In the early morning, the day comes again, but it does not bring the vitality and vigor that the morning should have.

In the distant streets and alleys, some residents began to walk out of their homes. In addition to the streets, there was no one near Mr. an Tong's house. All of them seemed to avoid the plague.

In the house, Anton and Brandon were also very upset. Although there was no response from the camp last night, Anton and Brandon felt incredible, but they didn't feel at ease.

Last night, maybe it was because the camp didn't get any specific information, or because they didn't know the depth, they didn't act rashly. However, no matter what the reason, a camp leader was killed within the camp, so the camp and the temple could not fail to respond.

They both sat at the dining table and watched Zhao Chengfeng. Although there were cakes and broth in front of them, they had no appetite at all.

How can we afford to eat when the enemy is at hand.

According to their idea, they should leave the camp as soon as it gets light. However, seeing that Zhao Chengfeng's Old God was there, he did not dare to persuade him.

Zhao Chengfeng is very relaxed. He chews bread and drinks broth. Although it's not delicious, he eats delicious.

On the other hand, the young black ox is also very sweet, but his small eyes quietly look at Zhao Chengfeng, an Tong and Brandon from time to time.

The reason why he is here is also because of Mr. Minge.

I don't know what his plan is. In addition to saying that he hopes Zhao Chengfeng to help him in the future, Mr. Minge also has an incidental request, that is, he hopes Zhao Chengfeng to take the boy with him.

His original words are: "I venture to appear to meet you this time. Although I have used some means, they won't be aware of it for the time being, but the flaw has been left. They should be aware of it soon, so I can't use this avatar any more."

"And this child, if you think it's good, stay with you. If you feel it's troublesome, let him change his place to live and die."

Although Zhao Chengfeng hesitated, he finally agreed.

With the ability of the mysterious Mr. Minge, if he really wants to leave something around him, he can't prevent it, and he doesn't hate the young black bull.

When Zhao Chengfeng thought of this, he looked at the boy and gave him a little smile. Then he saw that Anton and Brandon didn't move their mouths and said with a smile, "why, Brandon, aren't you hungry? No, give me your share. "

And without waiting for Brandon to answer, he dragged the portion of food in front of him.

Brandon said with a wry smile, "my Lord, I think it's better for us to leave the camp early in case..."

"What's the hurry? If you don't miss the firewood cutter, if you don't have enough to eat, do you still have the strength to fight when you meet the enemy? Besides, there is only such a big place as this. If you want to come, you'll be here a long time ago. " Zhao Chengfeng takes a bite of the cake and drinks another mouthful of the broth. Seeing that the black ox is black, he looks at the food he snatched from Brandon. He laughs, tears off half of the dough in his hand and pours half of the broth into his bowl. Mr. Antong, if you don't eat, you can give us two. "

An Tong smiles when he hears the words. Seeing that Zhao Chengfeng is so old, he doesn't think much about it any more. He begins to deal with the food in front of him.

Seeing this, Zhao Chengfeng couldn't help laughing. At the same time, he blinked at Heiniu. The boy couldn't help laughing.

"Thank you... Thank you."

Take the bread that Anton gave him and thank him in a low voice.

But seeing that there was nothing in front of Brandon, he hesitated, as if he wanted to return it.

Zhao Chengfeng patted his head and said with a smile, "don't worry about him. He's not hungry."

Black bull seems to be surprised when he hears that Brandon doesn't know whether it's true or not. Is it true that there are still people in the world who are not hungry in the face of such good food?

Brandon saw that there was food in front of the three, but he was empty in front of him. He wanted to cry without tears. He said in his heart, "I'm not hungry. I'm an ordinary person now, OK? It's just not as big as you are. "

In the mouth but can't reluctantly agree a way: "you eat, eat, uncle, I have no appetite now."

Black bull where know Brandon's mind, hear Brandon's answer, although more surprised, no appetite, the world should still have this word?

However, he has got a positive answer, and he is not polite. He lowers his head and starts to deal with the food seriously.

When Zhao Chengfeng saw that he was so simple, he had some doubts.

Although there are still some people who don't understand the meaning of Mr. Minge's words, it seems that the child himself should have no problem.

The breakfast was surprisingly safe. Until they finished their breakfast, no one came to the camp.

This makes Anton and Brandon very surprised, but also slightly relieved, "it seems that Mr. Qianzhi's divine power yesterday, so that the camp has also been suppressed."

"It's too early to say that, but it doesn't matter. I don't want to offend him or me. If I do, I'll just see what God is." Zhao Chengfeng shakes his head and doesn't seem to care.

But in fact, there was something strange in his mind.

According to the truth, there is no reason for the other side to look forward and backward to the foreign fallen people.

He had planned to wait for the so-called priest to come to the door, just to find out what the so-called God was, and also wanted to see if he could get a glimpse of the secret behind it.

According to Mr. Minge, it seems that the gods and his enemies are inextricably linked.

However, he doesn't insist on it, because even Mr. Minge is so afraid of those so-called "them". If he shows too ostentatious and strong, it's also very dangerous.

After dinner, he cleaned up and saw that there was still no one coming. Zhao Chengfeng also gave up his plan to delay. He thought, "is it the reason for Mr. Minge? It's probably the means he used, or they realized that I had contacted Mr. Minge again, so they didn't dare to come, but this may be very small, because according to our reasoning, Mr. Minge himself said that it was the incarnation. No one in this canyon camp should know the real face of Mr. Minge. "

"No matter. Since no one is coming, let's go. Mr. Antong, please take me to the soul nest Zhao Chengfeng shares the same way with an.

This is what we said before. Naturally, Antony has no reason not to agree.

And although the camp has not responded, but if Zhao Chengfeng left, the camp he did not dare to stay.

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