It's said that the horse is dead in the mountain. In fact, the sense of distance in the desert is more difficult to see. Although Zhao Chengfeng and others feel that the terrible soul nest is in front of them, they still feel that the distance hasn't narrowed much after walking for half a day at the speed of the giant Xiaoxi.

From a distance, the soul nest is still like a castle made of black fog. It's just that this scene shocked and scared people at the beginning, but now they feel numb.

Just a kind of inexplicable fatigue, feeling as if to go on like this.

Zhao Chengfeng is very calm. As he walks, he confirms the two pieces of information about the soul nest in his mind and in the jade slips.

"Woo All of a sudden, Antong stopped drinking. He put up a shed and looked at the sun to the West. He said to Zhao Cheng, "Mr. Qianzhi, it's almost dusk. I'm afraid we can't get to the soul nest today. Should we find a place to arrange camping? This desert night is very dangerous."

Zhao Chengfeng looked at the sun in the sky. Although it was already to the west, it still seemed that there were two poles high. It seemed that it should be some time before dark.

Looking around again, it was empty and said, "go on for a while. There is no suitable place for camping near here."

Mr. Antong hesitated for a moment, then nodded

Then he shakes the reins again and says "drive!"

The giant beast stepped on the soft sand again, and made a sound of "Chi La" and "Chi La". It was monotonous and boring. Everyone became very quiet for some reason. It seemed that people were very easy to become dull in this environment.

Among the group, the youngest black ox seemed to be a little bit unable to bear the depression, pursed his lips as if he wanted to speak, and was a little shy.

Seeing this, Zhao Chengfeng asked with a smile, "what's the matter, little brother? What do you want to say?"

"In fact, i... I want to ask Uncle Antong, what kind of danger is there outside the camp at night? I've heard my father say before that the world outside the camp is very dangerous, especially after the night. But I've never walked out of the camp, and I didn't seem to meet anything along the way Young said, some embarrassed to grab the head, a smile.

Zhao Chengfeng smiles when he hears the words. Although he knows that the desert is not so calm on the surface, it is not only a strange and terrible soul eating storm, but also the seemingly quiet and monotonous sand under his feet. He doesn't know how many invisible threats hidden by ordinary people.

Heiniu thought that he didn't encounter any danger along the way, but Zhao Chengfeng's divine sense could clearly "see" the place they passed along the way. There were no less than dozens of strange beasts at the same level as Xiaoxi, and some of them were even better than Xiaoxi in terms of breath and body shape.

In addition, there are countless species such as termites, which look very small, but in fact are more terrifying.

But he didn't say it. On the one hand, he didn't want to scare the simple and honest boy too much. On the other hand, he didn't want to reveal the secret of his own divine perception.

So he patted the boy on the shoulder, and then together with the boy, he looked forward to Antong.

Antang didn't look back, but he could hear the conversation between them. He said with a smile: "smelly boy, this desert is not so quiet as you look, otherwise so many people would not have been trapped in the camp all the time, eh ~... Today, it seems very quiet..."

Antony said here, a slight pause, seems to go for a while God, do not know what is thinking, seems to be some doubt. Then he said, "but it can only be said that we are lucky. Otherwise, it's hard for us to have such a smooth journey outside the camp."

"Of course, the biggest danger at night in the desert is not the poisonous insects and beasts that you never know where they are, or even the soul destroying storm, but the temperature."

"In general, the temperature difference between day and night is very large in deserts. In this world, the temperature difference between deserts is far greater than that in ordinary desert areas. I don't know that it will frostbite the body, or even freeze the soul of human beings. Once it's night in all these deserts, except for all kinds of poisonous insects, even those exotic animals dare not move outside, That's why almost all the creatures in this desert have the ability to drill into the sand

His last words were obviously explained to Zhao Chengfeng and Brandon, because he had never walked out of the camp gate before his life, let alone the outside world.

When Zhao Chengfeng heard this, the corresponding information immediately appeared in his mind. It was the relevant content of those messages that the mysterious Minge had given him before.

Although these messages have been poured into his brain, because they are too complex, even if ninety-nine percent of them become stars in the sea of knowledge, one percent of them are still very complex.

After one night's "reading and combing", Zhao Chengfeng still only looked at the general situation, and a lot of content was "omitted" by him, which is actually a kind of instinctive self-protection of human brain.

Just like a person's memory, when some new memories enter the brain, the old memories will be gradually precipitated, and the brain will sort out the new contents by itself, and "forget" most of them.

Until we encounter similar content, or related information, these contents will automatically emerge.

Just like you read a book, after reading it, you can't recall all the contents of the book, unless you are a genius who never forgets, but even genius has its limits.

It's good for ordinary people to remember the contents that are especially wonderful and interesting.

But when you see the relevant content again, you will immediately feel familiar.

Zhao Chengfeng's situation at this time is somewhat similar - unfortunately, I don't have enough time, otherwise I should be able to further digest the information and understand the world.

Zhao Chengfeng thought like this in his heart, and suddenly the giant Xiaoxi stopped again.

"Mr. Qianzhi, you see there is a broken wall there. It's better to camp here today." Antong pointed to a place not far ahead.

Zhao Chengfeng looked up, and sure enough, there was a broken wall in the direction of Antong's finger, which seemed to be the ruins left by the collapse of a certain building. It seemed that the scale was not small, but most of them were buried under the sand, and only a few of them were exposed to the surface.

This place is really a good place to camp.

But how can there be such a construction site in such a ghost place?

Zhao Chengfeng searched the complicated information instilled by Mr. Minge in his mind, but he didn't come up with any relevant content.

I don't know if it's because Mr. Minge ignored it, or if the relevant information is still buried in the stars in the sea of knowledge, or Mr. Minge doesn't know about this relic here. It's not surprising that even though Mr. Minge looks mysterious, he must not be omniscient.

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