"By the way, Mr. Antong, Xiao Xi..." when he came to the door, Zhao Chengfeng suddenly remembered that he went to find Mr. Minge last night. In addition to his business, he also had a purpose to ask Mr. Minge to do something to solve Xiao Xi's problem.

However, because things went beyond expectation, he forgot to say at that time that after he came back, he had been comprehending the knowledge that Mr. Minge had instilled in him, and he didn't care about it at all.

Mr. Antong was isolated by Mr. Minge almost all the time. It seems that he didn't have a chance to mention it. Of course, Mr. Minge didn't come after that.

But in the middle of his words, he subconsciously looked at the animal shed. He was stunned to see Xiao Xi standing there, leisurely gnawing at the bones of a strange animal.

The meat on it is gone, but the big guy is still eating it with relish.

"When will Xiao Xi's skills be solved?"

Then he saw an Tong and others looking at him in surprise, "Mr. Qianzhi, you can't be confused. Didn't brother Minge come with us last night to solve Xiaoxi's skill?"

"When?" Zhao Chengfeng was stunned.

Last night, he remembered the whole process from seeing Mr. Minge.

That Mr. Minge has never been here, but his expression doesn't seem to be fake. And Xiao Xi's hypnotism is really solved.

What's going on?

"Ha ha, Mr. Qianzhi, you really don't remember." An Tong asked in surprise.

"Please be specific." Zhao Chengfeng.

Although an Tong was surprised, he didn't refuse. He briefly changed the process that he accompanied Zhao Chengfeng to visit Mr. Minge last night.

It seems that Mr. Antong and himself have gone through a completely different process. In his mouth, he accompanied himself to meet Mr. Minge, and used a lot of Shouzhu, and some secret skills that shocked his eyes. He made a deal with Mr. Minge, exchanged information about the soul nest and the world from Minge's ancestors, and had a good conversation.

"What a good conversation?" Zhao Chengfeng opened his mouth, a little surprised.

"Yes, you promised to take in Heiniu. You forgot. By the way, didn't Mr. Minge send you some jade slips and a map? "

"Well?" Zhao Chengfeng was stunned and instinctively looked at his dimensional objects. He found that there were several strange jade slips in it. The contents of the jade slips were all about the soul nest and the world. There was also a map made of unknown animal leather. It seemed that the area was very wide and detailed.

Zhao Chengfeng froze in an instant.

At first, he thought that an Tong and others were affected by magic, so the memory was biased, but now he is not sure.

He quickly looked at his knowledge of the sea, and found that it had changed, and the large amount of knowledge and information in his brain could not be fake.

What's going on?

Wait a minute. It seems that the contents of these jade slips are different from the information in the brain. They are also about the soul nest and the world. It seems that they are much different.

He took a look at an Tong and suddenly laughed and patted his forehead. "It seems like this. Oh, I've been confused all night. Anyway, let's go and see the so-called soul nest. "


Zhao Chengfeng was surprised when the four walked out of the street, but the people around him were calmer than he expected. Although they still dodged, and everyone kept a distance from them, there was no scene where everyone fled and closed the door.

"These people are calmer than I expected. I even killed the camp commander and killed so many guards. They are not afraid of us. That's good." Zhao Chengfeng said with a smile.

"They should have been numb here long ago?" Brandon said with a wry smile. His expression was a little complicated. He didn't know if things hurt others. He thought of himself from these people.

An Tong also said with a bitter smile: "no way, trapped here, muddle along, no hope, how can not numb."

Zhao Chengfeng nodded, looked at Mr. Antong's meaningful smile and said, "it's rare that Mr. Antong has a firm will."

But an Tong shook his head and said sadly, "it's just fifty steps laughing at a hundred steps, but I'm really not reconciled."

Anton's face showed some struggling color.

But soon recovered calm, helpless smile: "but even if it is not reconciled, there is no way to come to this world, it is impossible to go out, rather than struggling, it is better to live in this world numbly. Better to live than to die. "

Zhao Chengfeng noncommittal smile.

After that, both of them stopped talking about this topic.

A moment later, the group came to the gate of the camp again.

Looking up at the guard at the door, the already nervous crowd was shocked for a moment.

"Well, what's the matter? Isn't that guy? How can he..."

Brandon's face was pale, and he pointed to a flamboyant figure on the top of the tower, shivering.

That figure is no one else. It is mu de who was beheaded by Zhao Chengfeng last night.

On one side, an Tong's face also changed. He subconsciously took a look at Zhao Chengfeng.

See Zhao Chengfeng pursed his mouth, did not speak, there is no expression on his face, it seems to be thinking about something.

Anton hesitated for a moment and did not disturb him.

At this time, a group of soldiers and horses roared from a distance. The leader, who was tall and strong, was also known by Zhao Chengfeng and others. It was Roy, the commander of the guard who was killed by him last night.

But the weapon in his hand changed. It was no longer a sabre, but a black iron bar.

"Well, what's going on?" Brandon has shaken into one.

The dead man appeared in front of them again. If it was just a Mulder, it might be someone with similar appearance or twin brother.

But even Roy has come back to life, and a closer look shows that there are many guards, some of whom were killed by Zhao Chengfeng last night.

"Master Qianzhi, are these people dead or alive? What shall we do? " Brandon had got the spear and armor, and had the equipment. He had a little bottom in his heart, but at this moment he had no bottom at all.

Zhao Chengfeng gave him a white look, "look at your promise. No matter whether he is a living or a dead man, it's one or two. If I can chop them once, I can chop them twice, three times, a hundred times, a thousand times."

"Mr. Antong, do you know what's going on?" Then he took another look at an Tong, but an Tong also had a blank face and a wry smile, "I don't know, I've never heard of it. The camp has this ability. However, Mr. Qianzhi, let's go quickly and don't be surrounded! "

With that, he rushed to the gate of the camp.

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