Zhao Chengfeng didn't care about Brandon. In fact, even if Brandon didn't say it, he thought that the problem must be in this so-called ghost rock.

Because just as people were talking, Zhao Chengfeng saw a wisp of black fog slowly seeping out of Guiwu rock. The black fog flowed out from the crack of Guiwu rock, just like the slender tentacles that some creature stretched out when it preyed on its prey, or like a silent stream.

Close to the ground quietly, close to a crane people, and then fast and light moment entangled the man's feet, but the man himself is not aware.

Zhao Chengfeng watched the black fog spread up the man's back carefully, and then suddenly expanded, wrapping the man's head.

Then, with a faster speed, the whole body of the man was closed in an instant.

The whole body was about to close, but this time the people next to him finally found out. They couldn't help crying out, but it was too late to save them.

See that person again be engulfed by black fog, but this time Zhao Chengfeng has already prepared. Just as the black fog was about to close completely, he came to the side of the black fog in an instant.

Wrap your palms with spiritual power, and you can easily turn into the black fog.


The smoke burst out, like a broken illusion, suddenly disappeared.

Zhao Chengfeng grabs into the smoke, but grabs a blank. Another look, not only the smoke, but also the crane nationality wrapped in the smoke has disappeared.

This strange scene, Zhao Chengfeng, together with Wuhe, all the crane people can't help but be stunned.

Zhao Chengfeng looked at his empty hand with disbelief.

In the sky, Brandon on the big bird was also slightly surprised. The ghost fog of ghost fog rock was so strange. After people and objects were wrapped by it, it seemed that they had changed from entity to illusion in an instant.

However, he immediately raised the corner of his mouth and said, "this group of fools are looking for their own way to death. It seems to be another boring task."

Brandon yawned and said that the crane clan had found a helper. I thought he was someone... But it's good to save trouble.

He seems to have forgotten that Zhao Chengfeng cut the big bird at his feet.

Anyway, these people are dead in his eyes.

"Back up, back up!" Wuhe was the quickest to react and quickly drank. Other people also reacted and quickly stepped back, trying to stay away from the strange and terrible ghost fog rock.

But Brandon in the sky is not willing to let the crane people so relaxed, "want to retreat, ha ha, have you asked this seat?"

With a sneer, he immediately ordered the moths to attack again.

And Wuhe and others know this very well. A group of people can't help looking at Wuhe. Some anxious people quietly hold a pill in their hand. They will swallow it immediately when Wuhe gives an order, and then launch the crane's secret skill of putting it to death.

Even if their rank is not high and their strength is not enough, as long as they launch the secret skill, they are confident that they can destroy all the borers around them. Together with the despicable traitor in the sky, as long as he dares to approach, they are also confident that they will lead him to hell.

Yes, hell.

Because once the secret skill is launched, hell is the only way for all of them to return. No, they should have been in hell by then. Because in addition to hell, there is no place where there will be so crazy pain, and in addition to the incarnation of the devil, there is no secret art can make people's potential and strength to that extent.

So the name of this secret skill is "burn blood and transform ghost skill"!

Wuhe also knows that they have no time to delay. Although the secret skill is terrible, if they continue to delay, they will all die silent and worthless.

"It's a pity that we didn't meet the young lady and the young master, and we didn't sacrifice our lives at the most critical moment."

He looked back at Zhao Chengfeng. Although he knew that Zhao Chengfeng would not give any promises easily, and knew that even the promises had no real effect, he still wanted to hear that Zhao Chengfeng could promise something in the end.

That way, at least they can die a little more comforting.

At this time, Zhao Chengfeng, who has been looking at his hands in a daze, suddenly moves.

To everyone's surprise, he didn't step back or run away.

Instead, he raised his sword and cleaved it to the ghost rock.

"Zheng ~! "Thank you ~!"

There was a piercing sound of gold and iron and a high-frequency tremor like the sound of a dragon. The light of the sword, the Qi of the sword, and the sparks were everywhere.

Everyone couldn't help opening their eyes.

After a close look, everyone was silent. Only in the sky, Brandon laughed, "I'm blind. I'm really blind. For the first time, I saw such a stupid man, and he took a sword to chop ghost Wuyan."

"The ghost fog rock is one of the most mysterious things in the Black Death world. Even the Duke level strongman has never heard of anyone who can break the ghost fog rock. You are just a little..."

Brandon said here suddenly dumb, because at this time he suddenly realized that he did not see what rank Zhao Chengfeng was.

But then, he put the idea aside, "no matter what rank he is, it's rubbish, mole ant."

"You're the kind of mole ant who wants to cut the ghost rock. You're really blinding me!"

With his harsh laughter and mockery, the big bird under his feet also flapped its wings and quacked.

If you want to talk about the hatred for the human below, the big bird is 100 times stronger than Brandon. Brandon forgot that, but he can't forget that the damned human just hurt him with that sword, and now his stomach is still bleeding?

Nima, how many worms will it take to make it up.

No, if you can eat the following individuals, it should be very nutritious, especially the human who cut it. It seems that there is a kind of terrible and attractive energy on his body. No, the energy of attracting birds is very attractive to birds.

Unfortunately, the son of a bitch on his back refused to let him get close to attack the man. Of course, he did not dare.

That human sword is terrible.

However, as a big bird, seeing the disgrace of the human enemy, it doesn't mind the dogleg's taunting with the guy stepping on its back.

But here, the man suddenly turned his head and put up a middle finger at him and the bastard man on his back.

As a bird, it certainly does not understand what this means, but it does not prevent it from feeling the human provocation and contempt.

"Gaga, Gaga ~!" The big bird suddenly flew into a rage, flapping its wings and jumping up and down in the sky

Big bird's natural language is bird's language, which translates to mean, "little human, after eating bear heart and leopard's gall, dare to challenge this bird, do you believe that this bird will kill you with one peck, and beat you into scum, Gaga, garbage with one wing!"

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