"Well, camp here. But how can there be a relic here? Has Mr. Antong been here before? " Zhao Chengfeng nodded and asked casually.

Antong took the lead in jumping off the giant beast. He reached out and touched Xiaoxi to show his comfort and appreciation. He laughed and replied, "it's not strange. I don't know how many lives have been buried in this desert. Maybe it used to be a camp, but it didn't resist the tide of animals, or the storm, or the attack of other camps. It's nothing unusual. "

"However, I really haven't been here. The path in the desert is constantly changing. It may not be the same when I pass here this time or next time. Maybe the ruins will be completely exposed, or maybe they will be buried again, which is common

"But today we are lucky. With such a broken wall, it will be much safer this night. At least don't worry. When we get up tomorrow morning, we will all be buried under the sand."

With the help of Brandon and the honest young man, he unloaded the tent and other equipment from the back of the beast.

Zhao Chengfeng nodded slightly and did not ask any more questions. While the three were busy camping, he walked around the broken wall and searched the area carefully.

Back to the previous position, Anton and Brandon have set up the tent, Anton is making a fire.

The fire made of sand and soil mixed with animal fat has a big flame, but the smoke is very choking, and there is also a strong odor. Antong sprinkles some ash like substances made of unknown things into the fire, which is less, but still very smelly.

But there is no way, such a fire is necessary to camp in the field, not only can drive away the cold temperature in the field to a certain extent, but also the smell produced by this kind of grease, poisonous insects and beasts are also very disgusted, generally not close to.

See Zhao Chengfeng back, and some frown, three people all stopped their work, an Tong asked: "what's the matter, have you found anything?"

Zhao Chengfeng shakes his head. In fact, he feels that something is wrong in his heart. It is precisely because he has not found anything. He has toured the whole area of the ruins, but he has not even seen a strange animal or even an insect. Not only has he not seen the surface, but he has even searched the underground with his divine sense, and he has not found anything.

This area is like a forbidden zone for life.

However, he didn't want to reveal that he could use divine consciousness, so it was not convenient for him to say these words to the public.

What's more, these are just his doubts. At present, no danger has been found, so it's meaningless to say them. On the contrary, they make people uneasy.

An Tong saw that he shook his head and didn't ask much. After the fire, he asked the young black ox to scatter some black ash around the camp, which was similar to what he had joined the fire.

Seeing that everyone was puzzled, an Tong explained, "it's made of the urine of the red tailed earthworm mixed with some special drugs. It has its smell. Most of the exotic animals and poisonous insects dare not come near it."

After everything was settled down, they simply ate some dry food. The sun had already set below the horizon, and the last ray of light of the day began to converge under the horizon. Zhao Chengfeng and others clearly felt that the surrounding temperature began to drop rapidly.

At the beginning, I felt cool, and soon I felt chilly. Even if there were several bonfires around the camp, it didn't seem to have much effect.

People dare not stay outside any more, but get into the tent one after another, which makes them feel a little warm.

At night, the wind began to blow outside again, whimpering.

In addition to Antong, the other three, together with Zhao Chengfeng, were the first to see the wild night of the world.

"What a strange wind, won't the fire go out?" Brandon didn't know whether it was cold or fear. His fat body and voice were shaking.

"I don't think so. Our location is relatively safe from the wind, and I use some special animal oil as fuel, so it won't be blown out easily." Antong took out a leather bag, sipped it gently, and then asked the people, "this is made from the blood of different animals mixed with some herbs. Animal blood wine. Mr. Qianzhi, would you like to have a drink? It's not as delicious as the wine in the outside world, but a sip at night has some cold repellent effect

Zhao Chengfeng shakes his head and doesn't answer. However, he remembers that when he left the earth, he asked his Laozi to order some special cases of Wuliangye and Maotai for him. During this period of time, he has always forgotten this stubble and immediately said with a smile: "come to me!"

Then he took out a bottle of Wuliangye, which had been specially customized and had removed the trademark and label from the dimensional object. He first unscrewed the cap, took a sip, and praised: "good wine!"

Then he handed it to an Tong and said, "Mr. an Tong, try the wine from my hometown. Although it has no special effect, it tastes good!"

Not to mention Anton and Heiniu, even Brandon had never seen such a clear and clean wine in such a crystal clear bottle. He couldn't help but stare.

"My Lord, what kind of wine is it? How can it be brewed? How can it be so bright and clear?" Brandon was the first to take it. He held the bottle in front of him in surprise, almost forgetting the fear of the night outside.

The so-called famous wines and fine wines he had seen before were basically turbid, with more or less some sediment. He had never seen such a clear liquor before. If it was not for the smell, he almost thought it was water.

Then he put the bottle mouth under the tip of his nose and sniffed. His eyes lit up and said, "it smells good."

"Oh, I'll go. You can drink it. Smell what you smell. Is your nose dirty or not? Don't talk to your mouth." Zhao Chengfeng looks disgusted, but he is very proud in his heart.

He said in secret: "if we don't talk about other aspects, we can only talk about the technological level. Whether it's the eternal world or the Black Death world, we can't compare it with our earth civilization. It's a product of the post industrial era. Everything in this world is the age of handcraft. "

But then there is some sadness. Because of the change of world rules, the earth science and technology that has developed for thousands of years now is about to collapse. Where is the next path of the earth world?

Thinking of this, he couldn't help losing interest.

Subconsciously, he took out a pack of cigarettes from dimensional objects and lit one.

Brandington people nearby were very excited. Compared with the wine in the bottle, they didn't care about Zhao Chengfeng's dislike. They poured a mouthful of it and praised it, "good wine." Involuntarily, he took another big drink, and then reluctantly handed it to Antong.

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