In addition, there is another point that he does not feel the isolation that he has just come to the eternal world or the Black Death world in this space, that is to say, his fit with this space is the same as that in the outside world.

This is enough to show that this place is absolutely connected with the underworld. Although it is a little strange, it is not completely independent of the underworld.

With such a premise, there is great hope to find a way back to the Black Death world.

And really not, he has a risky choice, that is, the small pyramid in his hands.

No, he can venture back to the earth world, and then find a way to return to the immortal world or the Black Death world.

This is also the basis for him to venture into this space.

Of course, this is the last resort.

He won't do it until he has to.

However, his first task now is to find Liuli first. After all, the purpose of his coming here is to bring back Liuli.

"By the way, Mr. Antong, you seem to have mentioned the ghost nest twice before. Could you tell me where the ghost nest is and whether all the people who come in by ghost Wuyan will appear in the ghost nest?" Zhao Chengfeng suddenly thought of something and asked.

"Yes." An Tong didn't hide, or sell the key, and said directly: "at least as far as I know, except for two, all the other fallen people who were swallowed by Guiwu rock will be detained in the ghost nest."

Then he took another look at Zhao Chengfeng, as if he wanted to know why Zhao Chengfeng and Brandon appeared outside the soul nest.

Zhao Chengfeng also knew what he thought, but he only said with a bitter smile: "in fact, I don't know why it appears outside the soul nest. In fact, we don't know what the soul nest is?"

Speaking of this, he moved in his heart and frowned: "if there is any possibility, it may be the process of our coming in..."

Then he said that if he first fell into the fog, then broke away from the fog, and then brought Brandon into the fog again, "maybe this process consumed the power of the fog and caused such a deviation."

An Tong hears speech to slightly ponder, immediately nod a head, "this pour is possible."

"Mr. Antong, what kind of place is the soul nest? Where is it? Can you show me?" Zhao Chengfeng asked.

An Tong unexpectedly didn't refuse. Wen Yan nodded and said, "it's not a big problem, but it's too late today. It's going to be dark soon. This desert is very dangerous after night."

"Night?" Hearing this word, Zhao Chengfeng and Brandon could not help but be surprised, "is there any difference between day and night in this world?"

Seeing an Tong nodding, both of them could not help a moment of silence, and their hearts were shocked.

There is no distinction between day and night in the world of immortality and the world of black death. There are only day moon and night moon. When it comes to day moon, the whole day moon season is day. On the contrary, the whole night moon season is night.

I didn't expect there would be day and night in such a space.

Now Zhao Chengfeng is not so confident in his judgment. Is it really the Black Death world?

However, Zhao Chengfeng's eyes immediately became firm.

Maybe it's some kind of powerful magic, or some kind of powerful existence, and the possibility of artificial phenomenon is also great.

Anyway, I didn't feel any repulsion when I came to this space.

This shows that the law here is still the same as the Black Death world.

"There's another point." An Tong added: "there is more than one soul nest in this space. If Mr. Qianzhi wants to find your friends, it may also depend on his luck. And not all the fallen who are imprisoned in the soul nest can be awakened. "

"Wake up?" Zhao Chengfeng asked.

"Yes, wake up. I can't tell you the details. You can understand it when you go to see it yourself. It's getting late now. I'm going to return to the camp. Would you like to join me? " An Tong asked.

"I want to go, Mr. Antong. I hope to go to your camp with you." Brandon said again.

Zhao Chengfeng also nodded his head and said, "if Mr. Antong permits, Wuchen Qianzhi will trouble Mr. Antong."

"No, you're welcome." An Tong said with a smile: "however, the camp is not mine, at least I am not alone."

"Well? Is there a lot of people like you in this space besides Mr. Antong? " Zhao Chengfeng was a little surprised.

However, he immediately realized that he should have thought of this for a long time. Apart from other things, Mr. Antong has been here for ten years, but he is still in a normal mental state. He still has many tools, medicines, clothes, spears and runes on his clothes. All of these do not look like a person who can be alone with his own strength.

If you stay in this space alone for ten years, you will be absolutely crazy.

But if there are so many people, why has no one gone out in so many years?

Zhao Chengfeng is not happy to learn that there are more sober peers here. On the contrary, he feels that things may be more difficult than he expected.

Seeing him like this, an Tong thought he was worried about the safety of the camp. He laughed and urged the beast Xiaoxi to say, "you will know if you come with me. I believe you will be very happy to have two more companions."

Knowing that he misunderstood, Zhao Chengfeng didn't explain and nodded with a smile.

But I don't think so. Although Mr. Antong is really good so far, he doesn't know his true heart. What's more, Mr. Antong is a good man. Can everyone else be the same as Mr. Antong?

It's hard to say.

There is a saying in China: where there are people, there are rivers and lakes, and there are struggles.

But he's not afraid. He's afraid outside.

Here, in addition to him, other people's power is blocked. What else is he afraid of.

Of course, he was not careless, because power is not just the power of a single body or the talent of authority.

For example, Mr. an Tong's clothes and spears are very unusual. The runes on them are not just for decoration.

Although their authority talent is limited, but so many years, who knows if people in this space have figured out other things.

Poverty means change, and change means flexibility. Human creativity is not to be underestimated.

Under the leadership of Mr. an Tong, the giant Xiao Xi ran for more than an hour. Zhao Chengfeng finally saw the camp in Mr. an Tong's mouth.

Unexpectedly, it is not as simple as Zhao Chengfeng imagined. On the contrary, it is quite large.

The whole camp is built in a natural canyon. On the side close to the exit of the canyon, a huge stone wall is built with huge stones. A rough but powerful gate just blocks the whole valley entrance. A tower is built on both sides of the gate according to the terrain on both sides of the canyon.

And far above the tower, you can see someone standing guard and inspecting, but what makes Zhao Chengfeng most concerned is that there is something like a gun barrel on the tower.

Zhao Chengfeng took a deep breath, "no, they won't make hot weapons here. It's really poor and flexible."

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