Brandon sniffed Yan with a wry smile, looked at Zhao Chengfeng, and said, "I have a fart of Shouzhu. Now I don't have two farts, so I'm just short of my underwear being robbed by this evil star."

All of a sudden, I regretted that I didn't hit some prey before. I was hurt by this bastard.

Zhao Chengfeng didn't care about him. Wen Yan said with a smile, "thank you for your reminding, but if it's useful, I'll be relieved. Otherwise, when I came in, I would bother Mr. Antong to pay for us. I really don't know how to return it. In addition, can you please Antong for an empty crystal or a magic crystal?"

Zhao Chengfeng said and took out a small bag with about a hundred Shouzhu.

An Tong wanted to refuse, but he didn't resist the temptation. He reached out and took it. He was surprised to see that there were so many. He quickly put it back to Zhao Chengfeng, "Mr. Qianzhi, there are so many, too many. I don't have so many nuclei for you."

Zhao Chengfeng smiles and pushes back, "Mr. Antong, you're welcome. These Shouzhu may be valuable here, but if they're outside, you or I will take them seriously. And you can't help us more than 100 times. "

"It's just too much for you. I'm afraid it will bring you trouble, so I only give you a hundred beads."

Seeing that Antong had to refuse, Zhao Chengfeng once again said with a smile, "don't be too busy to refuse. I know it's not better than the outside world, but I don't want to tell Mr. Antong that I don't plan to stay here too long. After I find my friends, I should leave."

"This..." an Tong sniffed at the speech and looked at Zhao Chengfeng with some surprise. "Mr. Qianzhi, are you sure you can leave?"

"I believe I have!" Zhao Chengfeng smiles, pushes the bag to Antong, and then takes the crystal nucleus from his hand.

At this moment, he felt that the Taiji map in the sea and the mysterious jade slips in his pocket were all moving.

Everyone seems to be interested in this empty crystal.

Zhao Chengfeng's heart moved. Before that, he felt that something in this space seemed to be attractive to the Taiji diagram and the mysterious jade slips. Is it this kind of empty crystal.

But then he denied the idea, because it was only after he got the empty crystal that taijitu and the mysterious jade slips reacted.

If it is such a thing, then they should have been reacting for a long time, and it should not be just such a bland reaction. Even the small pyramid does not know whether it is because of the things separated from the dimension that there is no reaction.

That means it's not just empty crystals.

Empty crystals... Should have the laws of space system, or energy.

It's terrible to say that all the empty beasts in this world have the power of the laws of space.

However, this kind of low-level existence should not be powerful. At least none of the creatures we met before showed how powerful the energy was.

Seeing that Zhao Chengfeng was so confident, an Tong was surprised. "Mr. Qianzhi, do you have any way to leave this space?"

Even he didn't believe in this problem. Although he didn't give up and was always looking for a way to leave, for so many years, he was on the verge of despair. If he didn't think that his daughter and wife were still outside, he would have given up such extravagance for a long time.

But Zhao Chengfeng is so mature, and he came to the world on his own initiative, which makes him hope again.

"Mr. Antong, you can rest assured that if I can take you with me when I leave, and if you are willing to leave, I will take you with me, but it has nothing to do with these Shouzhu." Zhao Chengfeng said with a smile.

An Tong's face was slightly red, and he knew that Zhao Chengfeng had seen through his mind. Seeing that Zhao Chengfeng was resolute, he nodded and accepted Shouzhu, saying: "well, if I can leave, of course I would. In fact, all these years I have been thinking about leaving this ghost place day and night. However, you'd better not mention these words in front of outsiders. "

"Well, why is that?" Zhao Chengfeng was slightly surprised when he heard that, although he would not go around even if an Tong didn't tell him, what's more, he didn't have anyone to tell him, why did he tell him this kind of thing?

"Because..." Anton pauses slightly, purses his lips and says, "God doesn't like people who say that."

"God doesn't like it?" Zhao Chengfeng didn't expect an Tong to answer like this. Suddenly, he remembered the attitude of other residents, "are you isolated by people here because of this?"

Antony nodded and was about to speak. Suddenly, a young voice called out: "Uncle Antony, uncle Antony, it's not good, it's not good ~!"

An Tong's face changed when he heard this, so he stood up and went out. Zhao Chengfeng and Brandon followed him. Before they reached the door, a half year old boy rushed in from the door. Seeing an Tong, he said in a hurry, "Uncle an Tong is not well. The guard is coming. They say they want to catch you. My father wants you to run quickly!"

"What, guard? It's not so bad luck, is it?" Anton did not speak, but Brandon exclaimed first.

"Shut up Zhao Chengfeng stares at him coldly, the latter shrinks his neck and dare not say any more. But the expression on his face was worse than crying.

For Brandon, he had a really bad day. He thought it was an easy task, but he almost lost his life. Even his most precious pet was killed by Zhao Chengfeng.

Then he was forced by Zhao Chengfeng to such an unfortunate place.

It's not easy to take a breath. Before we finish drinking a glass of water, the guards come again.

It's a dead end.

An Tong's face also changed greatly. Although he didn't know why the guards wanted to arrest him suddenly, it would be no good if the word "catch" was used. Moreover, after listening to the young man's words, he laughed bitterly and said in secret, "run, where can you run? This camp is just a little place. You can't even get out of the gate. Besides, it's dark. How dangerous is the desert night outside, He doesn't know any more. "

But in his mouth, he said to the boy calmly: "OK, Lulu, thank you. Go home quickly. Don't be here. After you go back, thank your father for me!"

"Well, uncle Anton, I'll tell my father!" The young man nodded in a hurry, turned around and ran. Zhao Chengfeng suddenly stood in front of the young man with an arm behind him.

Seeing this, an Tong changed his face slightly and asked in surprise: "Mr. Qianzhi, are you

"They have come!" Zhao Chengfeng light way.

An Tong understood his meaning and his face changed greatly.

Zhao Chengfeng is very stable, still calm way: "don't worry, I'll deal with it, Brandon, you take this child to hide behind, don't let those soldiers see him."

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