People who were already desperate were both surprised and happy.

It's not that they can be safe with this rock mountain, but at least it's better than in the jungle.

Although there are many kinds of borers, most of them are crustacean insects. In such a steep and smooth rock environment, their speed and attack will be greatly restricted.

Moreover, there is no dense tree canopy and fallen leaves that may be trapped everywhere, so that people's vision and movement are more convenient, and at the same time, they can avoid the attack of these moths.

Such an environment is undoubtedly beneficial to all.

It's a desperate situation for everyone.

Although we are ready to sacrifice, who wants to die if we can survive.

Seeing that the crazy group of borers was close at hand, Zhao Chengfeng turned back to block the coming borers. Without looking back, he rushed to the crowd and yelled, "come on, go up the mountain, go up the mountain!"

In fact, there is no need to shout. Many people have already rushed up the mountain first. Only a small number of people who are at the level of pseudo Viscount stay behind to cooperate with Zhao Chengfeng to resist the borer, and fight and retreat.

"Ah ~!"

Suddenly, Zhao Chengfeng and some pseudo Viscount of the crane family were fighting and retreating, but they heard a cry of surprise behind them.

When I look back, I just see a baron of the crane clan rushing in front of me. He is caught by a black fog suddenly emerging from the mountain. The next moment, he disappears in the sight of everyone.

"Here, what is this?"

"What's the matter? Tang He ~! "

They couldn't help but have a meal. Several of the crane people came forward to hold the man, but they got nothing.

Without waiting for the reaction, the black fog suddenly swallowed those people.

Then the smoke disappeared with a bang, and there was no trace of the big living people.

"Ah ~ ~"

"Little five..."


"This, this..."

This sudden strange scene stunned everyone.

Even some people are fighting with the borer and almost forget to start. If Zhao Chengfeng didn't make up in time, several people would be dragged away by the borer in an instant.

Don't mention the crowd, even Brandon in the distance was stunned.

Before seeing Zhao Chengfeng take people into this rock mountain peak, he can't help but frown.

Just about to let the giant bird do it again, the scene that happened immediately surprised him.

But then he thought of something. After a moment, he laughed and said, "ha ha, a group of idiots really have no way to go to heaven. There's no way to go to hell. Isn't it good to be a pet's food? I ran to Guiwu rock to die, ha ha ~! "

The big bird at his feet quacked and yelled, as if laughing at the crowd.

Wu he was stunned. When he heard the word "ghost fog rock", he suddenly changed his face and exclaimed, "ghost fog rock, is it ghost fog rock?"

He finally remembered what was wrong. When he heard Zhao Chengfeng say that there was a rock mountain in this direction, he felt that something was wrong.

But because he was besieged by the borers, he was so worried that he couldn't be distracted at all, so he didn't think about it for a moment, and then he forgot about it.

When he heard Brandon's strange smile, he finally thought of what this rocky mountain was.

Brandon was even more pleased with the sound of Wuhe's panic.

At this time, instead of rushing to let the borers attack, he let the borers retreat a little. At the same time, he drove more borers to gather here and surrounded the crowd.

Not a lot of effort, the black borers almost filled all directions, except for the rock peak.

The borers didn't seem to dare to get close to the rock peak. Once they got close, they became very anxious, and even Brandon felt a little out of control.

However, he was not worried, but more happy, because the more so, the more strange and dangerous it was. As long as he surrounded three sides, all the people of the crane clan would be dead.

Why is he in such a hurry?

Zhao Chengfeng frowned slightly. The moths didn't rush to attack. He also stopped his sword.

He turned to Wu he and asked, "do you know this place?"

"My Lord, guiwuyan is not a place name, it is a name of hopelessness. This kind of Jedi can be found in many places of the underworld, and its position is not unchangeable

Wu He smiles bitterly. He thought that the Jedi would meet each other, but he didn't expect to fall into a more dangerous situation.

If you had known that, you might as well have separated some people to use the secret method before. Although you can't eliminate these borers, you can at least spell it out so that others can retreat and move.

Anyway, how can not be swallowed by the ghost fog.

At present, he does not really want to answer Zhao Chengfeng's question.

But he had to answer, because he knew that Zhao Chengfeng was not to blame for this situation. He could only blame himself. For a moment, he didn't realize that Zhao Chengfeng's rock peak was a ghost fog rock.

Secondly, in this situation, it is impossible for the crane people to survive, but Zhao Chengfeng still has the hope to leave. So he must continue to win him over. Only in this way can he continue to be a part of the Miss plan.

Otherwise, if Zhao Chengfeng just walked away, all their previous efforts and immediate sacrifices would be in vain.

Even if he was not happy, he had to clear up his mood and continue to explain.

"There are many legends about Guiwu rock. One of the most popular legends is that Guiwu rock is actually a special kind of life. It usually looks like a mountain peak composed of rocks, but it can move quietly when no one pays attention to it. It can also devour the flesh and blood life that enters its mountain body."

"Another saying is that Guiwu mountain does not belong to this world. It is the intersection of the world of the dead and this world. Any life close to it will be drawn into the world of the dead by Guiwu."

"No one knows whether these legends are true or false, but people who walk into the ghost fog rock are engulfed by the ghost fog coming out of the rock, and then disappear."

Wu he said that with a bitter smile, he looked back at the rocky mountain peak, and then his eyes became sharp again.

"Now, my Lord, we have to follow the previous plan. Let me help you break through. I just hope you don't forget our previous agreement. "

Zhao Chengfeng also took a look at the so-called Guiwu rock. He didn't say anything. Just looking at it like this, he still couldn't believe that this ordinary looking rock was actually the so-called Guiwu rock among Wuhe and other people. But what happened before made him have to believe that this thing is really not an ordinary mountain.

Zhao Chengfeng tried to scan with divine sense, but he didn't feel strange, didn't feel the fluctuation of life, and didn't find those missing people.

But... It's really different. How can I describe it

Psychic magnetic field, or some kind of force field, in a word, we can feel that there is a strange difference between the surrounding environment and it.

It's very obscure. If he doesn't perceive it carefully, he can't even detect it if Zhao Chengfeng is not a virtual state, or even if his divine consciousness is stronger than the general virtual state.

Not to mention that most of those ranking people in this world have no divine consciousness, so it's natural that they can't be aware of it.

"My Lord, at this moment, I don't have to hide some things from you." Seeing that Zhao Chengfeng didn't say a word, Wuhe was completely noncommittal about his words. He secretly bit his teeth and suddenly revealed a decision. He lowered his voice and said in a deep voice: "my Lord, in fact, Heyu was not taken away by Tianhe, our patriarch. It's in Yuhe's body now."

His voice is very low, almost forced into a line, in addition to Zhao Chengfeng, no one heard.

The latter can't help changing his face when he hears this sentence, "what are you talking about?"

Even if he tried not to show his happiness and anger, he could not keep calm for a moment.

It's quite unexpected.

He thought of many possibilities, but he didn't think of them.

When everyone was staring at him, he Yu was right under everyone's eyes.

"Why did you suddenly tell me that?" Zhao Chengfeng's eyes narrowed slightly and stared at Wu He fiercely.

The latter felt nervous when he saw Zhao Chengfeng's reaction. At the same time, he also affirmed one of his conjectures, "is this person really interested in shizhiheyu?"

"Wait a minute. Did he know about the crane clan from the beginning? Approaching Wansheng tower is shizhiheyu?"

Two people look at each other, the former sharp as a knife, the latter flickering.

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