Seeing Zhao Chengfeng's hesitation, Wuhe immediately guessed his mind. Although he didn't want Zhao Chengfeng to focus on Guiwu rock, he also knew that Zhao Chengfeng's will was not so easy to change, so he sighed in his heart, but gave a glance to all the people of the crane family.

The crane people looked at him in surprise. Wuhe nodded slightly again. The crane people gritted their teeth slightly. Then they took a step forward and saluted Zhao Chengfeng and said, "my Lord, if necessary, we used to serve you."

Zhao Chengfeng is clear about the thoughts and actions of Wu he and others. He also knows that Wu he and this person are not really willing to do this, but are forced to do it. However, the crane family did not stop him, but chose to cooperate with him. He is still satisfied.

At least Wuhe and others made a very smart choice.

He took a look at the man, then looked at the black crane, and then nodded, without affectation, and said directly, "OK, then I'll trouble you."

He didn't appoint anyone. One of the burly crane people came out first. Zhao Chengfeng remembered that this person seemed to be called Wuhe.

After this person walks out, asked toward Zhao Chengfeng to have a look.

Zhao Chengfeng nodded, indicating that he could start.

The man took a deep breath, but he didn't talk much. He pursed his lips tightly and walked to Guiwu rock. He could see that he was very nervous, but he didn't hesitate.

Zhao Chengfeng secretly praised... These crane people are really not simple. The young lady Yunhe can use herself and her brother as bait for a purpose.

Although the strength of these crane people is not strong, they can not only care about the life and death of Miss Yunhe, even they clearly do not want me to provoke the ghost fog, but their choice is not to persuade or stop me, but to cooperate, and even risk being engulfed by the mysterious ghost fog.

Even Zhao Chengfeng didn't know whether he should praise these crane people for their calmness or say they were paranoid and crazy.

However, such a stubborn, paranoid, crazy, but cool to merciless group, if they really get through this disaster, I'm afraid they can really rise again in the future.

Zhao Chengfeng thought like this in his heart, but he didn't change his mind at all.

Whether it's appreciation or regret, he also has his own persistence and purpose.

As before, Zhao Chengfeng followed Wu he closely. They walked forward to about four or five meters away from Guiwu rock, and the black fog arrived as scheduled.

This time, however, three black clouds burst out, and they rolled towards the black crane at the same time.

It seems that they have learned the lesson before, or they already know that the attack can't hide it from Zhao Chengfeng, so they just come to the hard.

Seeing such a situation, the strong man of the crane nationality named Wuhe, even though he was ready in his heart, could not help but subconsciously step back. However, his strong determination finally made him resist the intention of turning around and running away.

In fact, with his speed, as soon as the three groups of ghost fog came out, he could not escape even if he wanted to. Almost in an instant, he was wrapped in the black fog.

However, this time Zhao Chengfeng had the previous experience, and he was more fully prepared. Seeing this, he was not flustered. He reached out like lightning, and almost at the moment when the ghost fog was about to close, he had already reached out into the black fog.

At the same time, he showed his divine sense and wrapped up the three black fog in a way of anti encirclement.

At that moment, he immediately felt the fluctuation of the power of space coming out of the black fog. At the same time, in his mind, there suddenly appeared a scream like a woman's scream, and a scream like a semiconductor radio wave. A terrible spiritual force swept along his consciousness.

It seems that this ghost fog, or some kind of existence of ghost fog rock itself, is irritated by his repeated behavior, and even intends to impact his sea of knowledge with spiritual force.

Although he had been attacked by Brandon with his spiritual talent before, Zhao Chengfeng immediately felt that his spiritual power was totally different from that of others.

If Brandon's talent before seems like a storm, then this spiritual force is undoubtedly a hurricane.

Before in Brandon's Secret skills, Zhao Chengfeng's knowledge of the sea almost has no feeling, but this is a sudden buzzing shock, but only before a shock.

However, with this shock, Zhao Chengfeng made a new discovery. He found that the two forces that make up the Taiji diagram in the sea of knowledge suddenly turned up in this instant.

When the Taiji diagram moves, the spiritual force seems to be startled, and immediately wants to withdraw from the sea of knowledge. However, a mysterious and mysterious force comes out of the Taiji diagram and calms the spiritual force.

The roaring and chaotic impact suddenly disappeared, and a picture appeared in Zhao Chengfeng's mind. The content of the picture was similar to the description in his notes and Brandon's words, but it was not clear. It seemed that it came from another time and space, and there were many people's shadows. Although they could not see clearly, they gave people a dull feeling.

Obviously, the "master" of this force did not expect such a situation, and it seemed to be surprisingly cautious. At this moment, it did not choose to continue to attack, but gave up this spiritual force decisively, just like the gecko severed its tail.

At the same time, the picture in Zhao Chengfeng's mind also disappeared.

In this moment, Zhao Chengfeng has caught Wu he out, and used a clever force to throw him back.

But as soon as he dodged, he quickly came to Brandon. Without waiting for the latter to react, he caught him.

"My Lord, you..." Brandon was surprised, but Zhao Chengfeng ignored him. He lifted it in his hand like a chicken, and stepped into the black fog.

Not only Brandon, but also Wuhe and others were startled by his action.

I didn't expect that Zhao Chengfeng would be so sudden.

Even the ghost fog stopped for a while.

It seems that the existence that dominates the ghost fog did not expect that after being robbed of food again, the existence that robbed their food actually fell into the trap.

However, the black fog just stopped breathing, then suddenly closed and wrapped up the food.

"Wait for me for a day, never come back..." Zhao Chengfeng's voice came from the black fog, but only half of the time, the black fog had disappeared, and Zhao Chengfeng and Brandon also disappeared.

Only the crane people were left in the field.

They don't understand why Zhao Chengfeng is so sudden.

A group of crane people can't help but subconsciously look at Wuhe.

Wuhe himself was also at a loss. Seeing the crowd coming, he frowned and said, "my Lord said to wait for one day, just wait for one day..."

Then he took a look at guiwuyan, and could not help sighing. He did not hold much hope in his heart.

Guiwu rock is a famous place in the world of black death. No matter what kind of existence it is, it has never been heard that someone can survive after being swallowed by Guiwu.

However, now they have no choice. Even if they give up Zhao Chengfeng, it's hard for them to leave before the borers are gone.

I can only wait for some time according to what Zhao Chengfeng said.

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