In fact, he also has an idea. Maybe after he communicates with Xiaoxi about the sea, he can use the power of Taiji diagram to solve this secret.

However, he has never tried this kind of thing. He doesn't know whether it's OK or not. Even if it's OK, he doesn't know whether it's harmful. Therefore, he can't easily try it unless he has to.

An Tong heard that Zhao Chengfeng was a high priest, and he didn't even have the slightest awe for the God, so he couldn't help smiling bitterly.

However, although he felt that Zhao Chengfeng despised the enemy too much, he didn't say much.

Just nodded: "OK, let's go to see Minge first."

It's better that Mr. min Ge can solve Xiao Xi's art. If he can't solve it, he can't really let Mr. Qian Zhi go to the temple. However, we'll have to wait until then.

"By the way, don't wait. I'll get something." With that, Anton turned back to the room and came out with a few pieces of meat and a cloth bag. "OK, let's go."

Zhao Chengfeng took a glance and felt that there was something like flour in the bag.

Although Zhao Chengfeng was puzzled, he didn't ask much and nodded, "OK."

Then he told Brandon to keep him at Anton's home and guard Xiao Xi. And he went with Antony to visit Mr. Minger.

By this time, it was completely dark, and the outer camp where the immigrants lived was more desolate and depressed than in the daytime. The low and dilapidated houses were crowded together, just like a group of shivering refugees.

Every door is closed, but as before, Zhao Chengfeng can still feel that there are many double eyes behind the door and the window, timid and gloomy, carefully watching the dim walk of an Tong and Zhao Chengfeng.

"What's the matter with these people? How do they feel like mice in the sewer?" Zhao Chengfeng frowned slightly.

"Hum, these people ~!" An Tong snorted, as if with some disdain and disdain, but did not comment more.

Zhao Chengfeng didn't ask any more questions, but he already knew something about it. It was obvious that Antong didn't think highly of the "these people" in his words, and even seemed to hate them.

As for the specific reasons, since Antong does not want to say, it is not easy for him to ask again and again. However, from the current situation, these looks like sewer mice do not like people.

After a short walk, his eyes suddenly opened up, and a lonely wooden house appeared in Zhao Chengfeng's eyes.

The surrounding low houses, which were originally crowded together, left a rare space around the low wooden house.

The two dilapidated and low wooden houses seemed like an island.

"Mr. Qianzhi, this is the residence of Minge and Heiniu and his son. You wait here. I'll knock on the door." An Tong points to the plank room and talks to Zhao Cheng Fengdao. He is about to knock on the door, but the door suddenly opens. The young black bull sticks out his head from behind the door.

"Uncle Antong, Mr. Qianzhi, you are here." Seeing that it was Zhao Chengfeng and an Tong, the young man's face was filled with joy and a little shy greeting.

Then he drew back, and Zhao Chengfeng heard him shout to Mr. Minge: "father, uncle Antong and his friends are here."

"Oh, come in, please!" There's a voice coming from inside. It should be Mr. Minge.

From his voice, Zhao Chengfeng can't tell what kind of person this Mr. Minge is, but his tone seems to be a little tired and weak.

Zhao Chengfeng's heart frets, but he doesn't speak. He just looks at an Tong. He purses his lips tightly. His look seems to be complicated.

A man who claims to be a former extradite in the camp will actually live in this peripheral area, and even look miserable and isolated in this peripheral area?

Hehe, it seems that there is something in it.

"All right." The voice of the young black bull rings again, and then the door is completely opened. The little guy's figure comes out of the door happily and greets them happily. "Uncle Antong, Mr. Qianzhi, please come in."

Just as Heiniu turned around and completely pushed the door open, the complex expression in Antong's eyes quickly converged, and the expression on his face turned into a gentle smile.

Nodding, he handed the meat and cloth bag to the young black ox, and asked him in a low voice, "how is your father now?"

"I've been fine recently. Thanks to Uncle Antong, you've been taking care of me." The black ox said and looked at the thing that an Tong handed over, hesitated for a while, but still took it.

"Mr. Minge is not well, sick or injured?" Zhao Chengfeng heard two people's dialogue, but in the heart is a move, instinctive interposed asked.

"Brother Minge's situation is a little complicated. Let's go ahead and talk about it..." black bull pursed his lips and didn't speak. An Tong just faltered, then motioned to Zhao Chengfeng: "Mr. Qianzhi, please ~!"

Then he turned to let Zhao Chengfeng into the house.

"Well, good." Zhao chengtui promised, but his eyes couldn't help a large number of an Tong's eyes. Suddenly, he doubted the purpose of an Tong's bringing him here.

However, it was not sudden. To be exact, when he saw the wooden house, he began to be suspicious.

Because according to the previous description of Antong, the status of the extradite in the camp should not be low, or rather high, even the former extradite. No matter what, his identity as a native inhabitant is always there.

In other words, Mr. Minge has at least the right to live in the inner zone.

He would never be exiled to such a place, and even outsiders seemed to reject him.

Is it just people walking through the tea?

It shouldn't be that simple.

And after careful consideration, what happened after he entered the camp seemed unreasonable. But these are unreasonable. He didn't think about them before. Now he was suddenly touched and felt something.

But on second thought, forget it. Anyway, it's here.

It's really kind.

It's better to have another plan.

It depends on the situation.

It's a big deal. Just play it by ear.

After making up his mind, Zhao Chengfeng said nothing more and went into the wooden room with an Tong.

I found that the situation inside the house was worse than that outside.

There are no other things that can be called furniture except a low table and a flameout stove. Oh, there are two mattresses in the middle of the room that can't see the original material. If they are laid on the floor, they should be the combination of bed and chair.

In the middle of the two mats was a piece of fluorite, and the weak light made the room barely visible.

On one of the mats, a man was sitting against the wall. Because of the angle of light and shadow, most of his face was in the dark, and he could not see his face clearly. He could only reluctantly judge that he was a man with large bones but extremely thin.

He should be the Mr. Minge.

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