"Who, stop!" The guards were shocked when they saw a huge thing like a tank coming. From their performance, it seems that they didn't pay special attention to Zhao Chengfeng before.

Although Xiaoxi looks bulky and clumsy, he really runs at the same speed. With the impact of his huge body, the visual impact alone is amazing.

A group of guards yelled, but no one really dared to stop them. A few of them seemed to have such ideas, but they hesitated to find that all their companions had run away, and they also scurried.

Seeing this, Mulder on the guard tower was surprised and angry. He yelled, "close the door, close the door quickly, stop them!"

The guards remembered the gate of the camp and wanted to close it in a hurry. However, the original designer of the camp didn't seem to consider the current situation. The gate of the camp was thick and heavy, and it was hard for two or three people to push one. In addition, they were very flustered. It took them a long time to push half of the gate.

At this time, the huge beast had already come to him, and his huge body hit the middle of the half closed gate. The log gate, which three people could not push, turned upside down.

"Ah ~!" The three people behind the door were also knocked upside down by the fierce collision force.

The soldiers around them were stunned and frightened. They watched the huge beast break through the gate and go away, but no one dared to stop it.

Only on the sentry tower, the captain Mulder jumped and yelled, "stop them, stop them, you pigs!"

However, no one paid any attention to him.

"My Lord, use the empty gun!" Someone called.

Mulder also sounded this sharp weapon of war, but this kind of weapon is not a small weapon for personal use. Without a lot of time to prepare, it can not play a role at all, especially the target is not a large group of exotic animals.

Before Mulder calibrated the muzzle, he looked up and saw that Xiaoxi had already become a small black spot at the end of his sight.

At the same time, the group of people in the distance seems to have noticed the movement here. They speed up and come here, but they also slow down. When they get there, Zhao Chengfeng and his party even have no trace.

Roy, the leader of the guard, looked at a group of frightened guards and said, "what's the matter? Who were those people just now?"

On the sentry tower, Mulder almost ran down from the sentry tower. Seeing the Guard commander's face was ugly, Mulder quickly reported with fear: "Lord Hui, just now someone suddenly ran into the gate of the camp with a beast. The identities of those people were all foreigners. One of them was called... EH, what's his name?"

Mulder's words suddenly got stuck. He felt that he should know one of those people, but he suddenly felt that he didn't know those people, even the name that was about to come out.

"Asshole, those people rushed out of the gate. As the battalion leader, you said you didn't know them. How did you become the battalion leader? "

Roy, the commander of the guard, was even more furious when he saw that Mulder's language was confused and he didn't know what to say. The black spear with a thick mouth in his hand beat Mulder and the guards of the battalion to silence.

If Zhao Chengfeng and others are still here, I'm afraid they will be very surprised to see the situation of love. It seems that the two commanders and captains of the camp guard who came back from the dead have completely forgotten what happened before.

Their memory is like being reset from a node.

In fact, Zhao Chengfeng and others were really confused at this time.

"What a strange place! People can be revived even after they die!" Brandon looked back at the direction of the camp with a look of fear on his face. However, he was relieved to see that no one was catching up with him in that direction. However, someone could not help murmuring: "my Lord, Mr. Antong, do you think it's strange that those people didn't catch up?"

An Tong also subconsciously looked back, and then Mu Mu nodded, as if at a loss.

"It's not right that you didn't come. Do you like to be chased all the way?" Zhao Chengfeng smiles as if he didn't understand Brandon's words.

"I don't mean that..." Brandon said again, but then he thought that it didn't seem to be of any use to pursue it now. It was better not to pursue it than to pursue it. He immediately scratched his head and said with a smile, "that's true. My Lord, where are we going now, the soul nest? "

Zhao Chengfeng did not speak, but took out the pair of animal skin map, turned around, looked at a few eyes, and then said with a smile: "Mr. Antong, I'd like to trouble you to lead the way. I feel almost the same about this terrain."

In fact, the map is quite detailed. Unfortunately, the scale is too large, so it is impossible to restore the details in a small area. Moreover, there are deserts everywhere. For those who are not familiar with the environment, there is really no difference.

An Tong laughs and takes over the map without saying much.

Don't say, this Mr. Antong is really not simple. Zhao Chengfeng didn't see the famous place on this map, but Mr. Antong found the coordinates of everyone's current position all at once. "Mr. Qianzhi, you see, there is a canyon here, which is the canyon camp. We should be here now."

An Tong points on the map with his hand, and then Zhao Chengfeng and others are surprised to find that the part of an Tong's finger is enlarged.

See this scene, Zhao Chengfeng can't help but take a breath, "fierce, this catch up with Google maps, and this function?"

The young black bull also stares at the small eyes, and his face is full of surprise. When he hears Zhao Chengfeng's voice, he can't help asking, "brother Qianzhi, what is a bone map? Is it a map made of bones?"

Brandon pretended to understand the boy's head and said, "idiot, I don't even know this. The skeleton map must be the same as the jade slips. It's a high-level secret treasure portrayed with mental force, but the material is the skeleton of a high-level exotic animal. However, this kind of classics and maps need to be read with mental force. You can't think about it without spiritual talent. "

The young man didn't know that he was full of nonsense. He was full of longing. "Wow, it's amazing that you can use a small bone to depict maps and books. Mr. Brandon, are these things from your outside world?"

"Ha ha, of course, the outside world can't be compared with you. The two worlds of longevity, darkness and death are boundless, and there are so many experts. It's hard to count all kinds of magical things, ah ~!" Brandon became more and more proud as if he had seen it with his own eyes.

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