"It's no surprise." Zhao Chengfeng looked relaxed. He looked up at the ghosts and mists and said carelessly, "this is a magical world. Even people can revive overnight after they die. What's so strange about appearing in the ghost nest after a sleep?"

All of a sudden, Zhao Chengfeng's eyes brightened. He tried his best to see a faint figure in the ghost fog. "There are people in the ghost nest."

At the same time, Brandon issued a panic call, "my Lord, no, the power of this relic seems to be unable to stop the invasion of the soul nest!"

With his cry, Antong and Heiniu also found that the ghost fog, which was blocked by an invisible force, was slowly but irresistibly compressed from all directions, and the invisible force was shrinking with the compression of the ghost fog.

Seeing this scene, an Tong and the young man could not help showing their panic.

Several people subconsciously moved closer to the middle, but it didn't help at all. Although the scope of this relic was not small, it was also limited, and the speed of ghost fog was accelerating.

It was hard to detect at the beginning, but it had become visible to the naked eye for a moment. After a while, the ghost fog had advanced no less than one meter, and the speed of advancing was increasing.

At this speed, I'm afraid the whole relic will be completely engulfed by the ghost fog in a few hours.

"Mr. Qianzhi, I'm afraid this relic will soon be completely engulfed by the ghost fog. What should I do?" An Tong looks dignified at Zhao Chengfeng.

Brandon was even more mournful, with a cry in his mouth and kept whispering: "it's over, it's over, it's over, it's going to die, it's going to die."

Zhao Chengfeng looked at him scornfully and said with a sneer: "look at your advice, isn't it the ghost fog? If you swallow it, you can swallow it. It's not that you haven't been swallowed? When you are outside, you still say that you are afraid of being pulled away. Now you are here. What are you afraid of? Maybe you can leave this world. "

When Brandon heard this, he seemed to have a glimmer of hope, but then he collapsed again. He was so angry that Chao Chengfeng gave him a fierce Pooh. "Pooh, you don't fool me. I'm not blind. Do you think I can't see the shadows in the fog?"

"Leave here? Can there be such a good thing? For so many years, I have never heard that people who are swallowed by Guiwu rock can go out? Damn, it's all you, you son of a bitch. You're just going to die yourself, but you have to pull me up... What do you think? I'm afraid of you. Anyway, you're going to die. If you have seed, you'll cut me down... No, you're really... "

In desperation, Brandon's accumulated anger suddenly broke out. At this point, he felt that he had no need to be afraid of the evil star. If he died, he would be swallowed by the ghost fog. He might not be able to survive or die.

Only when he saw that Zhao Chengfeng really put forward the three stop broadsword, Sen Leng's knife light calmed him down, and his anger and consciousness disappeared in a second.

However, before he asked for mercy, the light of the knife flashed to the top of his head.

"I'll fuck you, no, I'm wrong. Forgive me..." Brandon was in a hurry to hold up his weapon, but the hollow spear in his hand was cut off by the light of the knife.

At the same time, Zhao Chengfeng's voice rang out in his ear, "remember, this is a warning, there will be another kill!"

Hearing these words, Brandon thought that Zhao Chengfeng would stop. Unexpectedly, Zhao Chengfeng said so, but Dao Guang didn't stop at all.

"Ah ~!"

Brandon's scream is not settled. The whole person has been split in two by the knife light. The fear of death completely drowns him in an instant, but his heart is desperate and full of puzzles. At this moment, he doesn't understand what Zhao Chengfeng means. He clearly says it's a warning, and why he will be split next time.

It's not just that he doesn't understand, but that Antong and young black bull are also very puzzled. When they see this scene, they are all stunned. But the difference is that the expression on young black bull's face is a little dull, while Antong's expression is surprised, but there is also some panic.

At the last moment, Brandon vaguely saw Zhao Chengfeng withdraw his sword, turn around and walk towards the ghost fog which was quickly drowning. He didn't dodge, but fell into the ghost fog. It seemed that he was still saying something and laughing at something

He can't hear clearly, also don't understand, this damned evil star in the end what wind, is looking for death? Or are you crazy?

It's nothing to do with me

Damn, son of a bitch, don't let me meet you next life


"Mr. Qianzhi, why did you kill Mr. Brandon?" An Tong looks at Zhao Chengfeng, angry, as if a little frightened, as if worried that Zhao Chengfeng has gone crazy, and then the next second will treat them like Brandon.

Zhao Chengfeng slowly put away the three stop broadsword, looked at Mr. Antong with a smile, "Mr. Antong, the game is over, you have no value."

"Why, Mr. Qianzhi, do you want to kill me?" An Tong smell speech facial expression big change, quickly raised the empty grain spear in the hand, guard of looking at Zhao Chengfeng.

"To kill you? Oh, it's unnecessary, isn't it? " Zhao Chengfeng casually smile, and then actually no longer pay attention to an Tong, a turn to suddenly advance speed become fast ghost nest ghost fog, light way in the mouth: "at the last moment, let me take the opportunity to experience the power of this so-called ghost nest."

"By the way, outside the dreamland, there should be a soul nest in this world, right? Mr. Antong, or... "Zhao Chengfeng suddenly looked back at Mr. Antong and said in a soft voice:" Mr. Guiwu? "

Hearing this, Mr. an Tong stepped back two steps involuntarily and looked at Zhao Chengfeng in disbelief. "You, you... When did you see that? No, it's impossible. You've been led by my dreamland. You can't see through my dreamland! "

But Zhao Chengfeng ignored him and went straight into the ghost nest composed of countless ghosts and mists

Seeing this, Mr. an Tong's face turned to one side, and then grinned, "ha ha, the rampant human beings die by themselves. Although this soul nest is constructed by mirage, it is not noumenon, but it also has part of the power of the real soul nest. Just human beings, you die by yourself, ha ha ha... I finally succeed, ha ha ha... I finally have the world..."

In the laughter, Mr. Antong began to twist and collapse, but his twisted face was full of excitement and madness.

"Are you sure this soul nest has part of the power of a real soul nest?" A voice came out of the soul nest, and the excited "Mr. Antong" didn't think much about it, so he casually replied, "of course!"

"That's good. In this case, I will not play this game with you in vain."

"The game? What game? Ah! No ~! "“ Mr. an Tong was stunned at first, and then he suddenly uttered a scream of horro

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