Just when Brandon was worried about gain and loss, Zhao Chengfeng had found the record about Guiwu rock in his letter.

The content is not as much as Zhao Chengfeng imagined. It's less than two pages. Maybe it's because of the failure in the end. The robber King's cabinet vaguely talked about many aspects of this exploration, and looked like he was hit.

Moreover, most of the contents are the conjectures of the robber King's cabinet, and many of them are broken thoughts with an unconvinced tone. It seems that the robber King's cabinet is very resentful about this failed exploration.

However, even so, Zhao Chengfeng still found some very enlightening content.

First of all, like Zhao Chengfeng, his highness denies the so-called speculation leading to the underworld. He thinks that this idea is nonsense.

In contrast, he recognized guiwuyan as a kind of life. He thought that guiwuyan's Guiwu would catch the creatures close to it, which was a kind of predatory behavior.

"Predation behavior..." Zhao Chengfeng can't help but think of the scene that several crane people were attacked by the ghost fog. He really feels like he has independent consciousness.

Looking back at the motionless rock peaks... It's all a mountain. Is it really a living body?

Moreover, the spirit of the ghost fog rock could not penetrate, and the surface of the mountain was indestructible. Just now, with a sword, he didn't even have a trace. It was absolutely impeccable.

Zhao Chengfeng frowned into a Sichuan character.

This is a bad start.

If you continue to read the contents of the letter, it seems that the king of robbers has no good way to deal with Guiwu rock. What's more, he made it clear that he used two pieces of King's arms at that time, one is famous for its sharp sword, and the other is a giant hammer, but none of them could break through Guiwu rock.

And the ghost fog can't be prevented. Even he can't do anything to see the meaning of the robber king.

However, the robber king put forward a conjecture, but this method is too dangerous, even if the robber king is very adventurous, he did not dare to try.

The robber King wrote here in a humorous way: "if there is a latecomer who has great courage, you might as well have a try, but I have a word first. I always dig a hole, but I don't care about burying people, so if there is a try, you will be responsible for the consequences ~!"

Seeing this, Zhao Chengfeng smiles bitterly... What a man who just digs a hole and doesn't care about burying people. It seems that I saw the thief's smile when he wrote this sentence.

And the conjecture that he put forward is indeed a pit in itself.

"Let the ghost fog devour, enter the mountainside and cut open from the inside? Why do you think it's all death? "

What does Zhao Chengfeng think? This so-called conjecture is very unreliable.

First of all, even if the ghost fog rock is really a living body, the ghost fog phagocytosis is indeed a predatory behavior.

But the question is, what kind of life is it? What's the way of eating in a living body? Can it live after being swallowed?

Even if it's swallowed, it won't die or be digested immediately, but the mountain is so hard, can it really be opened inside?

For these questions, the king of the robber explained that everything must have weaknesses, and the appearance of Guiwu rock is indestructible, integrated and flawless. If you want to break it by force, you can do it only if you have the top emperor level strong and at least semi artifact level armed.

So if it has weaknesses, it must be internal.

In addition, he said that although the ghost fog of Guiwu rock leads to the netherworld is nonsense, there is space power in the ghost fog, and the process of phagocytosis is similar to space transfer.

So he speculated that there might be an independent space in guiwuyan.

He also said that although guiwuyan may be a living body, judging from various signs, it is by no means a flesh and blood life. In other words, the energy it needs is unlikely to be flesh and blood energy.

So why does it devour flesh and blood?

He speculated that it is very likely that the ghost rock needs spiritual energy similar to the soul, so he said that after the ghost rock engulfs the creatures into the internal space, it is likely to confuse, control, rather than kill.

Seeing this, Zhao Chengfeng couldn't help pondering.

It has to be said that the king of robbers is worthy of being the king of robbers. Although his remarks are conjectures, they are really justified. For example, he gave an example. He once intentionally let a subordinate be engulfed by the ghost fog, and then pulled the subordinate back before he was completely engulfed. Afterwards, according to the subordinate, he felt a powerful power similar to space transmission, I saw a faint figure.

The subordinate was terrified afterwards, saying that he saw the dead.

However, the troll king just laughed at the saying of the undead. He thought it was the proof that Guiwu rock had the power of space and spirit.

At the same time, it is also the proof that there may be an independent space inside Guiwu rock, and it will confuse and control the prey, rather than kill it immediately.

He even said that the figures his subordinate saw were probably the prey captured and controlled by guiwuyan.

Zhao Chengfeng continued to turn back and saw that there was no more content about Guiwu rock. He looked at all the content about Guiwu rock twice from the beginning and made sure that there was no omission. Then he slowly closed his letter.

Then I looked at Guiwu rock.

Now he has some recognition of the robber King's conjecture, and also some heart.

But at the same time, there are also some hesitations. After all, these are just the guess of the robber king.

And even if he guessed correctly, the danger is still immeasurable. After all, there are so many creatures engulfed by Guiwu rock that they haven't heard that they can escape.

Even if it is that giant thief king's cabinet, said for a long time, finally he did not dare to try.

However, if he is really a spiritual force, Zhao Chengfeng feels that he has some assurance.

"If you can't, you'll have to take a chance." Zhao Chengfeng slightly pursed his lips, and secretly made a decision in his heart.

If it has been proved that Liuli is dead, or is not sure, Zhao Chengfeng will not be foolish enough to die for nothing. After all, Liuli is only Liuli, not Xia Bingbing or Shangguan Yan'er.

However, if there is a glimmer of hope, Zhao Chengfeng can not abandon it.

Next to Wu he and others see him for a while to look at the letter, and then look at Guiwu rock, very worried.

According to their opinion, now no matter what the situation is, we should give priority to miss Yunhe and master Yuhe.

Guiwu rock is a fierce place. It's better to stay away early.

But they also know that Zhao Chengfeng's ideas can not be transferred according to their will.

So they have to be in a hurry and dare not even urge them.

Compared with them, there is another person who is more worried than them, and this person is Brandon.

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