Wu he and Zhao Chengfeng look at each other for a moment. After all, they drop their eyes and sigh in their hearts

"Lord Hui, according to the instructions of the first lady, I should be honest with you from the beginning..."

"Well?" Zhao Chengfeng frowned slightly. He looked at Wu he and saw that he didn't look like a liar.

In the heart some accident, that cloud crane young lady unexpectedly so believes me?

Is she not afraid that after I know the truth, I will kill the jade crane and take the crane jade before others?

"Well, in that case, why did you say that until now?"

Wu he's drooping eyelids trembled slightly, paused slightly, and continued: "because... I've been a little hesitant. I, I'm not sure whether the decision of the first lady is right or wrong."

He took a peek at Zhao Chengfeng. He seemed to want to see some clues from the change of expression on Zhao Chengfeng's face, but he didn't see anything.

"But now..." Wuhe looked at the rock peaks behind him, and the black, anxious, but afraid of the moths in Guiwu rock. He sighed and said with a helpless smile, "now I can't stand any more hesitation. I have no choice but to believe you, my Lord."

"Ha ha..." Zhao Chengfeng said with a sneer, "believe me, I don't seem to have any agreement with you. I'm afraid there's nothing to report you so important trust."

Are you kidding me? I just want to promise you how to trust you?

"My lord..." Wuhe is very anxious when he hears that he has planned to take the rest of the crane people with him to die calmly. He uses secret arts to give full play to his last strength to open the way for Zhao Chengfeng. After he leaves, he saves the eldest lady and the young master Yuhe.

He said that all this was just to move Zhao Chengfeng's heart. First, he wanted to use Heyu as bait to induce Zhao Chengfeng to rescue the young lady and the young master. In addition, he also wanted to express the trust and sincerity of the crane people, so as to move Zhao Chengfeng.

But Zhao Chengfeng was not moved, which made him not anxious.

If he takes the remnant of the crane people here to blow himself up and open a way for Zhao Chengfeng, and after Zhao Chengfeng pats his ass and walks away, or finds his position, he just cares about the life and death of the young lady and the young master, just like other people, then he doesn't die in vain.

I can't even cry.

He still wants to say it again, but Zhao Chengfeng interrupts him with a wave of his hand, "this kind of thing is better to go back and say it. Now it's better to solve the immediate problems first."

Wu he wanted to cry without tears. He said in his heart, "how can you not say it? Solve the immediate problem first? There is only one way to solve this problem, that is, if you break out, we will stay here to play our surplus heat and die with those moths. If we don't talk about it now, well, we're done with waste heat, and you're gone. What are we going to do? "

Zhao Chengfeng ignored him. He glanced at the big bird in the sky, and subconsciously swept around him. He wanted to command Liuli to cooperate with him, but this glance changed his face. "Liuli?"

His face changed greatly. He looked around and swept the whole crowd, but the glass disappeared.

With a thump in his heart, Zhao Chengfeng reached for a crane man and asked, "my companion, Miss Liuli, have you seen her?"

"Ah, this..." all the people were shocked when they heard the words. They subconsciously looked around and found that Miss Liuli had disappeared.

And the crane people who were caught by him turned pale. Under the pressure of Zhao Chengfeng, his lips trembled, but he could not speak.

"My Lord, don't be impatient for a moment..." next to Wu He, his heart was also clapping for a moment. The situation in front of him was so desperate that this kind of change happened again.

He looked up at Zhao Chengfeng and said in his heart, "what a terrible murderous spirit. The accident of Miss Liuli made him burst out with such amazing evil spirit. Although it wasn't against me, it also made me scared. I can't help it. Is Miss Liuli not an ordinary follower of him, but an important person, if it is, That's troublesome... "

When he thought of this, he took a worried look at the mountain behind him, which was suspected to be Guiwu rock.

Meanwhile, Zhao Chengfeng also thought of guiwuyan. Liuli was always by his side. Now it's gone. There's no other possibility. The only possibility is that he was swallowed by guiwuyan when he was in chaos just now.

Zhao Chengfeng was a little upset. Those crane people were swallowed by ghost fog. For him, if he could help them, he would help them. If he couldn't help them, he wouldn't care.

Even when it's necessary, even if these people sacrifice themselves to open the way for him, he won't leave any grudge in his heart.

But Liuli is still different. Although Zhao Chengfeng didn't say twice that he really accepted her, he regarded her as a companion from the bottom of his heart. He just can't trust her as much as the blood monk, IMP and reincarnation.

However, Zhao Chengfeng can't abandon her.

"Ah ~!" Suddenly, another exclamation came out of the crowd of the crane people.

"What's the matter?" Black crane is from fret, suddenly hear this exclamation, not from frown to look at that person.

"Wuhe is in charge. I, we have two people missing. They were still with me just now, but when they were distracted, they disappeared." The man said with a pale face.

This person said that other people also subconsciously looked at their companions next to them. At this time, they were surprised to see several crane people in the crowd.

"Wuhe is in charge, and Liuhe is gone. He was there just now, but now..."

"Zhenhe is gone too..."

"And Hejiu..."

"What?" Wu he's face changes when he hears the words. Zhao Chengfeng's heart is also tight, and his eyes sweep. As expected, he finds that the number of people of the crane family seems to be nearly one-third.

"Ha ha, a group of idiots, knowing that it's Guiwu rock, dare to stay next to it. Ha ha, I'm really laughing to death..." Zhao Chengfeng and Wu he are shocked and angry, but Brandon on on the big bird in the sky looks at the disordered crane people below and laughs.

Wuhe and all the people of the crane clan were very angry. When they heard this, their faces were black.

He looked up at the big bird and said, "this damned bastard, why didn't he urge the borers to attack? It turns out that he already knew that Guiwu rock has such characteristics!"

However, even if they were angry, they had nothing to do. The bastard was high in the sky. Not only did they not have the power to defeat him, but even if they did, they could not beat him.

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