Different from Wu he and others, Brandon knew the contents of the letter, so he was even more worried that Zhao Chengfeng would really do that kind of thing.

Moreover, he knew that if Zhao Chengfeng did that, he would certainly pull him up, and even regard him as an experimental object.

However, he was worried about what he was worried about. Suddenly, Zhao Chengfeng's eyes cast on him. In a moment, Brandon almost cried.

"Big, big, my Lord, you, you...:"

Brandon's face was so white that he couldn't even use his tongue.

Zhao Chengfeng looked at his appearance and could not help smiling and comforting: "don't worry, I won't take any risks."

Then he pointed to the ghost fog rock again, "go, let the ghost fog swallow you."

"My Lord, you are wise... Ah, what?" Brandon was relieved to hear Zhao Chengfeng's words in front of him. He said that it was also a matter of ten deaths and no life. Who would do it.

But after listening to the last sentence, I almost jumped up from the ground and even doubted if I had heard it wrong.

"Don't worry, I'll pull you out in time." Zhao Chengfeng patted him on the shoulder with a smile.

"But, my Lord, don't you say you won't take any chances?" Brandon's face was in tears and he was dying.

"Yes, that's why I took you for an experiment to prove that what the robber king said is true or false. Oh, by the way, you must feel it carefully so as to provide the most accurate experimental results. Go!" Zhao Chengfeng's face is full of encouragement.

But it didn't give Brandon any confidence or comfort.

At this time, he really had 10000 MMP sentences, but he didn't know whether to say them or not.

People can't help but bow their heads under the low eaves. Even if ten thousand people don't want to, he can only walk cautiously to Guiwu rock. As he walks, he turns back to confirm that Zhao Chengfeng is really behind him. "My Lord, you must..."

When Zhao Chengfeng sees him grinding and chirping, he suddenly loses his patience. Before he finishes, he kicks his butt. Brandon screams like a pig. People have rushed to Guiwu rock.

Instinctively scared to retreat, but at this time, a canopy of ghost fog had already spurted out from the rock mountain of ghost fog rock. However, this time, ghost fog rock seemed to know that the situation was different. Ghost fog was not as careful and furtive as before. Instead, it suddenly rolled up half of Brandon's body and scared Brandon out of his wits.

Fortunately, Zhao Chengfeng had already made preparations this time. He held Brandon's arm as soon as he reached for it, but he didn't pull it out immediately. Instead, he yelled, "don't shout, give me a good feeling of the ghost fog!"

At this time, however, three more black clouds came out of the Rocky Mountain, two of them wrapped around Brandon, and the other one rolled towards Zhao Chengfeng.

Zhao Chengfeng is slightly surprised in his heart. Guiwu rock seems to be quite clever.

But he didn't panic. He held Brandon in one hand and raised his hand in the other, trying to disperse the ghost fog with the palm wind.

But he didn't expect that the power of his palm added part of the law of wind. The strong wind rolled up in one palm was no less than a small storm, but the ghost fog was only a little meal, and it was not dispersed at all.

Zhao Chengfeng had some accidents, but he was not particularly surprised. After all, the ghost fog knew that it was not incomprehensible that ordinary smoke could not be dispersed by the wind.

It's enough to be able to stop the three groups of fog. After a while, Brandon was almost completely engulfed by the fog. Zhao Chengfeng didn't dare to delay and grabbed Brandon's arm.

This pull, the group has wrapped Brandon's ghost fog seems to be angered, Zhao Chengfeng immediately felt a strong pull in the ghost fog and so on, almost pulled Brandon back, who had been half pulled out by him. And the other three groups of fog also quickly around.

Zhao Chengfeng quickly pulled Brandon to retreat, and walked out for tens of meters. The four groups of ghosts suddenly gave up, just like four fierce dogs were suddenly pulled by the rope around their necks.

Immediately, there was a few soft bangs, which dissipated in place.

However, before the ghost fog dissipated, Zhao Chengfeng vaguely felt that the ghost fog seemed to have a trace of unwillingness.

Zhao Chengfeng can't help but move a little in his heart. He can't help but have an idea.

How does the fog feel like it has a will?

Zhao Chengfeng didn't say much. He turned his head and looked at Brandon who was sitting on the ground again. Before he could ask, Brandon, with his head in his arms, exclaimed in horror, "it's terrible, it's terrible, oh, no, it's terrible!"

"Shut up Zhao Chengfeng didn't get angry and kicked him, stopped his yelling, and then gave a cold hum, "tell me what you see, and then dare to play a fool for me, or talk nonsense, I'll chop you up and throw you into the ghost fog, just to see if the ghost fog is interested in the flesh and blood without soul."

Brandon immediately closed his mouth and didn't dare to shout any more. He could feel that Zhao Chengfeng was serious. He could really do what he said.

Zhao Chengfeng stares at him angrily,... This goods is also a count level master, unexpectedly counsels like this.

Then he asked again, "what do you see?"

When he asked, Brandon trembled again. His mood seemed to be a little out of control. Fortunately, he repressed it. His voice trembled and said, "ghosts, I see many ghosts, and their faces are all blurred... There is a city, a city full of ghosts!"

"My lord ~!" Brandon suddenly grabs Zhao Chengfeng's trouser leg, but he almost scares him. He doesn't know what he wants to do. "My Lord, I feel that it's wrong under the troll King's cabinet. It's the underworld. It's never wrong."

Zhao Chengfeng ignored him. He kicked away his hand and asked again, "do you feel like space transmission?"

"..., this, this seems to have, but I was scared, I forgot other feelings, but it seems that there is some power to pull me into a certain place, no, not a certain place, is the underworld, yes, the ghost fog must be the messenger of the underworld, they want to pull me, do not want to pull all the creatures close to them into the underworld." Brandon said and hugged his head again. It seemed that he was really scared.

Zhao Chengfeng was a little disappointed. He thought Brandon was a spiritual knight, and he should have a clearer perception of some forces. Maybe he could perceive more things. He didn't expect this to happen.

However, what he said is similar to what he wrote.

It's just that... This person already knows the contents of the letter. Maybe he doesn't have a preconceived idea.

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