Zhao Chengfeng didn't look back, but his divine sense firmly locked the captain Mulder. Seeing this man's expression, he could not help frowning slightly, but he didn't make any expression even when he stretched out.

Go into the camp with Anton.

Judging from the terrain at the entrance of the camp, Zhao Chengfeng already knew that the canyon must be big, but after entering it, he found that the inner space of the canyon was even wider than he expected.

It's a canyon from the outside, but it's more appropriate to say that it's a basin when you walk in.

"The entrance is narrow and the stomach is big. It's really a good place to set up a camp, and I actually feel a strong aura here!" Zhao Chengfeng said with admiration.

Although he can still use the spiritual power in this space, he can keenly feel that the spiritual power in this space is very thin, even nearly exhausted, which is not much better than the earth world before the great changes of heaven and earth.

But when he walked into the camp, he obviously felt that there was aura here. Although it was not as good as the Black Death world or the immortal world, it was almost as good as the secret space of the earth world.

"Aura? Oh, Mr. Qianzhi is talking about the power of heaven and earth, right? I can't imagine that Mr. Qianzhi is so keen on the power of heaven and earth. It seems that Mr. Qianzhi should be trying to borrow the secret of the power of heaven and earth? " An Tong took a look at Zhao Chengfeng and said with a meaningful smile.

Zhao Chengfeng then remembered that in the immortal world and the Black Death world, he called aura the power of heaven and earth, and the power of law the rank authority. However, although the rank authority can also use aura to refine his body to a certain extent, when using the rank authority of the natural system, such as ice system, wind system, etc., the corresponding Aura will also be called.

However, it does not have the ability to refine the aura into the aura and store it in the air sea of Dantian for your own use.

Only a small number of inheritors have mastered some very superficial secrets, which are similar to Western magic in mobilizing the aura of heaven and earth.

There are also weapons, array patterns and refining tools, alchemy is related to aura.

In a word, the ranks of the Black Death world and the immortal world, their power comes from the authority given by heaven and earth. For the aura between heaven and earth, they can only be simply mobilized through secret methods or other media, and can not be incorporated into themselves.

Of course, they can't be as sensitive to aura as the ancient warrior.

Zhao Chengfeng knew this difference for a long time, and just now he just said it for a moment. Fortunately, Antong also had a misunderstanding. He only thought that Zhao Chengfeng had mastered some secret method, so he was so sensitive to the differences between heaven and earth.

For an Tong's misunderstanding, Zhao smile, did not admit, did not deny.

An Tong didn't ask. He obviously thought that Zhao Chengfeng had acquiesced. In his heart, he took a high look at Wu Chen's surname on May 9. After all, in his opinion, the clans who can master this secret method must have the inside information.

At the same time, he thinks he knows why Zhao Chengfeng seems to be able to use extraordinary power in this world. It turns out that he is not able to use rank authority here, but he has a secret method that can use the power of heaven and earth.

In fact, not only he thought so, but also Brandon beside him. He was even envious. "Damn, sure enough, the children of the clan are amazing. They even have the secret method of using the power of heaven and earth."

"Yes, the power of heaven and earth here is stronger than that of the desert outside. Look there. Do you feel any difference there?" Antong pointed to the center of the camp and asked two people.

Zhao Chengfeng and Brandon look subconsciously in the direction of his fingers.

At this moment, Brandon is OK, but Zhao Chengfeng can't help shrinking his pupils

"It's really weird there. It seems that there are some spatial distortions and fluctuations, and the power of heaven and earth is obviously stronger there. Mr. Antong, is there anything special there? " Zhao Chengfeng.

In fact, he found out the latter point before, but he just thought that this camp might have arranged some kind of aura gathering array. This kind of thing is very normal in the immortal world and the Black Death world, and it's the center of the camp, so it's no surprise that aura is strong.

Before Antong mentioned it, he didn't look at it carefully.

Now that Antong mentioned it, he knew it was not so simple.

And at this time, a closer look, Brandon did not see anything, but Zhao Chengfeng immediately found that there was a kind of subtle distortion in the void, and the distortion seemed to be constantly changing and fluctuating.

Seeing that Zhao Chengfeng finds something strange so soon, Antong can't help but take a look at Zhao Chengfeng more and more, and feels that this five Chen Qianzhi is not simple.

But he didn't say much about it, so that the young man didn't feel that he was spying on him. So he just took a look, then withdrew his eyes, nodded slightly and said, "yes, there is something very special there, but I don't know exactly what it is. I just heard that it is the place where God and the high priests live."

"God?" Hearing this word, Zhao Chengfeng and Brandon could not help but be slightly surprised.

No matter which world can be called God, this title is not a casual title.

And for most civilizations, God is not something that ordinary people can touch or even know.

Even in the realm of eternal life and the realm of black death, there are only two masters who don't know whether they really exist.

In addition, even the existence of the imperial rank is not related to this title at all. On the contrary, the armed forces do have the existence of the suspected God level or semi God level.

For example, the crane jade of the time.

Even Zhao Chengfeng has an ice pendant called an artifact.

And such a camp even said there was a God?

Zhao Chengfeng couldn't help laughing. Suddenly, his heart moved. If this is the space in Guiwu rock, then the existence called God may have something to do with the core of Guiwu rock.

Aware of this, Zhao Chengfeng can't help but take another look in that direction. However, he soon suppresses the impulse in his heart. For one thing, he doesn't know the depth of the place and the power of the so-called God.

Secondly, he has not found the glaze, the primary purpose has not been achieved, it is not appropriate to scare the snake.

But Brandon was very curious and couldn't help asking, "Lord Anton, have you ever seen that so-called God?"

An Tong shook his head. "How could I have seen it? Don't say I saw it. Outsiders like us can't even get close to it. The camp is divided into four areas in a circular shape. One area is the peripheral area, where outsiders like us live. The second floor is the market area. The third floor is where people like Captain Mulder live. The core area is where the temple is, where the gods and priests live. We are not qualified to get close to it. "

"Well, you two, let's not stay any longer to avoid trouble."

After entering the camp, Antong seemed to be very cautious and unwilling to stay more. He was also reluctant to say more about the so-called God and took them to a turn.

Zhao Chengfeng did not ask much, and followed him along the edge of the camp.

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