A group of idiots do not think, even this seat is not this person's opponent, can you still beat this seat. Hum, many people, many people have a fart to use. With this person's speed and body method, the sea of people tactics have no effect at all. Otherwise, I think I can't think of it.

Under the fury, his already gloomy face completely stepped down. His eyes swept all the soldiers coldly, and he said in a cold voice again, "shut up, all of you. This is an order. If you dare not listen to the order, the whole family will be expelled!"

As soon as he opened his mouth, everyone was quiet.

After a short silence, a soldier finally dropped his spear on the ground.

Everything is the same. If someone takes the lead, it's much easier for others to choose.

For a moment, some of them were cut off and some of them were left intact.

Then, pieces of hemp robes, cloth armour and leather armour engraved with empty patterns were thrown to the ground one after another, as well as empty crystals or illusory crystals.

There are also people who want to hide, but Zhao Cheng's sense of wind and spirit is swept away, and there is no escape for a magic crystal.

These people don't know how Zhao Chengfeng discovered it. After three times, no one struggled in vain.

A moment later, hundreds of people, including Roy, had nothing on their bodies except their ordinary clothes.

One by one, even their eyes became dazed. At first, some people glared at Zhao Chengfeng angrily, but now all of them were dull. They looked like they could see through life and death.

Zhao Chengfeng is also speechless, secret way: "these people are too fragile, just robbed you a little bit of belongings, how to do with the girl who was insulted by the hooligans."

Only Roy coldly looked at Zhao Chengfeng and said, "you will regret it!"

After that, without waiting for Zhao Chengfeng to respond, he turned around and said, "go ~!"

Without looking back, he walked out of the most outlying and remote area of the canyon camp where most of the foreigners lived.

The short and noisy peripheral area is quiet again. No, it should be said that it is quiet.

Because there were still some people walking in the street.

But when Roy and others came, all these people hid. Although Roy had gone, those people still did not dare to come out immediately.

But Brandon walked out carefully with the boy's head stretched out after Roy left.

At the sight of weapons, armor, magic crystal and empty crystal all over the ground, they were stunned.

In particular, the young man's eyes were wide open. He was surprised and admired, but he was afraid.

But after Brandon's short surprise, he gave a wry smile, "this guy is really a pickpocket king, a robber, a bad star!"

Waiting for him to see the eyes fall on the ground again, saliva will flow down involuntarily.

Although the heart of abdominal Fei, but at the same time still can not help but envy.

But Zhao Chengfeng didn't open his mouth. Naturally, he didn't dare to move a cent. He just said with a smile to Zhao Chengfeng with flattery, "you are indeed worthy of being an adult. A real strong man is invincible wherever he goes. These indigenous Untouchables dare to provoke you. They are suicidal. "

"Come on, don't flatter me. I'll help you to tidy up. Put useful things in a pile, throw away useless rubbish, and put the crystal nucleus alone. It's a pity that I didn't cut off these spearheads before I knew it!" Zhao Chengfeng said that looking at a broken hollow spear and the spearhead cut down in his hand, he shook his head regretfully and then threw it aside.

But Brandon's eyes brightened, picked it up and asked Antony, "it's a pity to lose this, Mr. Antony. Can't this be repaired?"

"The spear body is useless, but as long as the spear head is not damaged, you can take it down and find a new spear body to install. However, in this way, you have to erase the empty pattern and re engrave it. It's very troublesome. But if you sell it, you should still be able to have two low-level empty crystals. " An Tong did not reserve anything, but answered completely.

"Two empty crystals, that's also good. It's better than losing them. What do you think, Qianzhi?" Brandon said, looking carefully at Zhao Chengfeng.

Zhao Chengfeng is speechless when he looks like this... You are also a master of count level. Even if your strength is suppressed now, you don't need to be so pathetic.

Zhao Chengfeng didn't bother to pay attention to him. He just said with a smile, "what you said is reasonable. Originally, I intended to let you choose two pieces of armor and weapons, but now that you have said so, you should take all the broken spearheads."

"Ah ~ Brandon didn't expect this kind of result. He wanted to give himself a big mouth. He could have a complete set of equipment and a pile of broken materials. But he had already said that, and Zhao Chengfeng also said so. He didn't dare to say, "I don't want these waste products. I'd better choose them."

He was sure that if he said that, he would get nothing.

So he swallowed a mouthful of Coptis in his heart and said with a smile: "thank you, my Lord. You are so generous."

"Are you satirizing me for being mean?" Zhao Chengfeng looked at him with a squint of eyes.

Brandon waved, "no, no, it's nothing. I sincerely praise your generosity."

Even Ann felt that this Mr. Brandon was so pathetic, and didn't know how he provoked this young man.

If you want to laugh and feel like this, I'm sorry for poor Mr. Brandon's unkindness.

Zhao Chengfeng teased Brandon a few words, and did not continue to scare him. At this time, with the efforts of the four people, a pile of messy things were sorted out.

A total of nearly 100 pieces of armor and weapons, Zhao Chengfeng some surprised to find that all these weapons and armor, are actually engraved with the power of the law of space.

Some strange friends said, "Mr. Antong, the basic rule in this space seems to be space system and magic system, and exotic animals are also divided into space system and magic system. Why are all these weapons and armor space system, so what's the role of magic crystal? Can't it be used? Isn't the magic crystal worthless? "

An Tong shook his head and said, "no, Mr. Qianzhi, you are wrong. The magic crystal is not only valuable, but also more valuable than the empty crystal. The tattoo has the empty system, and it also has the magic system. However, the ordinary people can't use the magic system tattoo, and they are not allowed to use it. Only the sacrificial adults can use the magic system tattoo."

"In addition, the magic crystal has a more precious value. It is said that it is the only sacrifice recognized by the gods."

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