An Tong then looked at it curiously, and then poured a mouthful. His eyes were bright, and he nodded slightly. "It's really good wine, but the brewing materials are poor. It seems that it's just ordinary food."

"Ha ha, Mr. Antong, you are too picky. As long as the wine is mellow and strong, it's enough. Why do you have to have other effects? If you don't drink it, give it back to me!" Brandon snatched it back and was about to drink it again. He saw the black bull next to him looking at the wine bottle curiously with his eyes open. He couldn't help but move his eyes and said with a smile: "little black bull, do you want to have a bite, too?"

Then he handed the bottle to the boy.

The young man was curious and timid, but he still plucked up the courage to take a small sip. His face suddenly wrinkled into a pile. He quickly covered his mouth and made Lingling shiver. "What's this? It's so bitter!"

Then he quickly returned the bottle to Brandon.

An Tong's prank was successful. He couldn't help laughing. An Tong also laughed. Even Zhao Chengfeng was pulled out of his mind. He gave Brandon a silent stare, and then laughed.

A bottle of wine was quickly drunk, the people were warm, and they were not so afraid of the outside. Brandon couldn't help staring at the cigarette between Zhao Chengfeng's fingers, and said greedily, "my Lord, what are you smoking?"

Zhao Chengfeng laughs, but he is not stingy. He gives one to Brandon and an Tong. If it's before, he really can't bear it. After all, he doesn't have much in stock, but with the improvement of cultivation, he finds that he seems to be less and less aware of cigarettes. Even today I went out to get some wine. I usually forget about it.

Then he asked the young black bull, "what's the matter, little brother, do you want to have a try?"

Although the boy was curious about what it was, he shook his head in a hurry with the warning of wine.

Brandon, however, was not polite. He also learned from Zhao Chengfeng to light a fire and took a sip. Needless to say, this guy is really gifted in this aspect. He didn't choke when he smoked for the first time. On the contrary, his eyes lit up and he was very excited. "This thing is a little interesting, my Lord. What's this thing? Where's it from? Why haven't I seen it before?"

After taking it over, Antong didn't immediately try. Instead, he took it in his hand and looked at the strange stick curiously. "What is it, also made of herbs? What does it do? "

I'm also curious about the origin of this thing. Apart from other things, the manufacturing technology alone is amazing.

Whether it's the wine bottle or the strange little herb stick, the level of delicacy is the level of a senior craftsman. He can't help but be more curious about the origin of Zhao Chengfeng.

One night without words, before Zhao Chengfeng's worry seems to be a little superfluous, this night in addition to the whimper of the night wind seems to have nothing happened, let everyone before nervous mood relaxed a lot.

However, looking out through the tent, it seems dark and dark outside. It seems that it is not completely dawn yet.

"Why has it been so long outside before dawn?"

"I'm afraid it's not as simple as it's not dawn!"

Zhao Chengfeng felt that something was wrong, but he didn't say much about it. He immediately opened the tent and stepped out. Seeing this, Zhao Chengfeng was stunned.

"My Lord, what a big fog Brandon and others followed, looking up at the sky and around the ruins. The whole ruins seemed to be shrouded in black fog.

"It's not going to rain, is it?" Brandon murmured.

Zhao Chengfeng didn't look at him angrily, "have you ever seen anyone whose house is going to rain like this?"

Brandon soon felt that something was wrong. First of all, he found that although there was a mist all around the ruins and above his head, it was hard to penetrate even a few steps with people's eyesight, but there was no mist inside the ruins. It was like there was an unintentional wall blocking all the fog outside.

If you take a closer look, you will find that the fog is not normal. Generally, the fog in nature is chaotic, ethereal and continuous.

However, the fog that enveloped the ruins was like a bunch of fog like creatures huddled together, squeezing and squirming each other.

"Ah ~!" Brandon suddenly realized something and let out a exclamation. He fell down on the ground, pointed to the fog and said in a trembling voice: "ghost, ghost fog ~!"

"This, so many ghost fog, is, is..."

He turned pale with fear, and it was obvious that he had thought of something.

"Yes, we should be in the soul nest." Zhao Chengfeng's voice is calm.

They were already in the soul nest, which could not be entered before. Last night, although Brandon and others fell asleep, he kept awake all night. On the one hand, he was trying to prevent accidents.

On the other hand, it is also to seize the time to digest the knowledge Mr. Minge instilled in him.

Although these things have been instilled into him by Mr. Minge, they can't be digested, so they are not his unless he is willing to integrate them into his memory, but they are unacceptable to him. Although he needs these knowledge, he doesn't want to be brainwashed because of these things.

He would rather regard them as books in the state of information.

But there's a downside to this, which is that the information will dissipate over time. That's why he's racing against the clock to digest them.

But even if he was immersed in his study, with his keen perception, he didn't find any difference, which is still too strange.

The only consolation is that his original goal is to enter the soul nest. Although he doesn't like this way of entering, he has achieved his goal from another angle.

However, he can accept it, but Brandon can't accept it completely. He still refuses to believe this is the truth. "How can this happen? We were so far away from the soul nest before? I've been walking for a long time, but I haven't arrived yet. How can I...? I think there must be a mistake. Maybe it's just that the fog is a little strange. Mr. Antong, don't you think? "

He turned his eyes to Anton, hoping that Anton would give him a negative answer.

But he found that Antony was looking at Qianzhi, with a smile on his mouth. When he heard what he said, Antony was stunned. Then he frowned and said, "well, I'm not sure, but I'm afraid Mr. Qianzhi is right. We are now in the soul nest, although I don't know how it happened

Although he said that, Brandon felt that Mr. Anton was not surprised or worried about the current situation. However, seeing Anton's locked and low tone, he felt that it was an illusion.

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