Brandon's voice was not very loud, but it was very sharp and harsh. It fell in people's ears like grinding teeth in the middle of the night.

Even if the crane people could not see his expression at this time, they could feel his anger and resentment.

There was a cold war.

"Don't worry about him. It's just Earl trash. It's just a mouth." Zhao Chengfeng looked up contemptuously through the canopy, and didn't take this man's threat seriously.

If it's not for worry that there are too many moths in the back, he can't take care of them once they are surrounded. In addition, his plan can not let these people of the crane nationality die or hurt too seriously.

Otherwise, Zhao Chengfeng will not pay attention to the other party, who has just gathered Earl rank, no matter what talent it is.

The only trouble is that the other side has the bird, can fly, some trouble.

Although he also has the ability to float in the air, his height is not as high as that giant bird.

Moreover, the giant bird was unexpectedly alert and defensive.

Just now, he quietly launched a "breeze" to sneak attack. Unexpectedly, he just left a wound in the belly of the giant bird.

"This time, the giant bird suffered a loss. Brandon is afraid that he will not easily lower his height any more." Zhao Chengfeng thought of it with some regret.

Sure enough, everything was as he expected.

In the sky, although Brandon also heard Zhao Chengfeng's scornful words, his teeth were squeaking.

But the heart for Zhao Chengfeng but also has a deep fear.

Although he called each other mole ants.

But in fact, he is not a brainless man. With one move, he annihilated the wind blade of the giant bird. With another move, he hurt his hard won mount.

Even if it wasn't for the vigilance of the giant bird, the speed would be fast enough. I'm afraid the immortal just now would be abandoned.

It made him afraid.

You know, although this giant bird is his mount, in fact, his combat power is a little more than his own. He paid a great price to find someone to help him subdue the bird, and it took a long time and energy to finally dominate the success.

This is the ultimate creature that his talent can control.

It is also a great reliance on his fighting power.

If he is really abandoned by that boy, not to mention that he will fall into crisis, he will not be able to bear the loss alone.

However, although he was afraid, he was not afraid, and his intention to kill Zhao Chengfeng was not false.

"It's true that the giant bird is my biggest dependence, but it's not my only dependence. If I were in another place, I might not be able to help you, but here, it's my home field. As long as there are endless borers and beasts in the vast mountains, my power will be endless, and I can also kill you! "

Brandon was patient. Since he couldn't get close to them, he urged them to chase them.

He didn't worry that the borers could not catch up with Zhao Chengfeng and others. Unless Zhao Chengfeng left the crane people alone, it would be only a matter of time before they were caught up with the speed and endurance of the crane people.

No matter he knows this, Zhao Chengfeng and others also know it.

In fact, in less than half an hour, people had been surrounded by borers for several times, and they were relieved by fighting hard and Zhao Chengfeng's crazy killing.

However, with more and more moths catching up, once surrounded by large forces, it is impossible for Zhao Chengfeng to easily break through the encirclement in a period of time.

As long as there is a short pause, more and more borers will surround.

After running for dozens of miles, many of the crane people turned pale and couldn't support them. In fact, in addition to Liuli and Zhao Chengfeng, together with Wuhe, they can't support any more.

Looking forward, it is still an endless primeval forest, and you can't see the rock mountain that Zhao Chengfeng said. The will of all the people could not help shaking.

"No, my Lord, we can't escape any more!" Wu he panted close to Zhao Chengfeng, biting his teeth and said, "my Lord, while we still have the strength of the first World War, we will stay to stop the moths for a moment. You and miss Liuli break through and go out..."

Wuhe didn't deliberately avoid other people when he said this. The rest of the crane people couldn't help but slow down when they heard him, but they didn't say anything. On the contrary, their faces showed unwilling but determined eyes.

It's obvious that they're ready.

It can even be said that from the beginning, the value they followed was sacrificed for a certain moment.

It's just that this moment came a little early, and it didn't work as expected.

One of them said: "Wuhe is in charge of the affairs. In fact, it doesn't need everyone to stay. Just a few of us can do it. You are different from us. You can't rescue and assist the young master and the young lady without you!"

"Yes, Wuhe is in charge. You can take some people and Qianzhi with you. We'll be enough to stop those moths!"

Many clansmen spoke out one after another.

There are even a few people who are going to stop.

Zhao Chengfeng and Liuli were a little surprised. He was not surprised by the consciousness and determination of these people, but he was a little surprised by their self-confidence.

Zhao Chengfeng didn't open his mouth, but Liuli directly asked: "you block the borer group, can you do it by yourself?"

As if feeling despised, one of them raised his eyebrows and said, "don't worry, Miss Liuli. Although we are not strong enough, our crane family has lasted for thousands of years, but we still have some means."

When he said this, his eyes were full of pride and determination.

Zhao Chengfeng and Liuli suddenly realized that the so-called means should be a secret method that can temporarily stimulate people's potential and strength. However, looking at the expression of these people's determination, this secret method must cost a lot. No, it should be very big. It may not only be as simple as life, but also bear great pain, which is a price that ordinary people can't understand.

This is probably a card of the crane tribe.

No wonder Wuhe wants to bring these people who don't seem to be very strong. Zhao Chengfeng didn't understand them before, but now he suddenly realizes.

Black crane's eyes flashed fiercely, as if he had made a decision.

But at this time, Zhao Chengfeng said: "wait a moment, if there is no turning point, it's not too late for you to make this choice."

In fact, he was also surprised. When he went to the forest sea to check the terrain and confirm the map, he clearly saw a big rock peak in this direction.

Why didn't you see it after running so long?

Is it in the wrong direction?

However, there is a saying in the world of earth called Wangshan running dead horse, so he had a rough look before, and there might be a big error in the distance.

All of a sudden, the light suddenly came back to light, and all of a sudden, they looked up and saw the sky above again.

Looking forward, everyone was surprised.

A mountain peak made entirely of rock appeared in front of everyone's eyes.

"Sure enough, there is a big rock mountain!"

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