"God gave the scroll." An Tong said with a tight face: "although no one can control the power of the spirit except the sacrificial and extraditing people, and the tattoo of the spirit is not allowed to be used by others, the scroll given by God is an exception. It is said that it is a scroll inscribed by the power given by God, and it can be engraved on both the secret arts of the spirit and the secret arts of space. But it is said that the high priest is the only one who can pray for such power. Did Roy and Mulder come at the order of the high priest just now? "

The thought of the high priest made Anton nervous.

Roy, though troublesome, is nothing compared to the high priest. The high priest is the real controller of this canyon camp, and the most terrible existence.

Even though he is good at means, he is not good enough to face the high priest.

Zhao Chengfeng touched his chin and pondered slightly. Suddenly he said to Brandon, "Brandon, come and have a look."

Brandon had been listening to it for a long time, and he was very curious. As a ranking person in the Department of spirit, he paid more attention to and liked the power of the Department of spirit.

Although the combination of the hollow spear and the hollow armor was good, it was the power of the space system after all, but the use of this degree was very reluctant even in his view.

It doesn't have strong physique, speed and strength. It depends on external forces. No matter how hard it is to defend, it's not enough.

Although the power of the spirit department is far less than that of the space Department in terms of authority, it is more suitable and advantageous if it can be used with the physique close to that of ordinary people. Even if ordinary people have such tattoos as the empty tattoo armor and the empty tattoo spear, they can't resist it.

Moreover, if I had the tattoo device of the spirit department, maybe I could get back my blocked power. At that time, I would be really invincible in this damned world.

There's only one exception, this pervert.

Think of here, he peeked at Zhao Chengfeng, heart secretly belly Fei. But the flattering voice promised: "come, come, thousand childish adults, don't worry, is the power of the spirit department, I just need to see to be sure."

"Don't talk nonsense, hurry up." Zhao Chengfeng did not give him a good face, a kick in his ass, he kicked forward a fall, a lie in the face of Xiaoxi.

"Hehe ~!" Brandon patted his buttocks and scolded Zhao Chengfeng in his heart. "Son of a bitch, wait and see. When we have a powerful seat, hum..." but he didn't care, even looked flattered.

Zhao Chengfeng got goose bumps all over his body. Looking at this guy, he was full of suspicions. "This guy, don't you have any special preference?"

Even though she was worried about Xiao Xi, she couldn't help but wonder what kind of relationship Brandon had with her.

Although Brandon looked like he enjoyed Zhao Chengfeng's kick, he didn't dare to neglect his action. He patted his ass and began to check it.

The process is not much different from that of Zhao Chengfeng. Without authority, he can only judge from his appearance, but his experience and perception are still there.

A moment later, he peeped at Zhao Chengfeng in surprise, because his judgment was exactly the same as Zhao Chengfeng's. It's natural that he could make a judgment. After all, he was the rank of the spirit department.

But this young adult, he can easily make a judgment, how he did it... It seems that as I guess, this person must have the authority of the Department of psychiatry, but I don't know why to hide it.

He guessed in his heart, but he didn't show it on his face. He just fawned on Zhao Chengfeng with a smile: "the adult is really brilliant, just like the adult's judgment, Xiaoxi is really hypnotized by some kind of spiritual power."

He thought that after he finished, Zhao Chengfeng would praise him. But before he finished, Zhao Chengfeng turned black, raised his foot and kicked him on the ass.

"My lord..." Brandon was really wronged this time. Although he did scold in his heart, it was really puzzling. Did he hear my voice? No, he has mind reading skills.

Brandon is shocked. No wonder he conceals that he also has spiritual authority. It turns out that he is a terrible talent for reading mind.

After that, I just scolded him in my heart. This evil star, no, this great adult must punish me.

In shock, Brandon almost knelt down and begged for mercy.

But Zhao Chengfeng said coldly, "who do you think is wise, huh? You are wise, your whole family is wise, and your ancestors are wise for 18 generations. "

"Dare to beat around the Bush scold me, I think it is too kind to you."

Then he raised his foot and kicked again.

Brandon sits down on the ground like a girl who has been ravaged. He looks at Zhao Chengfeng wrongly and blankly... What's the problem? Is there anything wrong with wisdom?

Next to an Tong is also very confused.

What kind of program is this? Why can't I understand it? Has the outside world changed so much after I fell?

Mr. Antong was a little flustered. He worried that if one day he had a chance to return to the eternal world, I would not even understand what his daughter said, would he?

"Hum!" Zhao Chengfeng hummed again, which let Brandon go. He didn't care whether Brandon didn't understand the Internet language of the earth, or whether he was wronged or not.

Anyway, this guy only needs to know one thing in the future, that is, "if Qianzhi adult wants to beat you, he has his own reason". As for the reason, that's not what you should ask.

Zhao Chengfeng's attention goes back to Xiaoxi, feeling his chin and pondering slightly.

He is not worried that Xiao Xi will not be able to wake up, whether it is the priest, the high priest, or the so-called God's power, as long as he knows the source, he will hit the door.

But he was a little strange. Since Roy or Mulder had this scroll, why didn't he use it directly to them, but to Xiao Xi?

Now that it's used, why don't you control Xiaoxi?

That's stupid.

There's no need to make so many detours at all?

Is there any conspiracy?

But then he patted his forehead, and then he laughed... It was me who got to the top of the rope. The two guys did this, obviously in their view, I was not a big beast with Mr. Anton and brandenga. Xiaoxi was more dangerous, and Xiaoxi was more valuable to them to live, and it was easier for us to kill.

It's not their fault. It's information asymmetry.

As for not controlling Xiaoxi, Zhao Chengfeng speculates that the so-called God given scroll has no such ability, or it can't be done immediately.

After solving the riddle, Zhao Chengfeng raised his head and said to an Tong, "Mr. an Tong, don't worry. Although it has been confirmed that it is the power of the spiritual system that causes Xiao Xi to be hypnotized, it is not so serious."

"Why don't we go to your friend first, Mr. Minge? Isn't he the extraditer? Maybe he can wake up Xiao Xi. If not, we'll go directly to the high priest or the God."

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