"Sacrifice?" Zhao Chengfeng picked up a magic crystal, turned it over and looked at it, but he didn't see why. "Gods sacrifice, can gods eat these magic crystals?"

"Well, I don't know, but I don't think so." An Tong said slightly, "because as far as I know, God should not be in biological form. He is more likely to be born from the law."

"The birth of being in law?" Zhao Chengfeng looked at Lin, "Mr. Antong, have you ever seen the true face of the gods?"

An Tong shook his head: "No."

"Do not say to see, we outsiders, no matter which camp we are in, are excluded in the outermost area, even the scope of the temple can not be close to."

Zhao Chengfeng nodded thoughtfully.

Looking at him, Antong couldn't figure out what Qian Zhi was thinking, but when it comes to temples and priests, he naturally remembered what Zhao Chengfeng and Roy had said before. Can't help asking: "Mr. Qianzhi, are you really going to the temple?"

When he asked, Brandon could not help but stop and look at Zhao Chengfeng.

Zhao Chengfeng just grinned and said: "I'll just say that. It depends on the situation. Tomorrow, I'll ask Mr. an Tong to show me the way. Anyway, I'll go to the so-called soul nest first, hoping to find my friend and the way back!"

"Otherwise, I'm afraid I really need to see the so-called gods."

Zhao Chengfeng said, picking out three sets from a pile of tattoos, the best of which Zhao Chengfeng pushed in front of an Tong, and the other two sets, he lost one to Brandon, and let the latter be stunned at first, then overjoyed.

He didn't expect that Zhao Chengfeng still gave him a set, thanks a thousand times.

With this set of equipment, he finally has some strength, some self-protection, and his heart is much more stable.

As for the disaster caused by Zhao Chengfeng, he doesn't care. It's a big deal that he doesn't stay in this camp. Anyway, according to the current information, this space, or the world, is very wide, and the camp is not limited to this one.

An Tong hesitated for a moment, thought about it, and finally accepted it. He didn't refuse. He just said, "thank you, Mr. Qianzhi. This set of tattoo ware is really much higher than what I use now, and I really need it."

Zhao Chengfeng smiles, "it's nothing to worry about

Antony nodded a smile, and said no more.

In the last set, Zhao Chengfeng looks at the boy who comes to tell them, but he sees that the latter is looking at the leather armor and spear in his hand with a very greedy look.

Zhao Chengfeng couldn't help laughing and asked, "little guy, what's your name?"

As soon as the boy looked up, he saw that Zhao Chengfeng was looking at him with a smile. His face turned red and he looked down shyly. Looking at his toes, he replied in a small voice: "I don't have a name, but because I'm black, they all call me black ox!"

Zhao Chengfeng was stunned when he heard that the little guy was really black, and he was tiger headed. The nickname "black ox" was very appropriate.

However, he was also a little strange. He remembered that before, the child seemed to say that his father had asked him to report to Antong. Then he said that he had parents alive. How could he not have a name?

On one side, an Tong was there to untie the iron rope tied on the body for the beast Xiao Xi. Hearing the words, he said: "black bull's father's name is Minge, and he is one of my few friends in this camp. His mother died when he was born, and this child is also a poor child... But there are many unfortunate people in this world, ah..."

The tightrope is untied, but Xiaoxi doesn't wake up. Antong comes back with the tightrope in his hand and touches the boy's head with pity.

It is quite pitiful for the experience of the youth.

Zhao Chengfeng looked at the boy and nodded, but he didn't say much. Although he sympathized with the boy's life experience, as Mr. an Tong said, it's too common for such a place and such an unfortunate boy.

However, although the young man's look is slightly gloomy, it seems that his attention is more on the tattoo on Zhao Chengfeng's hand.

Zhao Chengfeng can't help laughing, "how do you want it?"

Hearing his eyes brighten, the boy nodded first, then quickly shook his head, and then lowered his head.

It seems that I really want it, but I know it's too expensive and shouldn't be.

Seeing this, Zhao Chengfeng smiles again, and then presents this set of tattoos which should be more suitable for teenagers to him.

Looking at the leather armour and the empty spear, the boy swallowed a mouthful of saliva. The hook was growing in his eyes, but he didn't reach for it. Instead, he looked up at Zhao Chengfeng and shook his head.

Seeing him like this, Zhao Chengfeng and an Tong look at each other and smile. Then an Tong touches the youth's head and says, "take it from Mr. Qianzhi. Don't worry. I'll make it clear to your father that he won't scold you!"

When Heiniu heard an Tong say this, he took the empty grain armour and spear from Zhao Chengfeng, and bowed to Zhao Chengfeng. When he touched the empty grain armour and spear, the little guy's face became more red, but this time he was not shy, but excited.

As a teenager growing up in such an environment, no one does not want such a set of tattoos, because having such a set of tattoos is equivalent to having a powerful force, having the ability to protect himself and his family, and even going out with adults to hunt exotic animals, so that they can have more food and resources.

However, it is not necessary to say that such a set of tattoos is rare in the guards. Even the lowest tattoos can not be owned by anyone, especially the peripheral residents.

However, after the excitement of the youth, I do not know why, but suddenly fell into tears in silence.

Zhao Chengfeng a little surprised, asked to see an Tong.

Looking at the boy, Antong touched his head again and said, "don't cry. Although Minge fell down, aren't you grown up now? You go back first. I'll see your father with Mr. Qianzhi later. By the way, after you go out, these things are hidden. Don't let people see that you took them from here, you know? "

Then he patted the boy on the shoulder and said, "go."

The latter nodded at Wen Yan, gave a salute to an Tong and Zhao Chengfeng again, and then went out happily.

When Zhao Chengfeng hears Mr. Antong's words, he feels that there is something in Antong's words. He doesn't understand why he is in charge of himself and says he wants to see the boy's father.

Although he sympathized with the youth's life experience and appreciated that Mr. Minge sent his son to inform him, why did he have to see Mr. Minge?

However, he didn't say much. After the boy left, he knew that there must be a reason why Mr. Antong said so.

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