Not only Mulder and Anton, but also the soldiers themselves were stunned. They looked at Anton and the broken spear on him, and then looked down to see the broken spear.

One by one, they were all at a loss. "How could this happen? How could the empty spear be broken?"

Originally, he looked at the sky with two eyes. It seemed that he didn't want to look at the ants like Zhao Chengfeng and an Tong. The leader Roy didn't look at the sky anymore. Cold and fierce eyes looked at an Tong, and then looked at the spearhead that fell to the ground.

Then his eyes turned to Zhao Chengfeng.

Almost at the same time, other people also think of Zhao Chengfeng. When they turn around, they just see that Zhao Chengfeng slowly returns his sword into the scabbard.

"It's you!" Mulder was slightly stunned before he reacted. Then he was as angry as a cat who had been trampled on its tail. "How dare you attack the guards? Do you know what crime it is to resist the guards?"

But although he was fierce, he didn't dare to rush forward. Dozens of empty spears were cut off by one sword. Moreover, he didn't see how or when he did it. No matter how hard he was, he knew that the young man must be a tough stubble. Even with his courage, he didn't dare to rush forward.

Fortunately, he was careful enough to know that this was a fat sheep, but he resisted the temptation. Instead of taking risks alone, he "wisely" reported the news to Lord Roy.

Hehe, with Lord Roy, no matter how strong you are, you will be finished. Lord Roy can control the existence of level 3 tattoo.

Thinking of this, he subconsciously leans to Roy's side and takes a careful look at the Roy leader. Seeing that the latter is looking at Zhao Chengfeng coldly, he quickly flatters with dogleg: "my Lord, it's this person and another person, although Antong said that they are from other camps, But if you look at his clothes, he is definitely not the one who has been in the phantom world for a long time. "

He said to Zhao Chengfeng with a smile and urged: "there must be something good in this kind of person, such as Shouzhu. By the way, he has a companion."

Roy didn't answer him or look at him, but his eyes moved slightly. Then he narrowed his eyes and said coldly to Zhao Chengfeng, "who are you? You dare to fight the camp guards. Do you know what crime it is?"

"The wise man will hand over all his belongings and swear allegiance to us. We will consider saving your life."

As soon as he opened his mouth, Mulder's face changed, "my lord..."

"Shut up, I don't need you to teach me how to do things." Roy raised his hand and stopped him. He looked at Zhao Chengfeng coldly and said with a haughty smile, "this is a rare kindness. Don't mistake yourself."

"Don't worry, Xiao Xi is just dizzy with some kind of medicine. His life is not in danger." Zhao Chengfeng light mouth, but not with Mulder or Roy said, but to an Tong said.

After that, he raised his eyelids, turned his head and looked at a group of soldiers who were still holding broken spears. They seemed to be trying their best. "Why, do you plan to do it again, but the weapon in your hand has been broken, so what do you plan to do next time?"

A group of soldiers were flustered and instinctively retreated.

"Boy, you are too presumptuous. Lord Roy is kind and gives you a way to live. How dare you ignore it." Seeing Zhao Chengfeng's eyes, Mu de scared all the soldiers back and forth, which made him furious.

Then he yelled at a group of soldiers: "and you trash, what are you afraid of? There's only one of you. Go up and kill him for me!"

A group of soldiers could not help but secretly greet all the women of the 18th generation, the ancestor of Captain Mulder.

Damn, you're such a cow, you don't want to go on your own? Lao Tzu's weapons are broken. Go on, go on your sister!

However, even though the soldiers were unwilling to be crushed to death at the level of the official university, they still planned to go forward after biting their teeth under Mulder's usual accumulated power.

Seeing this, Zhao Chengfeng sighed, looked at Roy and said calmly, "if I don't want to kill here, get out of here, and then give you a piece of advice. For you, I'm just a passer-by and don't want to make trouble, but don't bother me, otherwise, hum..."

"Otherwise, what can you do? This is Tianxia camp. This is our territory. You have to listen to Ben... Listen to the leader of our camp." Mulder laughed with disdain.

Roy also grinned sarcastically.

But his smile has not fully unfolded, a head has fallen on the ground, draw a beautiful parabola, and then spray a sound fell on the ground, his face is still hanging a pair of seemingly ferocious sneer.

No one else. It's captain Mulder.

There was a moment of silence in the field.

"Mr. Qianzhi..." although he had made plans, at this moment, Antong could not help but be shocked by Zhao Chengfeng. Instead, he calmed down and became worried.

He has been in the camp for several years, and he knows very well that the captain Mulder himself is nothing, but it is tantamount to challenging the whole camp.

Other than that, Roy's face could hardly be seen at this time. He was so gloomy that he could drip water.

"Ha ha, didn't you hear my command?"

"Go away!" Zhao Chengfeng's mouth turned his eyelids, and he didn't bother to talk to this person about those nutritious words. It was a word "roll".

His word "go away" also completely angered Roy, yelling, "you want to die!"

As soon as he raised his hand, he took off a three foot five six inch long black cloth package from his back. He shook it in the air and made a crash. In a flash, a three stop plank door sword appeared in his hand.

Zhao Chengfeng didn't take a look at him. Although he was wary that he should not underestimate the power of this space, he could still evaluate the power of his opponent by his divine sense.

Whether it's captain Mulder or chief Roy, he knows that.

Otherwise, at the gate of the camp, he felt that Mulder was not good at heart, and he did not dare to walk into the camp easily.

But when he saw the weapon in Roy's hand, his eyes lit up.

This Dao is really good. It's divided into three parts and connected by machine. It's very ingenious. If he hadn't seen this person connected before, he could hardly see it.

It's less than three meters long, about two meters seven or eight.

The blade is like a half door, and the handle is engraved with mysterious and incomparable empty patterns.

Obviously, this is also an empty tie.

"Good, what a good knife!"

Zhao Chengfeng couldn't help sighing, but then he took a look at Roy and sighed, "such a weapon in your hand is just a shot in the dark."

But in my heart, I thought, "I don't know if I can use the so-called tattoo ware here. Should it be ok?"

He thought so in his heart, and the look in his eyes at the knife became more hot.

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