"Spiritual authority, spiritual domination? I see. No wonder we can drive away so many moths. " Zhao Chengfeng frowned slightly, feeling some trouble.

This kind of ability, this kind of environment is his home, what is the most in such a primeval forest is a variety of exotic animals and borers.

In such a place, there is a steady stream of troops.

However, there should be limits and limitations to this ability.

Such as the scope, quantity, and level of influence.

Otherwise, if he can control or influence all the exotic animals and moths in Hengyun mountain range, he will not need to escape under a count, but kill Ko instead.

"Shua ~!"

Suddenly overhead came the sound of breaking the air.

A 3-meter-long wind blade broke through the dense canopy of trees and went straight down. Suddenly, the withered branches and leaves mixed with soil and sand splashed everywhere.

"Ah ~!"

A group of crane people are running away, hoping to get rid of the countless borers behind them as soon as possible. This wind blade suddenly cuts off without warning, and they are caught off guard. They almost bump into the wind blade and are scared out of their wits.

Instinctively, he wanted to stop, but because he was running too fast, he couldn't stop at all. Then he was hit by someone coming up behind him, and suddenly fell into the deep ditch cut by the wind blade like a rolling gourd.

The sound of "ouch" continued.

Wu he and others, who were a little behind, were also surprised to see this situation. They thought that these people had been cut by the wind blade. Their faces changed and they could not help stopping.

With such a great effort, the borers in the rear and on the left and right sides were rushing up.

Seeing this, Zhao Chengfeng was both mentally and angry. Seeing that the crowd would be surrounded by borers again, he couldn't help shouting: "what are you looking at? Don't run, run, don't stop ~!"

"That cliff is not far ahead. Hurry up!"

All the people responded to this. They were relieved to see that the people were not dead when they climbed out of the ditch. The black crane also yelled: "hurry up, go quickly, don't be entangled by the borers!"

While shouting, he pulled up a clan who had just crawled out of the ditch and rushed to the direction directed by Zhao Chengfeng.

Liuli and other people of the crane clan did not dare to neglect this. They followed the black crane closely, waving weapons or using their talent and secret methods to quickly retreat the moths that had already rushed to the front, while rushing forward.

Overhead, above the canopy of the tree, the old man on the giant bird saw that the crowd was only in a brief confusion, but he was not caught up by the borers again. He could not help but sneer and gently put his toes on the back of the giant bird.

The giant bird immediately understood his intention, and after it unfolded, it had wings more than ten meters long, which flashed fiercely.

In a moment, the fierce wind blows down the tree crown, and the ocean surges. Meanwhile, several wind blades are generated in the strong wind, whistling down.

This time, although the wind blade was not as big as before, the number of wind blades increased several times at a time. Where it passed, the thick branches at the mouth of the basin broke like tofu, ordinary branches and leaves rustled down like a rainstorm, and some of them were directly twisted into vermicelli by the wind blade.

When they heard the news, they couldn't help looking up one after another. When they saw the posture, they couldn't help taking a breath, and they had to stop.

At this time, but listen to the ear rang out a no sad no happy light drink, "go on, don't stop!"

The voice is just like Zhao Chengfeng. It's not very loud, but it seems to have an irresistible force. People are just like robots who have received instructions. Before they have time to think, their bodies can't help rushing out.

After reaction, many people are already under the wind.


All the people of the crane family were pale and scared. But when they got to this point, they had no choice but to rush forward regardless of life or death.

But many people can't help sighing, "it's over, it's dead!"

But the next second, it felt as if there were gusts of wind blowing over the top of the head. Then, the wind blades that were already close to the top of the head suddenly burst, leaving only gusts of strong wind. However, they were surprised to find that they were not hurt.

Everyone was surprised and happy. They knew that it must be Zhao Chengfeng's handwriting without looking back.

"Master Qianzhi is really powerful ~!"

After seeing Zhao Chengfeng's methods, they were determined that they would never worry about anything else, and they just wanted to run forward.

Above the tree canopy, on the back of the giant bird, Brandon couldn't help but "eh", which seemed a little unexpected.

But the corner of his mouth flashed a scornful sneer again, and his toes raised to order the bird to attack again.

But the next second, his eyes suddenly a coagulation, only to see below the canopy of the sea, no wind automatic, although not fierce, but it is very strange.

After years of fighting experience, Brandon instinctively felt something different.

At the same time, the big bird at his feet seemed to feel the danger, and suddenly let out a sharp roar, "Li ~ ~"

A pair of wings fan, unexpectedly don't wait for his order then stir air current again, send out several wind blades.

But as soon as the wind blade was formed, it was annihilated.

Then, the tough and thick feathers on the belly of the giant bird were cut a crack in a moment.

"Li ~!" A more high pitched birdsong came out from the mouth of the giant bird again, but this time it was different from before, with bitterness and pain.

The wings flapped wildly, and the air rose rapidly. In an instant, it climbed to hundreds of meters. The speed was like a flash of lightning. Brandon on the bird's back was caught off guard and almost lost his footing.

He quickly squatted down and grasped the feather on the neck of the giant bird. While stabilizing his body, he could not help using his talent and secret skills to appease the giant bird.

For a long time, the bird finally calmed down.

But in the belly of Ni Niao, pieces of chopped feathers are flying, and a bright red is spreading slowly, and the bright red blood is dripping slowly.

There was also a cry of grievance and anger in his mouth.

"Quiet, quiet ~!"

It's hard to pacify the bird. Although Brandon can't see the situation under the bird's belly, his permission talent makes him far more sensitive to the creatures controlled by himself.

So you don't have to look at him to guess what's going on under the bird's belly.

His eyes could not help falling on the vast forest below.

Although the dense canopy blocked his sight, he could also feel the rats and ants in the dense forest with the help of Qi.

The cold light from triangle's eyes.

"A group of mole ants dare to resist and hurt our mounts. We must chop you up and feed my beasts ~!"

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