The big bird under his seat suddenly lost its weight and wanted to run away with a strange cry, but Zhao Chengfeng had already fallen on its back.

Big bird is surprised and angry. He screams in his mouth. He wants to throw Zhao Chengfeng down as soon as he turns over.

Zhao Chengfeng's eyes flashed a brief hesitation, because if such a flying beast can be tamed, it is undoubtedly more valuable than killing.

But at the moment when big bird turned over and wanted to get rid of him, the hesitation in his eyes disappeared. With a sweep of the sword in his hand, big bird howled, and a huge bird's head was cut down in an instant.

Immediately after that, the body that lost its head fell.

At the same time, Zhao Chengfeng left the headless bird body and rushed down to Brandon who fell on the ground at a faster speed.

Brandon was kicked off the back of the bird by Zhao Chengfeng. Regardless of his anger and pain, he turned over and got up and ran to the borers.

In his heart, he was very clear that this type of practitioner was infinitely strong in the same level, but also infinitely weak.

As long as you keep him away, no matter how strong a master is, he can slowly grind his opponent to death by virtue of his authority talent. However, if he is approached, although he is not without resistance, he is by no means an ordinary knighthood opponent who is good at close combat.

At this time, he could not care about his mount. He was even glad that Zhao Chengfeng had not cut him directly, otherwise his head would end up with his mount this time.

But he just ran out a few steps, there are 20 or 30 meters from the nearest group of borers, but Wuhe and others reacted. I don't know who yelled, "quick, catch this traitor!"

Several perfect barons of the crane clan rushed towards him without thinking much.

Zhao Chengfeng, who had just cut off the bird, suddenly changed his face and cried out, "don't go there!"

With this cry, Wuhe also responded and opened his mouth to stop the crane people, but he was still slow.

Brandon, who was running forward, suddenly turned back and saw a layer of purple mist in his eyes. Two of the crane people who rushed in front of him were immediately attacked, and they screamed "ah" and squatted down with their heads in their arms.

The rest of the crane people were surprised to see this, so they remembered that although the other side was a spiritual authority, he was also a count, so he could not help but take a step.

"Hum, a group of mole ants, you're far from it!" Brandon hummed a sneer, glanced at Zhao Chengfeng, and saw that Zhao Chengfeng was coming quickly. He had a smile on his face and was about to run.

But he such a delay, with the speed of Zhao Chengfeng, where can he escape, he just turned around, surprised to find that Zhao Chengfeng has been blocked in front of him.

"Ah ~!" Brandon knew that Zhao Chengfeng was fast, but he didn't expect that he would be so fast. He cried out in horror, stepped back several steps, and almost didn't fall on the ground.

However, his reaction was also very quick, and he could not think much about it, so he immediately sacrificed his mace.

"The thorn of the soul, die for me!"

In a moment, his eyes turned purple again, and an invisible spirit rushed to Zhao Chengfeng's sea of knowledge.

Seeing this scene, Wu he and others were all shocked, "my Lord, be careful!"

But no matter how fast they shout, how fast can the attack of mental strength come.

Zhao Chengfeng had been on guard for a long time. At the moment when Brandon urged "the thorn of the soul", the law of the wind around him had already started, but Rao was so slow.

In this instant, Zhao Chengfeng felt that there were two spiritual forces rushing into his sea of knowledge, and he was also surprised.

He thought that even though the other side had a mental attack, the way he attacked them just now was directional, and his speed was not easy to avoid.

But I didn't expect that the attack speed was so fast. It was instant!

For a moment, he felt very nervous and wanted to fight back or defend. Unfortunately, although he knew the sea for a long time, he also had divine consciousness, but he did not have this kind of spiritual attack and defense means.

In this state, there is no way to resist.

But in this situation, he had no time to regret or chagrin.

Because it doesn't help at all.

I can only hasten to stir up my mind, hoping to do my best.

But the next moment, Zhao Chengfeng can't help but be stunned.

"What's the matter, why didn't you feel it, didn't you respond?"

Although there were two spiritual forces impacting his consciousness just now, then there was no more

He looked at Brandon in surprise.

But found that he was grinning, a victory in hand.

Zhao Chengfeng saw in his heart that the other party was so confident and didn't dare to be careless. He was on guard for a moment, but still didn't respond.

But Brandon didn't show any pain when he saw Zhao Chengfeng's attack. His face was a little stiff and suspicious.

For a moment, both of them were not sure what was going on.

The nearby crane people were shocked at first, but after a while, the situation of the two protagonists in the scene also felt strange.

A moment later, Brandon was the first one to react. He looked at Zhao Chengfeng and lost his voice. "You, you can resist the thorn of my heart. Are you also a person with authority in the Department of spirit?"

As soon as Zhao Chengfeng rolled his eyes, he realized that the so-called spiritual sting of the other party was really just like this. There was no follow-up move. After a long time, Lao Tzu became nervous.

"I didn't feel the prick of the soul. I thought you just yelled and didn't have the ability to launch it? Are you sure you really started it just now? "

When Brandon heard the first half of his sentence, his face turned black and his teeth creaked. He thought that Zhao Chengfeng was insulting him.

However, after hearing the second half of the sentence, he was stunned and doubted. "Although the power gift of spiritual thorn is different from his other power gift, spiritual domination, I haven't heard that there is a probability of failure, but maybe there is. Anyway, there is no rule that it will be 100% successful, right?"

"So, maybe it was because of the skill failure just now. It must be so." He thinks so in the heart, see to Zhao Chengfeng's vision again some twinkle.

"You do it again." Just when he hesitates, Zhao Chengfeng, as the enemy of our country, suddenly says.

"Ha?" Brandon thought that he had heard wrong for the first time. For the first time, both sides of the battle heard of someone who was suspected to have failed in the enemy's skills. Instead of taking advantage of the opportunity, he asked the other side to do it again? What's addiction like?

Next to Wu he and others are also a Leng, even busy way: "adult, can't ~!"

"It doesn't matter." Zhao Chengfeng waved his hand, and then encouraged Brandon to say, "again, let's see if we just failed!"

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