"Well, Mr. Qianzhi, is our camp good? This is our home in the world. " An Tong saw their shocked expressions, and his tone was slightly proud.

And this time he did not use space, but the world.

"It's not only good, it's shocking." Zhao Chengfeng is honest.

It's really unexpected.

Next to Brandon also said: "this is already a city, isn't it? By the way, Mr. Antong, what's that thing? How does it feel? "

He said, pointing to the strange gun barrel on the tower.

Zhao Chengfeng praises Brandon secretly. In fact, he also wants to ask this question.

"That ah, that's called an air cannon!" Brandon's eyes lit up and said: "that's amazing. It can use the power of empty lines to send out empty thunder bombs. Empty thunder bombs can directly burst the void. No matter how powerful the beast is, it can't resist a shot. However, the consumption is also very large. An air mine bomb will consume one third of the power in the air, so an air mine can only be launched three times at most, and then it will be fully recovered at least one month later. "

"Air cannon, burst the void!" Zhao Chengfeng and Brandon were shocked and burst into the void, which was too terrible.

Space power and time power, no matter what time, are very high-order laws, which can affect the void. In the earth world, the ancient martial system, at least, can only be achieved above the void breaking state.

If you really want to tear, it will be higher.

Zhao Chengfeng doesn't know about the world of eternal life and death, but he estimates that it's impossible for the Duke.

At least Duke level or even King level.

However, only a primitive artillery which looks like the same level as the Sui and Tang Dynasties in the earth world can do it. It's terrible.

Wait a minute, empty thunder gun, empty grain, how come they all have an empty word? Can we use the law of space by Rune?

Zhao Chengfeng is suspicious.

"Well, I'm not surprised." An Tong laughs and asks.

Zhao Chengfeng nodded... Not only surprised, but also frightened.

"In fact, I was just as surprised when I first came into contact. No, I was shocked." An Tong murmurs.

The three talked and walked.

"Stop, who?" As soon as they got to the door, they were stopped by the people in the tower.

"It's me, Captain Mulder. Is it your turn to guard today?" Antong waved back to the tower and pulled off the gauze covering his head.

Zhao Chengfeng and Brandon saw Mr. Antong's appearance, but it was not different from their imagination. Their expression was mild, but their eyebrows were full of wisdom and perseverance, which gave people a sense of reliability.

But at the same time, an Tong whispered to Zhao Cheng: "I didn't expect that this captain Mulder was in charge of the guard today. I'm afraid it's a bit of trouble."

"Why are you contradicting the captain?" Zhao Chengfeng quietly asked back.

"No, I have no personal conflict with him." Anton shook his head slightly.

"Personal conflict?" Zhao Chengfeng keenly captures Antong's words.

But before Anton could answer, the people on the tower had already come down.

Both stopped talking at the same time.

When Zhao Chengfeng saw the man who came down, he was in his thirties. He was thin and tall, with a high nose, a hooked nose, pale skin, and a pride between his eyebrows.

Looking at the man's face, Zhao Chengfeng sighed in his heart.

Sure enough, it's not a talkative look.

At the same time, I secretly laughed at Mr. an Tong. Just now, he said that people here are so close to each other. What a slap in the face.

"It's Mr. Antong." The man said, with a snort and a smile from his nostrils, and his eyes swept the big and small bags on the giant Xiaoxi's back, "Mr. Antong, you've got a lot of harvest this time!"

"It's not rich, but the blessing of captain tomurd and you adults is barely empty handed." Mr. an Tong said with a bitter smile, and then he quickly took out a handful of crystal nuclei with different colors. At the same time, he took off a yellow sheep like beast from Xiao Xi's back and said, "these crystal nuclei are the tax I handed over to the camp. This yellow sheep is given to you and your brothers. You have worked hard to guard the camp. A yellow sheep can't be respected. It's just a snack for you."

Captain Mulder's face sank when he heard that Anton had nothing to gain. He didn't smile until he saw Anton take out crystal nucleus and a yellow goat, but he didn't pick it up.

But he said faintly: "it's our duty to guard the camp. How dare Mr. Antong spend money on it, and there is only such a thin sheep... However, Mr. Antong has gained so much this time, and he only takes out so many animal crystals, isn't it..."

"It's my thoughtlessness, it's my thoughtlessness..." without waiting for this person to finish, Antong quickly took out a few crystal nuclei, and ruthlessly took off a prey from Xiaoxi's back and put it on the Yellow Goat, "Captain Mulder, how do you like this?"

"Ha ha, OK. For the sake of Mr. an Tong, who is also an old resident of the camp, is that all right this time?" Captain Mulder glanced at him, then waved his hand, and immediately soldiers came to collect the crystal core and the prey.

Mr. Antong was slightly relieved, "Captain Mulder, you are busy. I will go to the camp first."

With that, Antong makes a look at Zhao Chengfeng and Brandon and is about to go inside.


Three people just want to go inside, but Captain Mulder drinks three people again.

"Who are you two?" As if he had just discovered them, he looked coldly up and down at Zhao Chengfeng and Brandon.

Zhao Chengfeng can't help sneering. He can be sure that this person has noticed him and Brandon for a long time. He didn't say that before. He just wanted to blackmail him once more.

However, he didn't speak up, because he didn't know the place, so he had better ask Mr. Antong to come forward.

Mr. Antong also understood and said, "Captain Mulder, these two are my friends. They used to be in other camps. I just met them this time, so I invited them to come."

And then he put in a few nuclei.

The latter quietly took over, and then turned his hand, kicked into his pocket, which showed a smile, "Oh, it's friends from other camps, go in, go in ~!"

Antong quickly thanks, and then pull Zhao Chengfeng two people to go inside.

Zhao Chengfeng didn't speak, and even didn't turn his head back, but his divine sense always enveloped the captain Mulder, because at that moment, he felt that the captain Mulder's expression seemed a little strange.

Although the other side conceals very well, but Zhao Chengfeng's perception is how keen.

Sure enough, when they turned around and walked into the camp, Captain Mulder, who had just lost interest in them, looked at their back and showed a joking and sarcastic smile.

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