Zhao Chengfeng originally planned to test it a few more times. After he knew more about Guiwu and guiwuyan, he decided whether to take the risk or not.

But just at the moment when the mental force chose to cut off the gecko's tail, he suddenly felt that the owner of the mental force had suffered a loss in his knowledge of the sea, and he was afraid that he would not spray black fog again in a short time.

If he hesitated at that moment, he was afraid that he would be swallowed up later. In addition, through his own experience, he has almost confirmed the conjecture of the troll King's cabinet, and even has a little more knowledge of the ghost fog than that of the troll King's cabinet.

So at that moment, he made such a seemingly fatal move.

But in fact, he is more or less certain, at least the power of guiwuyan can't hurt him.

In addition, at the moment when the Taiji diagram calms down the mental power, he sees the faint picture, and he feels that the Taiji diagram in the sea of knowledge, the jade slips in his pocket, and the small pyramids in the dimensional objects all flutter slightly. It seems that there is something that they all desire to exist in the Guiwu rock.

This kind of reason made him make such a decision in a short time.

But the moment he stepped into the black fog, he also had some regret in his heart. He felt that it was really too risky.

Fortunately, this time he seems to have made the right bet.

At least so far, he is still alive, and he is indeed transferred to a special space by the power of space in the ghost fog, as guessed.

But he was not sure if it was still in the mountainside of Guiwu rock.

What I saw in front of my eyes turned out to be a desert with no boundary.

If that's all, but when he looked up, he could see the blue sky and white clouds, and even a dazzling sun hanging high above his head.

"Big, my Lord, where is this place? I can't feel my strength..." Zhao Chengfeng is wondering whether it's really in the mountainside, or in the body of Guiwu rock. There is a voice with a crying voice nearby.

Needless to say, the owner of the voice was the unfortunate count Brandon.

However, the count, who was still invincible a few hours ago, hid behind Zhao Chengfeng like a poor girl and looked around nervously.

Zhao Chengfeng didn't look at him angrily. "Look at you, you are also an earl level master. How can you be counselled like this?"

Brandon wanted to cry without tears. He wanted to bite Zhao Chengfeng to pieces and swallow him. He said in secret, "you think I'm willing to do this. Who's to blame?"

"When people see ghost fog rock, they are afraid of it. You should take the initiative to drill into the ghost fog. What's more, you don't forget to pull me in at such an urgent moment!"

However, he only dared to scold in his heart, saying that he did not dare to say it.

How much he hated Zhao Chengfeng in his heart, how much he was afraid at the same time.

This asshole is like his nemesis.

"Stay away from me." When Zhao Chengfeng saw that he wanted to cry like his daughter-in-law, he felt more disgusted and kicked him aside.

Then he set up a canopy and looked far away, but he didn't see anything. It seemed that this mysterious place had no boundary at all, and there was a desert everywhere.

Zhao Chengfeng can't help frowning slightly, and his divine sense spreads out and sweeps around, but he still doesn't feel anything strange.

"Hiss ~!" Zhao Chengfeng was really shocked. He thought that the desert or the sky might be some kind of mirage.

Otherwise, even if there is an independent space in Guiwu rock mass, is this space too large?

But when he scanned, he found that all the scenery seemed to be real.

it is beyond logic and above reason.

Just as Zhao Chengfeng frowned and pondered, he suddenly heard a "Dong Dong Dong" sound like an elephant rushing from behind.

Zhao Chengfeng and Brandon were surprised. Looking back, they saw a giant animal with scales like a dinosaur and a crocodile running towards it from a distance.

Brandon, who had just been kicked aside by Zhao Chengfeng, changed his face and quickly hid behind Zhao Chengfeng.

Zhao Chengfeng was so angry that he said, "I brought you in to use you as cannon fodder. You should have taken brother Feng as a meat shield."

He was about to throw Brandon out when he found a man sitting on the back of the beast.

What surprised him was not that there were other people in the space. The pictures he saw before already indicated this possibility.

He was surprised that the people on the giant beast were different from those he saw in the ghost fog. Although the people in the picture looked down upon their faces, they all gave people the feeling of having no soul, like an empty shell. However, although the knight on the giant beast's back was covered with his head and face, Zhao Chengfeng could clearly feel that the other side was a living person.

Surprised at the same time, Zhao Chengfeng also stopped action, vigilant looking at the running beast and knight.

"My Lord, there are people in that giant beast!" Brandon also saw the knight on the back of the beast. He was also shocked, but he was a little relieved.

"I'm not blind, I want you to say ~!" Zhao Chengfeng released him and pushed him aside.

The giant beast looks very clumsy, but its speed is not slow, and it seems to be very good at running in this kind of sand.

Before Zhao Chengfeng saw each other, the two sides were hundreds of meters away. Between the two sides, the rider had already arrived. Zhao Chengfeng said in a low voice: "stop the knight and ask him about the situation, but be careful. I don't care if you die!"

When Brandon saw that Zhao Chengfeng asked him to stop people, he could not help cursing Zhao Chengfeng. He hesitated for a moment. Just as he was about to step forward, the knight on the beast's back suddenly took a reins and ran around them.

Obviously, I found them, but I didn't look at them as if they were two stones.


Zhao Chengfeng and Brandon are both in a daze, some are not clear, so.

"Hello, please..."

Zhao Chengfeng immediately reaction, is going to shout each other.

The rider, who had been running for tens of meters, stopped at first. Then he heard the knight scold the beast vaguely. Then he turned the beast's head with a bridle. At the same time, he reached out and took off a spear like weapon hanging by the saddle bridge and held it in his hand.

Seeing this, Zhao Chengfeng and Brandon are both awe inspiring. Brandon instinctively wants to hide behind Zhao Chengfeng. Zhao Chengfeng stares at him and has to stop. But his face is crying and his legs are shaking.

Zhao Chengfeng suddenly regretted bringing this guy in. It's not cannon fodder. It's a burden. It's better to kill him directly.

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