When Brandon saw Zhao Chengfeng ignore him, he felt a little uneasy. He didn't know how to provoke the evil star. He wanted to get some prey, but he hesitated.

Before he made up his mind, those who had escaped the disaster just heard the sound of rushing like a river. Looking back, he saw that the desert behind him was moving, and large areas of yellow sand were flowing like tides.

At the same time, in the area swept by the storm, all kinds of creatures competing for prey stopped at the same time, and then ran away as if they had met a flood of beasts.

Originally, they were biting the same prey and tearing at each other, but at the same time, they all left the prey, as if they had agreed to run for their lives.

"No, it's the white bone colony. You two, let's go!" An Tong just stabbed a huge pangolin like creature and was about to cut it. When he saw the large white quicksand, his face suddenly changed.

No more prey. He shouts to Zhao Chengfeng and Brandon and climbs on the giant mount.

He just wanted to go back and greet Zhao Chengfeng and Brandon, but he saw a flower in front of him. Zhao Chengfeng was standing behind him.

The pupil of an Tong shrinks slightly, in the heart slightly surprised, "good fast speed ~!"

But then he saw that Zhao Chengfeng was alone, and there was no other person. He subconsciously looked behind him.

Zhao Chengfeng then thought of Brandon. When he looked back, he saw that Brandon was running panting and crying, "my Lord, take me, take me, don't leave me!"

Zhao Chengfeng couldn't help frowning. Although he knew that he was a spiritual person, he was also a count. He was so useless!

I don't want to worry about him at all, but if I think about it, I'm afraid that the new strong Mr. Antong will think that he is a cold-blooded and heartless man. Now he knows nothing about this place, and he needs Mr. Antong who knows something about it.

So with a little hesitation, he turned back again, reached out and grabbed Brandon's collar, then spread out the fairy again, and swung back to the beast.

Although there were less than a dozen breaths before and after such a delay, the vanguard had already broken into the storm ravaged area and was less than 200 meters away from them.

It seems that the giant beast under the seat also feels the fatal threat. Although he is reined in, he is very irritable and can't help scratching his feet. If it hadn't been for the same heart and soul with ANN, it would have been out of control.

At this time, Zhao Chengfeng and Brandon have already landed on the back of the beast, and Antong has also released the reins, and the beast immediately can't wait to eject.

Zhao Chengfeng looked back and saw that the quicksand was not white at all.

It's a lot of dead white ants.

These ants are very strange, whether color or shape are like countless pieces of dead bones.

Looking at the places where the ant colony passed by, Zhao Chengfeng couldn't help breathing a little. At the same time, he also understood why the native creatures were so frightened when they saw the ant colony. They fled, and those who got back to the ground were slow. Together with those creatures who were eroded by the storm, they were all swallowed by a mouthful of fly ash and annihilated.

It's really the annihilation of fly ash. There's no bone left.

Zhao Chengfeng once saw the marching ant colony in the earth world, which is known as one of the most terrible creatures in the earth world, but compared with these white bone ant colonies, it seems that they are still inferior.

Although we don't know what kind of creatures they are, each of them doesn't look like an ordinary creature. Some of them, even a little sensitive, can feel the surge of Qi and blood, full of power, and even as big as a giant elephant.

Some of them are as scaly and defensive as the giant beasts in their crotch. Zhao Chengfeng estimates that he will not be able to break it even if he is afraid of it, but all this will be useless if he is caught up by the white bone ant colony.

Even some of the creatures who are good at drilling have already penetrated into the desert. These termites can actually drill into the ground and roll them out. Then they are engulfed by the ant colony in the blink of an eye. When the ant colony passes, nothing is left in the original place, as if those creatures do not exist in this world.

"What is it? It's terrible!" Brandon's voice was shaking.

He can't imagine what would have happened if he hadn't been brought back by Zhao Chengfeng just now.

"These are called termites. They are one of the most terrifying things in this space. Except for some powerful fire creatures, they are almost invincible. Once they encounter them, the wisest choice is to run. Otherwise, once they are caught up, no matter how strong they are, they are useless." With that, Antong looked back and saw that the ant colony was very fast.

Although the speed of the giant beast has been very fast, the ant colony is still approaching.

Brandon's face turned white and his legs trembled, but an Tong didn't panic. He frowned and said to Zhao Cheng, "Sir, you can control Xiao Xi."

He said and handed the reins to Zhao Chengfeng.

"Xiao Xi, is that the name of this beast?" Zhao Chengfeng took the reins and pulled the corners of his mouth strangely. Unexpectedly, this huge and terrible beast had such a lovely name.

"Xiao Xi used to be my daughter's name, but now it is also her name." An Tong said while changing positions with Zhao Chengfeng, and then took out a pomegranate shaped pottery pot from the backpack behind him, with a very flat tone. It seems that this problem has not been able to cause the slightest fluctuation of his mood.

However, Zhao Chengfeng was slightly shocked by the speech, which was unexpected.

"Sorry." Zhao Chengfeng apologized.

"Ha ha." An Tong lightly smiles, and then bites the plug on the pottery pot with his teeth. With a strong push, a pungent smell immediately gushes out of the pottery pot.

"This is the urine of the fire dog. Its smell can prevent termites from chasing." Antong explained while carefully sprinkling it on the sand behind him, and then sprinkling a little bit on the ass of the giant Xiaoxi.

The beast hisses and spits out its long tongue, which forks like a snake. It doesn't seem to like the taste of the liquid.

Anton quickly patted it to appease, and the beast Xiaoxi seemed to know Anton's intention, so although he didn't like it, he didn't resist it.

After finishing all this, Antong carefully covered the pot and took it back to his backpack.

Seeing Brandon looking at him, Anton said with a smile: "although the fire dog is not particularly powerful, it is not so easy to deal with. It is not so easy to collect its urine, but in this space, it is one of the few dogs that can control the existence of termites."


He pointed back, and Brandon and Zhao Chengfeng looked back. Sure enough, they found that the termites had caught up with him where he had spilled urine before, and immediately there was a riot. The orderly ant colony became chaotic and panicked, and naturally they did not catch up.

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