand disappeared in the eyes of Wuhe and others. Without waiting for people to react, he felt that countless small breeze turned into a torrent. The trunks of towering ancient trees quickly weathered in the torrent at the speed visible to the naked eye, and large groups of moths in the same direction did not escape the fate of being torn up

In a flash, everyone suddenly felt that the crown of the tree that covered the sky had disappeared. When they looked at it, they found that there was a broad road of 100 meters in front of them.

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