Brandon didn't want to say it, but he couldn't. Under the pressure of Zhao Chengfeng, he had to tell everything he knew about Guiwu rock. He didn't dare to hide anything. Of course, in the process, he also emphasized the danger of Guiwu rock.

In fact, there is no need to add oil and vinegar. Guiwu rock itself is already a danger of death.

"Just now, you said that the most powerful person at the level of king once had an idea for Guiwu rock, and finally came back in vain. Who is the king and how do you know about it?" Zhao Chengfeng pondered for a moment, then asked.

Brandon thought that Zhao Chengfeng had been frightened, but he still doubted the example he gave. He said hastily: "yes, my Lord, there was a king level existence who had ever thought of guiwuyan. And as far as I know, there was more than one one, and the most accurate news was the robber King who was said to have fought against the stone emperor, I know it because I once got a copy of the letter from the king of thieves

"Have you ever got a letter from the robber king?" Zhao Chengfeng was a little surprised. He didn't expect to hear the name of the robber king here. This elder is really everywhere.

Brandon was surprised that Zhao Chengfeng had such a big reaction, but he didn't doubt that he had him. He just thought he was nervous about guiwuyan. In addition, the reputation of the king of thieves really made people care.

Because if it is related to the troll king, it almost means wealth and treasure. Didn't he have such an illusion when he got the letter?

Unfortunately, that letter is more like the travel notes of that gentleman at a certain stage. It records a lot of things, such as the trivial life of sesame and mung bean, such as a joke I heard in a tavern, and even a lot of food. There are also some major events, such as the records of Guiwu rock.

It's just that there's no news about treasure or wealth.

In addition, the diction and grammar of the robber King's cabinet are also strange. There are some places that he still doesn't understand?

He hesitated for a moment, and then replied, "yes, I once got a letter from that gentleman, but I'm not sure if it was really from his handwriting, or..."

"Show me!" Zhao Chengfeng didn't wait for him to go on. He moved his foot from his face and said no doubt.

Brandon felt his face loose. He subconsciously touched his numb face and struggled to sit up. Then he looked up at Zhao Chengfeng.

"... yes." Brandon hesitated again. He wanted to say that he didn't take the letter with him, but when he looked at Zhao Chengfeng's eyes, he knew that even if he denied it, it was futile. He had no choice but to take out the pamphlet which he had studied for a long time, but didn't crack any information about the treasure. "My Lord, this is the letter. Please have a look."

"You are quite rich." Zhao Chengfeng took Brandon's letter with a smile, but his eyes fell on the ring shaped dimensional object on Brandon's finger. He said with a smile, "take it together. Anyway, it's useless for you to keep it."

"..." Brandon said bitterly and bitterly, "it's useless for me to keep it!"

But people have to bow their heads under the low eaves.

Now Xiaoming is in the hands of the other party. He has to give a dimensional thing, or not. Although the pain, but also can only cut the meat from the fingers down, and then reluctantly to Zhao Chengfeng.

Zhao Chengfeng didn't look at it much. He put a set on his finger and found that it was a little big. He changed another finger and it was still big, damn fat man.

All of a sudden, a ray of divine consciousness permeated into it. In an instant, Brandon's spiritual imprint was erased, and then his own brand of divine consciousness was engraved on it. At the next moment, the ring, which was originally a big ring, suddenly shrank and instantly became just right.

"It turns out that this is also a dimensional thing that can change the shape. Ha ha, good thing." Zhao Chengfeng turns his fingers to appreciate it. He is in a good mood for a moment. In this way, he can save Liuli, which is just a surprise gift for her.

As for the storage of dimensional things, he did not check it, but directly opened the letter.

It was Brandon who was surprised to see that his spiritual imprint had been erased by Zhao Chengfeng in an instant, and that even the dimensional things had been refined in an instant.

"No wonder my talent is useless to him. It turns out that this person's mental power is so strong that he can't be a marquis level or above who is also a spiritual authority. It's terrible."

It's incredible, but it seems to be the only explanation.

Because he is a spiritual rank, and also a pure spiritual title.

Even other knights in the same spiritual department, at the count level, could not easily erase his spiritual mark.

"No wonder he dares to come up with the idea of guiwuyan."

At the same time, Zhao Chengfeng, who opened the letter, couldn't help frowning, "what's the matter with this letter?"

Seeing this, Brandon thought that Zhao Chengfeng had seen something wrong.

Wu he and others can't help but wonder. After all, it's a letter from the legendary king of robbers. Even if it's just an ordinary letter, people can't help but wonder. Especially recently, the king of robbers was born again after he had "died" for thousands of years. It seems that he has mixed up with the undead.

This kind of unprecedented existence has cast a mysterious veil on it.

However, no matter how curious Wu he and others were, they did not dare to come and see.

He just looked at Zhao Chengfeng curiously and frowned as soon as he opened it. He couldn't help asking, "my Lord, what's wrong with this letter?"

"There's nothing wrong with the letter and the content, but the tone is a little strange?" Zhao Chengfeng shook his head and answered, but he didn't go on.

Wu he did not dare to ask again. What was the wrong tone.

However, Brandon was relieved to see Zhao Chengfeng saying that there was no problem with the letter and he didn't doubt him.

Then slightly frown, thought, the tone is wrong, where is wrong.

He recalled the contents of the letter, and suddenly his heart moved. He suddenly realized what Zhao Chengfeng's so-called wrong tone meant.

He didn't think about it all the time. Now when Zhao Chengfeng mentioned it, he suddenly realized that the tone of the letter was really strange.

Generally speaking, this kind of note is the same as a diary. It is often read by the owner of the note or the diary. This note is obviously of this type, but its tone seems to be for others to read. It's really a bit strange. There are also strange words and grammar. Does it really hide any secrets?

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