Zhao Chengfeng and Brandon can't help but feel relieved.

"I didn't expect it to be so useful." Brandon took a subconscious look at Anton's backpack.

"Ha ha." An Tong smiles and says to Zhao Cheng, "well, before the smell of urine evaporates, termites won't chase here."

Then he took the reins from Zhao Chengfeng again, and they changed their positions again.

"Mr. Antong seems to be very familiar with this space. How long have you been here?" Zhao Chengfeng sits back and looks at an Tong's back and asks.

"How long has it been?" Mr. Antong was slightly absent-minded, then said with a bitter smile: "I really can't answer this question..."

When he said this, he suddenly asked, "by the way, I haven't asked you what you call them?"

"Mr. Anton, my name is Brandon." Brandon rushed to reply, with a little flattery in his voice. He already felt that Zhao Chengfeng didn't seem to be interested in him, but fortunately, he didn't plan to kill him, but I'm afraid he won't care about his life.

In addition, whether the current situation can go out or not is unknown. In this space, it seems that all the authority of his title has been suppressed, and he can't feel the power of authority in this world.

As a spiritual ranking person, he has lost the power of authority. He is only afraid that he is not as good as a baron ranking person in the outside world, that is, he is a little better than ordinary people.

In such a dangerous environment, it can be said that there is no self-protection.

So he has to find a backer. At present, it seems that Mr. an Tong is very kind-hearted, and he hates to understand this place. Besides Zhao Chengfeng, it should be a good choice.

Of course, he seems to have no other choice.

Zhao Chengfeng naturally knows Brandon's mind, and he doesn't care. Although he doesn't think that Mr. Antong is really a kind rotten good man, although he may be a good man, can a rotten good man survive in this place?

But it's Brandon's own business, and he's too lazy to care.

The two sides were enemies and not friends. They wanted to be cannon fodder when they brought him in. Now they don't even consider the qualification of being cannon fodder. It's kind not to kill him. There's no way to expect Zhao Chengfeng to take care of him.

He also didn't care about Brandon's reply. He said with a smile, "Wuchen Qianzhi is from the city of May 9 in the eternal world."

"Five Chen thousand childish? I didn't expect that the younger brother turned out to be a member of a clan. No wonder he was extraordinary at first sight. "

"Where, the small clan in a small town is not worth mentioning. Is Mr. Antong from the eternal world?" Zhao Chengfeng asked.

"Yes." An Tong nodded, "I come from Yuancheng in the eternal world."

"Yuancheng?" Zhao Chengfeng and Brandon can't help repeating a sentence after hearing the speech, which is somewhat unexpected.

There are 360 cities in Changsheng Kingdom, which are divided into 12 states. Each state has a Yuanri City, but the only one that can be called Yuanri city is Yuanyue city.

In a sense, Yuancheng can be regarded as the central capital of the whole eternal world.

Of course, there is no concept of a country in the eternal world, so naturally there is no capital. However, Yuancheng is still the legendary place that everyone in the eternal world yearns for most.

It's said that the strong are like clouds, Shouzhu are everywhere, and all kinds of powerful armed forces are everywhere.

"I didn't expect that Mr. an Tong was a man of Yuancheng in the eternal world. No wonder he was so powerful. The people of Dacheng were really different." Brandon exclaimed, with a slightly exaggerated tone. Obviously, he was not only surprised, but also flattering.

"Hehe, there are many strong people in Yuancheng, but not all of them are strong. I'm just an ordinary civilian. I can't compare with the clan children like Mr. Qianzhi."

"Hey hey, you don't have to be too modest. Of course, the clan children like Qianzhi are very powerful, but Yuancheng is the center of the eternal world. There are no weak people who can live in Yuancheng." Brandon said with a flattering smile that he changed his husband into an adult, but he didn't dare to offend Zhao Chengfeng.

Although he came to this space, Zhao Chengfeng was even more scared. His authority was completely suppressed here, but Zhao Chengfeng didn't seem to have any influence at all.

This man is so weird.

An Tong smiles and doesn't answer his words.

Zhao Chengfeng also did not answer his words. His eyes moved and he asked again, "by the way, Mr. Antong just said it's hard to say. I don't know why. Is it inconvenient?"

"Ah?" An Tongzheng, then suddenly said: "Oh, you say my time here, there's nothing inconvenient to say, I can't say, because I can't estimate myself."

"Both of you should have felt it. The speed of time in this space is different from that of the outside world, and this space has a shield for rank permissions. Therefore, even the king level strongmen here can only feel the different speed of time, but they can't feel the speed of Shouyuan, so they don't know the specific gap."

When he said this, he had a look at Zhao Chengfeng intentionally or unintentionally. Obviously, he was also guessing whether Zhao Chengfeng could still use rank permissions, otherwise how could he have such a fast speed?

But after the power of authority is blocked, he can't feel the fluctuation of power of authority and spirit, so he can't be sure of his guess.

And some things are not easy for him to ask directly.

So he had to test.

But when he finished, he saw that Zhao Chengfeng didn't look the same. He just nodded slightly, as if thinking about what he said.

An Tong smile, said: "another point, I fell into this space, but no two are so lucky, I was trapped in the soul nest for a long time, at that time, I was not conscious, more can't know the specific time."

"That's why I said it. It's hard to say."

After an Tong explained, he laughed again, with a trace of disappointment in his eyes, and said: "however, since I came out of the soul nest, it should be nearly ten years according to the speed of this space."

"Hiss, ten years ~!" Zhao Chengfeng and Brandon can't help but take a breath.

Ten years is terrible.

Zhao Chengfeng eyes can not help a flash of fierce color, hand also can not help subconsciously clenched into a fist.

For the first time in my heart, I was a little anxious.

But it soon calmed down.

He still has faith in himself.

Moreover, his confidence is not blind, it is reliable.

The first one is one's own strength.

After he came to this world, he found that the ancient martial system was superior to the rank and authority system of this world.

That is to say, the essence of the ancient martial arts system is itself, and all the basis and essence of cultivation is itself. Even if the law and spiritual power are suppressed, the physical power will never disappear.

And he seems to be more special. No matter in the eternal world, the Black Death world, or this space, his realm seems to be completely unaffected.

Although he was not sure about the reason, he only speculated that it might be the seed of the eternal tree, or the Tai Chi diagram composed of tree species and the power of destruction, no matter what it was, the power that could not be suppressed was his greatest reliance.

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