"No way." Before Zhao Chengfeng finished, Roy had shaken his head like a rattle drum. "I can't agree to any of your three demands. First of all, this is a vast world. It's not the space you said, so it's impossible to have a complete map."

"In addition, there is no place like a library in the camp. All the books and materials are in the temple, which belongs to the high priest and several worshippers. It is impossible for an outsider to get close to the temple, let alone enter. In the same way, God is not visible to you, and God is the most mysterious existence in the universe. There is no so-called seeing or not. "

"Even if your second request is also a joke, do you think it's Chinese cabbage?"

Roy can't help rolling his eyes when he talks about this. It seems that he has nothing to say to Zhao Chengfeng.

I didn't expect that this outsider should be so ignorant and greedy.

"Well, I don't want to be entangled with you. You let go of my sword. Today, I don't think it happened, and I can persuade other people in the camp not to pursue your murder of Captain Mulder. As for you, if you want to stay in the camp, you can stay in the camp. If you want to leave, you can leave without interference. "

Roy said, trying to pull the knife back, but Zhao Chengfeng didn't let go.

"What do you mean, sir?" Roy was stunned and looked up at Zhao Chengfeng coldly. It seems that I didn't expect that I had been so generous, and this person didn't let go.

Zhao Chengfeng smiles, "ha ha, what do you mean? It doesn't mean much. It's just that if the commander wants to come and go, he'll make things simple. "

At this point, the smile on Zhao Chengfeng's face slowly converged, and his eyes also became cold. "I don't want to say the redundant words for the second time. The requirements are still the previous three. I have to have a map. If I don't have a complete one, I will have as much as I want. There are also tattoos and refining methods. By the way, there are also the array of charging, 10000 empty crystals and 10000 magic crystals. As for your God, I don't care what form he is, but I can feel a force in the middle of the camp. I think he should be there, and I have to see what he is like? "

"You are presumptuous Roy was so angry that he didn't call himself sir. He held on to the handle of the knife and his joints turned white.

Not only Roy, but also all the soldiers were angry at Zhao Chengfeng's demands and arrogance. Although many of them had broken their weapons, they all raised them at this moment.

The atmosphere that just eased was in a state of tension.

An Tong also has a bitter smile in his heart. He doesn't have to think about the demands put forward by Zhao Chengfeng to know that Roy will never agree.

In fact, he has no right to agree.

However, he didn't flinch. When all the soldiers raised their weapons, he also raised the empty spear in his hand, and intentionally or unintentionally stood opposite to Zhao Chengfeng. He just whispered: "Mr. Qianzhi, I'm afraid Roy can't promise you these requirements. If you don't say anything else, it's absolutely impossible for him to promise you only one item about the gods."

Hearing this, Zhao Chengfeng pondered slightly, and then showed his face with a smile, "well, you really can't be the master of my requirements. In this way, I'll take this three stop sword first."

He said, holding the blade of the finger a slight shock.

Roy's mouth had been torn. He insisted on it before. Now after a period of time, it was the time when the pain was the most severe. He couldn't hold it at all. He felt that his hand was empty immediately after the earthquake, and Zhao Chengfeng snatched it after three stops.

"You..." Roy was angry and anxious. He reached forward and grabbed the gun. But when the three stop board sword reached Zhao Chengfeng's hand, it suddenly disappeared.

Roy couldn't help being stunned. He couldn't react.

The warrior who falls into this space usually doesn't have a high level, and few of them have dimensional things. Even if they have, they can't use their power any more.

So people like Roy, who were born in this space, have never seen or even heard of dimensional objects in their life.

Suddenly see Zhao Chengfeng will three stop plank door knife changed no, but also why magic, scared and afraid, eyes goo yo stare at Zhao Chengfeng.

Zhao Chengfeng smiles again and points to the leather armor on Roy's body: "you also stay here, and so do other people. Besides ordinary clothes, everything on your body, including but not limited to weapons, armor, empty crystal, magic crystal and so on, is also left. As for my other requirements, please tell your high priests and your sacrificial elders for me. Please help them to get ready first, and I'll go to pick them up later. "

"What, you, you deceive too much!" Roy's voice trembled with anger. He was furious.

Zhao Chengfeng just looked at him calmly and said faintly: "does the commander want me to do it by myself, or does the commander really have confidence in his body armor, or do you think that you can not be killed by me together?"

Roy's face changed, and then he tore the armor off, looked at Zhao Chengfeng coldly, and threw it to the ground.

Then he turned his head and said to the soldiers in a cold voice, "do as he says!"

"My Lord, you..." Roy's action surprised all the soldiers and almost thought that Roy was a fake commander.

One of the soldiers was unconvinced and cried: "my Lord, there are so many of us, he has only one person, even if it is a random blade, he will be split up."

"Yes, my Lord, how can the guards of my Canyon camp surrender to a mere outsider?"

"Yes, I'd rather die than fall!"


"Fight, kill him!"

One of the soldiers took the lead, others followed suit, and finally there was a kind of passionate posture.

The surrounding residents, before seeing Roy and Mulder with a group of soldiers surrounded Antong's house, had been scared to hide in their own houses, shivering.

At this time, they heard the noise again, and they didn't know what happened. Each one of them was as scared as dirt, shaking like chaff.

Even Brandon and the boy who were hiding in the back room were frightened. They didn't know what was going on outside.

Outside the house, both sides of the opposition, except that Zhao Chengfeng was still calm and calm, and all the soldiers were enthusiastic.

Roy and Anton didn't look very good.

The difference is that the former is angry and the latter is worried.

Roy was angry, not only with Zhao Chengfeng, but also with these soldiers. These bastards didn't listen to his orders after seeing that he was defeated.

I'd rather die than surrender. What a better one. Is this a mockery of my greed for life and fear of death?

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