The knight on the giant beast is holding the spear in his hand, but he doesn't start immediately or charge. He just urges the giant beast under the seat to move forward slowly. It seems that he is very alert, and it seems that he is surprised at the appearance of Zhao Chengfeng and Brandon.

Zhao Chengfeng saw that the other side didn't start immediately. The hand that had already grasped the hilt also stopped, but the hand didn't leave the hilt.

Just when Zhao Chengfeng was about to stop the visitors, they stopped first, looked at Zhao Chengfeng and Brandon suspiciously, and said tentatively, "are you... Living people?"

Zhao Chengfeng was stunned, but he didn't respond. What's the meaning of the other party? Isn't this nonsense? Isn't it a living person? Can the dead still stand here?

However, he hesitated and nodded. At the same time, Zhao Chengfeng was observing him and Brandon.

This man's dress is very strange. It can be regarded as a robe. But seriously, it's more like sewing two pieces of cloth into a pocket and digging a hole in the bottom. The material looks like the coarse linen of the earth world, but it's not very similar. However, such coarse clothes are engraved with mysterious patterns like runes, which are similar to his life The rune pattern seen in the Black Death world is very similar.

As for the man's appearance, because his whole head is not wrapped with a piece of material similar to his, he can't see clearly. He can't even distinguish between men and women, the old and the young. He can only judge from his voice and action. The other person should be a male, not too young, and an older middle-aged person.

The skin exposed on the outside of the clothes was very black and rough, with a weather beaten look.

Seeing that Zhao Chengfeng nodded his head and affirmed his problem, the man was obviously relieved and relaxed a little, but the spear in his hand was still flat like a knight's gun. It seemed that as long as he felt a little wrong, he would immediately charge to pierce Zhao Chengfeng and Brandon.

Then he asked, "Why are you here?"

Zhao Chengfeng did not hide, because his glass was gobbled up by Guiwu rock, he planned to risk breaking through Guiwu rock from the inside to rescue his companions.

However, he did not mention the manuscript of the king of robbers, and his guess about Guiwu rock was just casual.

After listening to him, the man's vigilant eyes showed a trace of disbelief, "you should have taken the initiative to rush into the soul fog. There are really such people in this world?"

"..." Zhao Chengfeng was a little chatty and didn't know how to answer the other party's words.

Brandon glanced at Zhao Chengfeng and said, "don't count me in. I didn't take the initiative. I was kidnapped."

Of course, he didn't dare to say that.

"But since you are swallowed by the soul fog, why do you not appear in the soul nest, but here, and still retain your mind?" After hearing Zhao Chengfeng's words, the knight on the beast's back is still full of suspicion, even murmuring with frown. It seems that he doesn't understand.

But the vigilance and hostility are much less, and they are no longer carrying spears, but hanging back on the back of the beast.

However, Zhao Chengfeng can't answer his question. He doesn't even know where it is and what the soul nest is. How can he get back to the other party's question.

You can only shake your head to show that you can't answer.

"By the way, who is your Excellency and where is this place?" Zhao Chengfeng asked.

"Don't dare to be your name, as for me... My name is an Tong. To some extent, I was swallowed by the soul fog just like you, but..." the man suddenly stopped, took a look at the sky with his hand in the shed, and then said nervously: "no, the eclipse storm is coming. We can't stay here for a long time."

With that, he turned the beast again, and at the same time, he cheered to Zhao Chengfeng and Brandon, "come up quickly."

"It's not good..." Zhao Chengfeng and Brandon also subconsciously looked up at the sky, but they didn't see anything. They didn't know what the eclipse storm was.

I was puzzled to hear that the knight, who called himself Antong, asked them to ride with the giant beast. It was a bit unexpected and hesitant. After all, we just met each other for the first time, and in such a strange place, we approached each other rashly. Who knows what the other's intention is.

Seeing that they were hesitant, an Tong seemed very anxious. He yelled: "hurry up, the storm of eroding God is very dangerous. Once it's involved, it's over. Hurry up..."

When Zhao Chengfeng saw his anxious eyes, he didn't seem to have any malice. With a sweep of his divine sense, he didn't find anything different. Moreover, they didn't know anything about this place. Even though he was confident in his own strength, he didn't dare to trust him too much.

Immediately a clench teeth, Baoquan way: "that trouble."

Then he reached for Brandon, leaped and landed on the back of the beast.

"Eh..." Antong was slightly surprised to see his action, but he looked up at the sky, his face changed again, and he didn't have time to ask more questions, just drank, "sit down ~!" He shook the reins, patted his feet on the back of the beast, and said, "Zha ~!"

Sitting down, the beast seemed to feel the danger. As soon as his voice fell, the beast had stepped forward and galloped quickly with its thick four hooves.

Sitting on the back of the beast, Zhao Chengfeng felt that the speed of the beast was a little faster than he estimated. There was nothing like carrying them on his back. He estimated that even if he ran with all his strength, he could not surpass the speed of the beast, especially in such a desert environment.

And just before the giant beast appeared, Zhao Chengfeng wondered what exactly was the God of eclipse storm in an Tong's mouth and why he was so scared. Suddenly, the sky with blue sky and white clouds above his head darkened.

"How come it's getting dark..." Brandon, who had been very timid, suddenly changed his face and couldn't help exclaiming.

Zhao Chengfeng didn't stare at him. He really wanted to kick the goods down.

However, he was also a little surprised. When he turned his head to look behind him, his face changed slightly. He saw a black line in the sky in the distance, which seemed to roll from the sea.

In the blink of an eye, the black line is less than a few miles away from them, and the original black line has become the wind and sand all over the sky. What kind of black line and wave is it? It turns out to be an endless sandstorm.

The sky is not dark, but the blue sky and white clouds are covered by the wind and sand, it feels like dark.

Even Zhao Chengfeng can't help changing the power of this space.

What's more strange is that it's so big that the storm is rolling yellow sand. It's less than a few miles away, and I can't hear any sound. Moreover, some low vegetation around the storm doesn't move.

"Mr. Antong, is that the storm of eclipse? Does it feel like a magic trick? "

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