Brandon looked at Zhao Chengfeng, wondering what he meant... Is he really asking me to do it again? Is there any conspiracy? Or does he want to humiliate me because he is strong?

Then a bite of teeth... Regardless, no matter what your mind, is really silly or, play silly, you are willing to die, I am willing to bury.

But... He thought again and said in secret: "no, I can't use the thorn of my heart any more. I'd better use my heart instead. If I can take the opportunity to control this person, ha ha..."

As soon as he thought about this, a light flashed in his eyes, but his face could not resist the excitement in his heart. He deliberately pretended to be trembling. Nono said, "then I need a little time."

When he finished, he looked at Zhao Chengfeng carefully, for fear that this person would see his mind and refuse his proposal, because the mind domination is different from the mind thorn, the latter can be instantaneous, but the former must have a little time to chant the incantation, and this process can not be interrupted at all.

After Zhao Chengfeng thought about it, he nodded, "yes."

Brandon was both surprised and happy. He didn't expect that this fool really agreed... Ha ha, that's great. He thought he was going to die, but he didn't expect that the road would turn around. You killed Lyle, then let you replace Lyle, ha ha

"The master of the soul, the ruler of all things..." Brandon silently chanted the mantra in his heart, and carefully observed Zhao Chengfeng's reaction. Seeing that the latter was really standing there, without interrupting him or attacking him, he was relieved.

"... the weak, you should give in and obey, don't violate your heart..."

"... obey, don't hesitate, don't hesitate, this is the end result of the soul, is the eternal law of all things, obey my call, obey my will, I will give you peace of mind..."

With his constant chanting, he just recited at first, but gradually his voice became louder and louder, such as Hongzhong and Dalu, full of endless charm and hints.

"Quick, quick, close your ears, step back, step back... This damned bastard, he wants to dominate adults... Adults, stop him, can't... ah ~!" Wuhe heard Brandon's chant and finally understood his intention.

While calling his people back, he yelled at Zhao Chengfeng, asking him to kill Brandon and stop him singing.

As a member of the crane people, Brandon used to be one of the best of the foreign subordinates of the crane people. He was no stranger to this person's authority talent, and also knew that this talent skill was powerful and terrible. In this way, let alone Zhao Chengfeng, who was the first to bear the brunt, even they would be enslaved by his secret arts, and then become his slaves.

The other crane people looked as ugly. Although they covered their ears, the sound still rang in their minds. I couldn't stop it.

Some people want to rush up to interrupt Brandon, but they just have this idea in their life. Suddenly Brandon seems to become the Supreme God in their eyes, which makes them instinctively have an idea that they can't resist.

Together with this idea, Wuhe and others were even more shocked, because they knew this situation, which showed that Brandon's secret technique had worked. The more they wanted to resist this idea, the more powerful it was, and it could not be removed.

"My lord..."

Wuhe and he people can only expect Zhao Chengfeng to stop them in time.

On the other hand, Brandon can't help laughing maliciously when he sees the performance of the crane people. By this time, he doesn't worry about Zhao Chengfeng at all. Even the crane people who are so far away have been eroded, not to mention Zhao Chengfeng who bears the brunt.

... a group of damned mole ants, all become my slaves, ha ha, now you know my great Brandon's power.

He could not help but ring out the other two crane people, cloud crane and jade crane.

In the heart secretly way: "those adults also don't know how to think, if let me directly enslave those two remaining evils, where still need so trouble."

But he doesn't matter. Although I lost a strange beast this time, with this boy and this group of crane mole ants, I also have some chips in my hand. At that time, I may not be able to compete for the crane jade.

As soon as he thought of this, he was filled with self-confidence. Suddenly, he was surprised to find that Zhao Chengfeng, who had been closing his eyes, opened his eyes and looked at him coldly after hearing the voices of the crane people.

His eyes were calm and clear, which made him feel palpitation.

What's the matter? Isn't he eroded? It's impossible. Although he is terrible, no creature below the Marquis can resist my spiritual domination without resistance. Even the Marquis can't be unaffected at all. Is he a strong Duke? No, it's impossible. If he is a strong Duke, Even if I had Lyle, he didn't need that trouble.

"... obey, don't hesitate, don't hesitate, this is the end result of the soul, is the eternal law of all things, obey my call, obey my will, I will give you peace of mind..."

The uneasiness in his heart made him raise his intonation. The purple smoke in his eyes kept puffing and puffing, but his face became paler and paler. He could not bear the strength of his mental strength.

"All right, that's it!" Zhao Chengfeng spoke slowly.

He let Brandon play at will, not because of boredom, or arrogance.

His purpose is just to test why this person's previous mental stab has no effect on him. In addition, he also wants to experience how this mental attack is going on and whether he can simulate it.

As for the danger, or being enslaved or something, we can only say that Brandon and the crane people think too much about this distance. He is not a fool. As long as he feels that something is wrong, can Brandon continue?

However, it turned out to be a bit of a pity for him.

It seems that the guy on the opposite side has worked hard, but he doesn't feel anything except that he does feel a kind of mental fluctuation that seems to be eroding his will.

At first, I didn't understand why it was like this, but after thinking about it for a while, I also understood that his cultivation system was different. Apart from the spiritual rank like Brandon, other practitioners in this world had to go to the Marquis level at least to have a preliminary touch of mental ability.

In addition to some special physical training, the ancient martial arts practitioners can basically open up the sea of knowledge in the realm of magic martial arts, and Zhao Chengfeng has opened up the sea of knowledge in the realm of Lingwu because of the eternal tree seeds and lethal sword moves, and has also formed a mysterious Taiji map in the sea of knowledge.

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