Today, I'm afraid that I can't even reach the Duke level or even the king level of the world. As for the level of sea awareness, let alone the unique level among the ancient martial arts.

Brandon is just a spiritual rank at the count level, and imagination knows that it can't affect me.

Zhao Chengfeng gave a bitter smile and felt that he had wasted his time.

To put it bluntly, it's still different systems, and differences are inevitable. Of course, there may be a reason for the mysterious Taiji diagram.

"But it's a pity that I have such divine knowledge and sea knowledge, but there is no corresponding way to attack."

Brandon's mind control, although he can feel the frequency of the fluctuation, but felt it for a while, found that the corresponding simulation is not easy, because he vaguely felt that it is not a pure spiritual power, it seems that it also involves a certain law.

Although Zhao Chengfeng is an empty place, what he just touches is the law of wind.

Other laws, although there are many fragments in the Taiji diagram, can not be perceived, let alone borrowed.

Now that it has been determined that it is impossible to simulate, Zhao Chengfeng is too lazy to continue this kind of experiment doomed to no result.

So he said to Brandon, "OK, that's it."

Although Brandon was surprised that Zhao Chengfeng's will was so clear, and even felt as if he had no influence at all, he didn't believe it at all, or he couldn't accept the result now.

"That's it, ha ha, that's it, idiot. You want me to end now. It's too late. Ha ha, be my slave, idiot. Don't be too self righteous in the future. By the way, you don't have a future..." Brandon cried hysterically.

The voice of singing in my mouth is further raised: "obey, yield, your soul will be peaceful under my control, your soul will kneel under my feet, you... Ah ~!"

With a scream, Brandon's singing was interrupted. Before he got up, he was trampled on his face by Zhao Chengfeng.

"Damn, it's OK to tell you. Can't you understand people's words, or are you stuffed with bean curd dregs? You, you. "

Zhao Chengfeng is really speechless. Is there something wrong with this person's brain? I already know that this kind of garbage skill has no effect on me. You are still there, you

"Do you really want to die?"

"No, no, please forgive me..." he was kicked over by Zhao Chengfeng, and then trampled under his feet. Brandon finally woke up from his madness. Although he was very surprised that his authority talent had no effect on this person, it was totally unreasonable.

But the threat of death forced him to let go of his unwillingness and plead for mercy: "my Lord, I was confused for a moment and forgot that you are inviolable. I tried to offend you. I beg you to pity me for my ignorance and stupidity. I am willing to submit to you forever for your encouragement ~!"

"Don't believe him, my Lord. This damned bastard is a man without faith!" Brandon was kicked over, and the secret skill was completely interrupted. Both Wuhe and the crane people were free from the secret skill, but their faces were not very good-looking. It seemed that the secret skill against Brandon just now cost them a lot.

Brandon's power talent has no effect on Zhao Chengfeng, but it's still terrible for the practitioners in this world, especially the low-level practitioners. They have almost no means of defense, unless they have prepared the corresponding defense weapons or charms in advance.

Otherwise, the only way to defeat the spiritual rank is not to give him the chance to release the secret arts. Otherwise, even if your spiritual will is stronger than him, you will be shocked if you are not careful.

Therefore, the spiritual rank is a kind of people who are very scared, but also very vulnerable.

And like Zhao Chengfeng before, let stand still, let the spirit of the rank attack, this in the eyes of ordinary normal people is crazy.

However, this adult was safe, even without any influence, which made the eyes of Wu he and he people more awed and unable to see the depth clearly.

However, in contrast, their hatred and fear of Brandon has overcome their awe.

So now they want to kill this dangerous traitor.

Brandon didn't care about the crane people. He didn't even care about Wu he's gnashing his teeth.

Because from his experience, he can clearly feel that the master here is the man who steps on him, not the rest of the crane people.

So when he heard Wu he's words, he just sneered, "ha ha, little man, yes, I'm a humble little man, but when it comes to no letter, I can't compare with you crane people. I'm not Brandon who subverted the crane people at the beginning. My Lord, hehe, these crane people... "

"Don't say it's useless." Zhao Chengfeng interrupted him with no expression on his face. His feet didn't move away from his face, but he relaxed a little. Then he asked, "I'll ask you, how much do you know about guiwuyan?"

"Er..." Brandon was stunned. He didn't expect that Zhao Chengfeng's first question was not about the crane family, nor about Heyu, or those who were hiding in the dark, but Guiwu rock.

What's the question of such a Jedi.

Can't he have the idea of killing Wuyan? No, it's not so good.

Brandon's heart suddenly rose.

If Zhao Chengfeng is interested in Heyu, he is confident that with his eloquence and wisdom, he can still have a chance, or even make a profit from it.

But if this man had the idea of ghost Wuyan, it would be a dead man.

Damn it

"Why, you don't know?" Just when he hesitated, he suddenly felt that the strength of his feet on his face had increased again. He was so surprised that he said: "no, no, I know. I know. My Lord, I dare not say anything else. But I don't know much about guiwuyan, even the Marquis is. Really..."

Brandon said half, suddenly stopped, some regret in the heart, damn, I should try to get rid of his interest in ghost rock.

He didn't worry about Zhao Chengfeng's death, but he knew very well that as long as he wasn't a fool, he couldn't just ask a few questions and then let him go, and he would certainly be with him at that time.

What can we do?

If I say I don't know, he'll kill me immediately, and I've already said I know.

He wanted to see Zhao Chengfeng's expression, but unfortunately, when he was trampled on his feet, all he could see was Zhao Chengfeng's sole and another shoe.

Brandon really regretted this moment. Why did he accept such a task? Why did I appear here.

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