Brandon was granted amnesty, but he had no opinion about the arrangement. Zhao Chengfeng had not lost his voice. He had already led the boy into the inner room.

Zhao Chengfeng didn't let Anton hide in. After all, Anton is the master here.

During the conversation, I only heard the noisy footsteps outside the door, and then I heard a loud command: "surround me, no one is allowed to run away."

Then someone sneered, "Hey, where can they escape?"

"Listen to the people inside. Lord Roy, commander of the camp guard, has arrived. Anton, you can't wait to come out and kneel down to pick up ~!" A break to drink, listen to the voice a little familiar, it seems that it is the captain Mulder who was at the gate of the camp before.

Hearing the words "commander of the camp guard", an Tong couldn't help changing his face. He turned to Zhao Cheng and said, "I didn't expect Lord Roy to come in person, Mr. Qianzhi..."

Zhao Chengfeng looks very calm, waved his hand to interrupt him, said with a smile: "let's go out to meet the guests, the soldiers will block the water and cover the ground!"

An Tong nodded and said no more. It's really useless to say anything else in the current situation. He had to be a soldier to cover up the water and land. Slightly took a breath, walked to the door, Zhao Chengfeng calmly behind him.

Although after entering the camp, there are some things in the camp that he did not expect, so he did not dare to be careless, but it did not make him panic.

In fact, at the door before, he saw captain Mulder's unkind expression, and he guessed that this man didn't mean well, but he didn't understand what this man was for at that time, but after knowing the value of Shouzhu here, he already understood.

I also understand why at that time an Tong told that lie, for fear that this person would know that Zhao Chengfeng and Brandon were the people who had recently fallen in, and that his wealth would make him blush. It's just that Mr. Antong is an honest man and obviously not good at lying, so that liar is also full of flaws. Apart from other things, Zhao Chengfeng and Brandon's clothes are the biggest loopholes.

Therefore, Mr. Antong's lie has become three hundred taels of silver here.

The only thing I didn't expect was that the captain Mulder was so impatient, and he didn't want to take it alone. He even got a commander. It seems that the captain Mulder is really a cautious man.

However, he obviously underestimated himself.

When they came to the door, an Tong's face turned white again. They saw that the house was surrounded by hundreds of soldiers with empty spears.

One of the two leaders, Zhao Chengfeng, had met the former leader Mulder at the gate of the camp, and the other, with a big face and a beard, was wearing a much more high-end pinkai, not to mention the so-called General Commander Roy.

The man looked up at the sky and looked arrogant.

An Tong's face changed slightly. He stepped forward to say hello. His eyes subconsciously swept the direction of the animal shed. An Tong's eyes suddenly glared.

"Xiao Xi!"

But see the beast Xiaoxi eyes closed, lying on the ground motionless, the body was also a group of soldiers to tie a thick chain.

Zhao Chengfeng frowned when he saw this scene, but he understood the intention of these people, just for the sake of safety, so he solved their first world war power before he started.

And since these people are still tied with chains, it shows that Xiao Xi has no worries about his life. However, it should not be that these people are kind-hearted. The bigger reason is that the living beast is more valuable than the one killed.

However, understanding comes from understanding, but there is a little bit of killing in my heart.

On the other hand, Antong is not as rational as he is. Seeing that Xiao Xi doesn't know whether he is alive or dead, he thinks he has been killed. In a moment, his anger rushes straight to the top door, and his previous worries and anxieties are replaced by anger.

"Xiao Xi ~!" With a roar, an Tong raised his empty spear and rushed to the animal shed.

Just at this time, the captain Mulder saw the two men coming out, and was planning to move forward, boasting a few words, such as "take it easy", "kneel down to surrender" and so on. Before he opened his mouth, he was startled by Antong's roar.

Seeing Antong rushing over with his empty spear, he thought that Antong was going to attack. In his anger, he yelled, "dare Antong, how dare you attack... Ouch..."

He wanted to say, "dare Antong, you want to die, how dare you attack the guards!" However, the word "Wei Jun" didn't come out, but he didn't want the land under his feet to be the place where Antong usually dealt with his prey. He stepped back slightly, one foot was stepping on a blood clot that had not been cleaned up, and his foot slipped, and "Baji" fell on all sides.

In this scene, not only the soldiers were stunned, but an Tong was also stunned. Unexpectedly, the captain Mulder was so incompetent that he was scared out of his voice. However, he didn't care about him. He just glanced at him and rushed to the animal shed again.

Mulder tried to stand up for a while, but maybe it was because he did fall a lot, or maybe he was too angry to stand up. He yelled, "kill him, kill him!"

A group of soldiers came back to their senses and began to spear Antong.

"Xiao Xi ~!" Dozens of empty spears pierced together. Although Antong was enraged, he was forced back.

A group of soldiers refused to give up. Dozens of empty spears pushed forward again. Antong turned pale and reluctantly raised his spear to block.

But the dozens of empty spears, with the blessing of empty spears, seemed to have the ability to penetrate the void. There were dozens of centimeters left, but in a flash, they were in front of us.

Although Antong's hand was good, a spear couldn't stop him. Moreover, he had just stepped back, but he didn't stand still. This time, it was too late to retreat. He could not help but turn pale.

Captain Mulder, who is climbing up, is very happy to see this and laughs, "ha ha, kill him, ha ha, kill me, kill ~!"

"Kill ~!" All the soldiers let out a shout, and the empty spear was sent forward.

All of a sudden, but listen to a tiny not check Chi ring.

All the soldiers stabbed one by one with all their strength, but the stab was sure, but dozens of empty spears were suddenly broken without any reason. Although dozens of spears were all stabbed on Antong's body, Antong did not shed a drop of blood.

"Ah ~!" An Tong let out a exclamation subconsciously, but after a while, there was no pain. He looked down and saw that although the dozens of empty spears were on his body, they were only half of them.

"Ha ha, kill well, kill..." on the other side, Mulder stood firm, just saw dozens of empty spears "stabbing" on Antong, all "deep to the handle", thought that the soldiers were too strong, even the spear body stabbed into Antong's body, so he couldn't help laughing.

But half smile to find something wrong, face expression can not help a stiff.

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