For the first time, Wu he and others were stunned when they saw Zhao Chengfeng's "Qingfeng brushing his face" in his lethal sword move. However, hundreds of borers were killed by Zhao Chengfeng's "Qingfeng brushing his face" all at once, and the offensive also stagnated.

"What are you looking at? Let's go!" Liuli is the most sober. Seeing that Zhao Chengfeng uses this move to kill off the borer temporarily, he opens the way for everyone. However, Wuhe and others are still in a daze. They can't help frowning and drinking.

Wu he and others came back to their senses. They were shocked. They didn't have time to think and say more. They drank: "go!"

All of them retreated rapidly in the direction of Zhao Chengfeng.

At the same time, the sound of the rolling waves was closer, and the roar was like rolling thunder approaching here.

As they retreated, they could not help looking up into the distance.

Although they couldn't see what was in the distance because of the forest.

However, because of Zhao Chengfeng's sword, they can see the sky for the time being, so as soon as they look up, they can see the smoke and dust rolling in the sky to block out the sun. It seems that there is a huge bird in the smoke and dust!

What's more shocking is that there is a man standing on the top of the bird.

"My God, what is that, a person? Are these moths driven by people?"

Wu he and other people couldn't help sinking, but they didn't dare to stay at all. They speeded up their pace and went into the dark forest again.

There was only time to look back at the man on the top of the bird.

Zhao Chengfeng followed the crowd, while waving his sword again to stop the large group of moths that gathered together again, he also looked up at the man.

This one eye, Zhao Chengfeng cannot help but the pupil shrinks.

Although so far violent, even he can not see each other's face, but he has a kind of that person looking at him sneer, even can feel the other side's mouth cold irony.

"I didn't expect to come so fast!"

Zhao Chengfeng is also a little nervous.

It's not that he's afraid of the guy on the bird's head, it's that he didn't expect to be so fast.

He knew that since this man appeared here and drove away a large number of borers to attack them, it was not necessary to ask that the man was probably the one who was staring at the crane jade of the time.

Although he knew from the beginning that he would be against these people, he didn't expect that they would react so quickly.

However, Zhao Chengfeng did not hesitate. After looking at the man, he immediately chased Wu he and others without looking back, and disappeared into the vast forest again.

"Li ~!"

At the same time, I heard a loud roar in the roaring thunder, which seemed to be contempt and demonstration.

Following the sharp roar, countless borers behind the crowd roared one after another. Those borers that had been hidden in the dark also came out one after another and rushed to the crowd like tarsal bones.

When Zhao Chengfeng is in charge of the rear hall, he naturally bears the brunt.

However, Zhao Chengfeng didn't turn his head back. He just waved a sword. The sword Qi attached to the law of the wind tore up the nearest moths.

However, the following borers did not stop at all. Several borers that had just been killed were immediately trampled into meat mud by the following borers.

With these dozens of breaths, the roaring thunder like the waves came closer. Without looking back, Zhao Chengfeng and others knew that it must be a bigger and more terrible group of borers.

To be able to make such a roar, the number of borers has definitely reached a terrible level.

Among them, there are more likely to be high-level or powerful borers.

"Li ~!"

There was another sharp roar, but this time it was on the top of everyone's head.

Hearing the sound above his head, both Wuhe and other crane people couldn't help but look shocked.

Everyone couldn't help looking up.

However, the crown branches and leaves on the top of the head are too dense. With the eyes of Wuhe and others, it seems that there is a black cloud on the top of the head, which is the shape of a giant bird.

People were shocked.

It's clear that the bird is on top of the crowd.

Just realizing this, people feel great pressure.

But at the same time, the eyes of the people of Wuhe and the crane family were filled with hatred and anger.

Seeing this, Zhao Chengfeng knew that his guess was right, and asked, "is the person above one of those people?"

"..., yes ~!" The black crane hesitated for a moment and nodded.

Then a look of resentment flashed in his eyes. He gritted his teeth and said, "this man's name is Brandon. He was one of the worshippers of our crane family, but when the disaster came, he was the first one to betray our family."

His voice is still calm, but in the tone, Zhao Chengfeng can feel the deep hatred.

But Zhao Chengfeng didn't feel much about it.

He even said in his heart, "it's too hard for a foreigner to be loyal to you by the cruel means of the head of the crane clan."

But he didn't say it, and it had nothing to do with him.

Why did he even show up here so quickly?

According to his previous analysis with Liuli, although some information is incomplete, I don't know why, but one thing is for sure.

That is to say, no matter Miss Yunhe and other people of the crane family like Wuhe, or other people who are interested in the crane jade, they should be sure that the former head of the crane family is in mangyu, even around the black street city.

And they can have a great deal of assurance that when Miss Yunhe's in a crisis of life and death, that person will show up.

So now, to a certain extent, the people of the crane tribe actually have the same purpose as their enemies, that is, to force that person to appear with the life and death of Yunhe and Yuhe.

However, Wuhe, Yunhe and others may not realize that the Yunhe and Yuhe are valuable to those people, but the people of Wuhe and other ordinary cranes may not be so valuable to those people.

What's more, they didn't realize that in order not to change, these people didn't care about the fact that they were lying in ambush around them. They even planned to kill Wuhe and others directly.

Of course, it's also possible that the reason those people make such decisions is because of me.

"But these people seem to look down on me a little bit?"

Think of here, Zhao Chengfeng can't help but smile.

Then he looked up at the top of his head and asked, "what rank and ability does this person have?"

Wuhe hesitated for a moment, and then said in a deep voice: "he was a Viscount before, but two years ago he gathered the rank of count. However, his ability is very frightening. It's a rare spiritual authority. He has a very terrifying talent, which is called" mind domination ". It's very terrifying. He once escaped from the pursuit of an old count by this ability at the Viscount level."

"Now he has broken through to the count level. I'm afraid it's more terrible. Besides, I don't know if he has any new abilities."

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