Sure enough, after watching the boy leave, an Tong just looks at Zhao Chengfeng and says with a smile: "Mr. Qianzhi, is it a little strange why I make my own decision?"

"Ha ha, it's nothing. The reason why Mr. Minge was able to let his son come to inform him when he knew that the leader of the guard came out in person is that he is an honest man and a worthy friend. In fact, I am very happy to meet such a person." Zhao Chengfeng said with a smile.

"Yes, my friend is indeed a man of integrity and a friend worthy of making. To have such a friend is one of the few blessings in my life. But... "An Tong gave a little meal and continued:" Mr. min Ge is more than that. "

"Oh, more than that, it means..." Zhao Chengfeng's spirit was shocked. Sure enough, Mr. Antong was not aimless.

"Does Mr. Qianzhi know how I got out of my soul nest?" With a meaningful smile, Antong asked instead of answering.

Zhao Chengfeng smell speech eyes suddenly serious up, "is and that Mr. min Ge about?"

An Tong nodded silently, gave a little smile, and then continued: "in fact, once you fall into the soul nest, if you don't have an external force, it's hard to get rid of it. Even if you can wake up from the dream, you can't get out of the soul nest without losing your strength. Those who are able to walk out are all brought out by outsiders. In every camp and every generation, there are one or two people who specialize in this kind of work. These people are called extraditators. "

"Extradition? There are people like this in every camp? " Zhao Chengfeng was slightly surprised.

"So far as I know." Anton nodded.

"Hiss." Zhao Chengfeng took a light breath, frowned slightly and pondered, "are these camps so kind? It seems that they are not very friendly to the foreign downers

If there may be some kind-hearted people once or twice, but the camp will specially arrange people to do such things, not once or twice, but persistently, it is probably not just good intentions.

"No, it's not about kindness, it's about need." An Tong said with a smile: "first of all, it is the wealth of the fallen people, such as Shouzhu, which has great attraction for them. The second is the population. After all, there are not many real natives in the camp. They can't survive in this world without the supplement of the fallen. "

"Is there a real aborigine in this world?" Zhao Chengfeng asked.

He also unconsciously used the concept of "world" to replace the cognition of "space" to this mysterious space.

According to the information we have learned, this place can really be called the world. Conservatively, it should be on the same level as inner gate world and Paradise mountain.

This is not good news for Zhao Chengfeng.

After the passage between the inner world and the earth world is disconnected, it will take a long time for the power of the inner world to be restored.

If this is also such a world, then the people in it have never heard of anyone going out for countless years. Can they really break it?

An Tong seemed to understand his state of mind, and frowned with a complicated look. "In fact, I'm not sure, but the sacrificial class is likely to be the real descendants of the original aborigines, because only they claim to be the descendants of God. Others, such as Mulder and Roy, are more likely to be the descendants of the earlier downers, because the camp does have such a mechanism. Every once in a while, some people will be elected to the guard, and once in the guard, their families and descendants will be eligible to enter the second area, or they can own shops in the third area. "

Zhao Chengfeng nodded slightly. Although there are still many questions in his heart, he did not continue to pursue them, because now is not the time to consider them.

Now the most important thing is to find Liuli and go out.

As for whether it is a secondary plane, a half plane or a secret space, what is the secret and what is God, these are not urgent questions.

Although the small pyramid, the Tai Chi diagram and even the mysterious jade slips all have reactions here, they can be put away first. As long as they find a way out of the world, they can come back at any time.

He immediately and solemnly asked an Tong, "if that's the case, can you please an Tong to take me to see Mr. Minge now?"

"Of course, it's no problem, but I need to wait, at least until Xiao Xi wakes up, otherwise I'm not sure to leave it here." An Tong said and made a please action.

Zhao Chengfeng patted his forehead and said with a bitter smile: "ha, it's my fault. He just wanted to save my friend, but he forgot this lovely girl. Let me have a look."

Zhao Chengfeng walks into the animal shed and comes to Xiaoxi. He doesn't have to crouch. Even if he is lying there in a coma, Xiaoxi is still nearly two meters high. Even if his head is low, Zhao needs to stand on tiptoe to see his pupils.

"Mr. Qianzhi, do you know medicine?" Antong followed him closely, looking a little surprised and nervous.

"Me? Ha ha, I don't know much about medicine, but I have a brother who is a doctor. Of course, he likes to kill people with poison more than saving people. " Zhao Cheng talks with a smile, but his action doesn't stop.

An Tong opens his mouth and doesn't speak at last. Anyway, he knows that Zhao Chengfeng should not be bad for Xiao Xi.

As he spoke, Zhao Chengfeng opened Xiaoxi's eyes and looked at them. Then he put his palm on Xiaoxi's scales. He half closed his eyes and didn't speak for a long time. He didn't know what he was doing.

An Tong was about to ask questions, but he saw that Zhao Chengfeng had opened his eyes and frowned slightly: "it seems that I am wrong. The cause of Xiaoxi's coma is not because of drugs, but because of some mental strength. Well, it's a bit like hypnosis."

"Ah?" An Tong suddenly became nervous. If it was because of the drugs, he was not too worried, because as long as the drugs were not fatal, there would be no problem once the efficacy was over.

But it's caused by spiritual power, which is terrible. Without the caster's solution, other people can't wake up at all. Even if they wake up, there will be hidden dangers, such as they may be controlled by the caster with some kind of command, and so on.

"But those who didn't have the power of the mind before? Apart from the priests and high priests in the camp, no one, oh, there are extraditators who can use the spiritual power. No one else can master the spiritual power. Ah, no, there is another possibility ~! "

Speaking of this, Antong suddenly exclaimed.

"What's possible?" Zhao Chengfeng looks at an Tong in surprise. He doesn't know how this Mr. an Tong is so surprised.

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