Looking at the scale outside the camp, I thought that even though it was not as big as a city, it should be very busy, because according to Antong, there should be a large population in the camp.

But the scene is not like this, although there are pedestrians on the street, but did not see a shop, there are houses on both sides, the doors are closed, occasionally passers-by in a hurry.

The three people walk all the way, occasionally it seems that someone knows Antong, because their eyes after seeing Antong are not the eyes of strangers, but few people come forward to say hello, at most they just nod their heads far away, and then they rush away.

Occasionally, some young people see Antong and seem to want to come forward to say hello, but most of them are stopped by the elderly beside them.

But next to Antong, Zhao Chengfeng and Brandon attracted many people's curious eyes, but they were also furtive. When Zhao Chengfeng's eyes look back, these are like birds in a hurry to avoid.

Looking at this scene, Zhao Chengfeng feels that the camp is not as good as Mr. an Tong said.

"What's the matter, Mr. Antong? Why do these people see us as dangerous creatures?" It wasn't just Zhao Chengfeng, but Brandon felt the difference and couldn't help asking.

An Tong gave a wry smile, but said very leniently: "in fact, they were all good people, but they were just afraid of trouble."

"Afraid of trouble?" Zhao Chengfeng and Brandon can't help but look slightly surprised.

Because Mr. Antong doesn't look like a person who can provoke right and wrong.

However, Antong seems unwilling to say more about this, just a smile, pointing to the front of the two humanity: "two, that's where I live."

"There are a lot of houses, but they are a little dilapidated. They have to be wronged for the time being."

Zhao Chengfeng looked in the direction of his fingers and saw a row of stone houses at a certain distance from other houses around him.

It looks like three or four rooms, and there is a animal shed on one side.

The style is similar to that of other houses around. They are all made of stone, not too high, but very strong. The roof is made of animal skin and sand. It's not very good, but it's not so bad in this place. It's good to have a place to stand.

What's more, people don't owe them anything. Of course, Zhao Chengfeng and Brandon all said in a hurry: "Mr. Antong is too polite. We are the ones who have disturbed him."

While speaking, he is in front of the house that Anton refers to. As Anton talks, he jumps down from the giant beast. Zhao Chengfeng and Brandon jump down to help Anton move down the prey and all kinds of packages on Xiaoxi's back.

An Tong slapped Xiao Xi's ass again, "girl, it's hard for you. Go and have a rest." Xiao Xi is tacit understanding of hissing spit out tongue, slowly into the animal shed.

Zhao Chengfeng and Brandon are next to each other. Then they know that the beast is a mother. No wonder Mr. Antong will give her daughter's name to it.

In this way, don't we ride Mr. Antong's daughter all the time... Zhao Chengfeng pulled the corner of his mouth, coughed softly, and said in secret: "well, it's better not to take everyone to set it, otherwise it's a bit strange."

After driving Xiaoxi into the animal shed, Antong puts out a bucket of water from a big jar at the bottom of the wall, pours it into the sink of the animal shed, and throws a finished prey to a giant animal Xiaoxi. Then he opens the door and asks Brandon and Zhao Chengfeng to come in and drink water.

He is busy dragging the unloaded prey to the house, intending to deal with the prey. Zhao Chengfeng and Brandon want to help, but he stops them.

"No, no, I'll be able to deal with such a small matter soon. You two can rest well." With these words, Antong drags a sand lizard like prey and skips off its scales and skin skillfully, just like a cook.

Zhao Chengfeng and Brandon saw that they couldn't get involved, so they had to stand by and watch.

All of a sudden, Brandon broke the head of the prey with a knife, then took out a thumb sized thing from it, and quickly rinsed it in the water basin prepared by the side. Zhao Chengfeng and Brandon saw the real face of the thing. It turned out that it was a bright red crystal.

Zhao Chengfeng and Brandon recognized that it was the crystal that Anton had given to captain Mulder when he was at the gate of the city, but Anton had given Mulder all the colors before, and this one was bright red.

"Lord Antong, are these creatures also exotic animals? Do they also have nuclei in their bodies?" Before Zhao Chengfeng spoke, Brandon spoke first.

Zhao Chengfeng turned his head and saw that his face was as curious and surprised as himself.

However, Zhao Chengfeng was even more surprised than him. He had heard of the strange beasts in the Black Death world and the eternal life world for a long time. He even killed Brandon's strange beast mount not long ago.

But it's the first time he's known about the presence of nuclei in a foreign animal.

He almost subconsciously asked, "are there any nuclei in other animals?" Fortunately, I held back the words, but I was surprised.

What Zhao Chengfeng first thought of was the nuclei in the brain of those animals in the earth world after they became alienated animals.

There are crystal nuclei in the body of a different animal. Even there are crystal nuclei in this organism. Can animals in the spiritual environment have such things?

No, there seems to be no moth. In addition to a shell, the moth has never heard of crystal nuclei or something like that. Otherwise, Youya's little girl can't have no idea.

It's just that although he is curious, he is not easy to ask questions.

An Tong shook his head and said, "no, I'm not sure about that. Although I think it is, people here think it's not. They call these animals into two categories, one is empty beast, the other is phantom beast. The crystal nuclei produced are also called phantom crystal or empty crystal respectively."

"Like this one, it's empty crystal, and the colorful one is magic crystal."

An Tong says, bright bright just dug out that red crystal nucleus.

"What's the use of these nuclei?" Zhao Chengfeng asked.

An Tong shrugged, "of course, it's useful. The empty thundergun you saw just now uses this to replenish energy, as well as my spear and my clothes. If these runes want to be charged, they all need empty crystals, but they must have a charging array, so we can't use it ourselves."

"But if you take it, you can go to the merchant to help charge the rune. In addition, you need to pay taxes to get in and out of the camp and live here. You also need it."

"I see." Zhao Chengfeng frowned slightly, thought about it and said to an Tong, "Mr. an Tong, is Shouzhu useful here?"

An Tong felt a little hot in his eyes, but then he restrained himself and nodded: "of course, it's useful. Although you can't feel the loss of Shouyuan here, the energy in Shouzhu is still useful. For example, if you are injured, Shouzhu's energy can heal as soon as possible. But Mr. Qianzhi, you two had better not let others know that you have Shouzhu, or you may get into trouble. "

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