"Ah ~!" Brandon let out a cry, suddenly opened his eyes, sat up, instinctively touched his head, then his body and limbs.

Intact, intact!

"What happened, I, I'm still alive, I'm still alive? I, ha ha, I'm still alive. " Brandon was surprised, but he was a little unsure. He felt up and down, and finally he was sure that he was still alive. "I, ha ha, I'm still alive, ha ha, i... Wuwu..."

After a brief loss, he couldn't help laughing and crying.

I don't know how long it took before he finally calmed down and thought of looking around. He was stunned at the sight.

"This place, around here, is so familiar. It seems that we are drawn into this world, the original position... What's the matter? Can we say..."

"Hallucination, everything is hallucination... Ah, five, five Chen thousand... Thousand childish adults, adults, you..." at a glance, I saw a person standing not far away from him, wrapped in a mass of fog, not others, it was Zhao Chengfeng.

When he saw Zhao Chengfeng, his first reaction was anger. However, he woke up again with a shout of anger. He quickly lowered his intonation and started to smile. But then he found that Zhao Chengfeng's state seemed to be wrong.

The man was motionless, wrapped in a mist, and seemed to have no sense of the outside world.

Brandon froze for a moment, then realized what was going on.

"Fog, ghost fog?! I see. Ha ha ~, I see. It turns out that all that just now was an illusion, an illusion caused by the ghost fog. "

"Hahaha, Wuchen Qianzhi, you didn't expect that you would have this day, and you didn't expect that your knife didn't kill me, but cut me out of the environment, did you?" All of a sudden, he felt that he had understood all the reasons. Seeing that Zhao Chengfeng was still trapped by the ghost fog, he couldn't help laughing, but with a smile, his face was ferocious.

He subconsciously wanted to touch the empty spear on his back, but he touched an empty one. Then he remembered that it was something in the environment. After they were dragged into the world, they did not move at all. Of course, there could be no empty spear or anything like that.

"But why do these strange things appear in the dreamland? What else is Mr. Antong? I don't remember him at all. Why do they appear?" He himself is also a noble in the spirit department, and he knows something about magic. In his impression, magic usually evokes the deepest obsession or fear in the heart of the person being cast, and then makes use of it, so that the person being cast can indulge in it without self-awareness.

"No matter. I'll think about these things later. I'll kill the evil star first." As soon as Brandon gritted his teeth and put aside his thoughts, he felt a little happy, because the power of his rank and authority came back, and his heart was fixed.

"The thorn of the soul, give it to me..." he just planned to use his mental power to pierce into Zhao Chengfeng's sea of knowledge, but the next second he suddenly stopped, "no, this Shaxing spirit Department has strong resistance. He stood still before, and my authority talent can't hurt him. He is now in a dreamland. If I use the thorn of my heart, I will save him instead. "

"It's dangerous. It's almost self defeating."

Brandon took a deep breath of the cold air, which had already aroused half of his soul. He quickly stopped, and his face turned pale.

My heart is full of fear and resentment. This damned bastard is so hard to deal with. He is still trapped in a dreamland, and he even makes me suffer.

All of a sudden, he glanced at Zhao Chengfeng's sword and said with a smile, "well, since the spiritual power is not good, I will use the physical power! To kill you with your sword is to make the best use of everything

But I think so. When I reach for Zhao Chengfeng's sword, I find that I'm too nervous. It's like Zhao Chengfeng will wake up as soon as he touches the sword.

He swallowed saliva, cat waist, gently stretched out his hand, slowly grasp to Zhao Chengfeng hand sword.

"Wait a minute, is he really still trapped in the dreamland? He didn't mean to pretend to be trapped and test me, did he In the middle of the stretch, he drew back again. He looked up at Zhao Chengfeng in a suspicious way. The latter's eyes were half closed and half open, with a smile on his face.

"Ouch ~!" Brandon exclaimed, stepped back, and fell to his knees. "My Lord, misunderstood, misunderstood. I'm... hmm?"

Just about to beg for mercy, he found that Zhao Chengfeng didn't move, and his expression and eyes didn't change at all. He slowly stood up, wiped the sweat on his forehead, and walked forward a few steps. Here, the fog around Zhao Chengfeng suddenly trembled violently, followed by a shrill scream of ghost fog.

Brandon's face changed greatly, and he stepped back several steps again. This time, he was not only frightened, but also because the scream of the ghost fog was not a real sound, but a direct impact on his spirit. Although he was a spiritual authority, he couldn't prevent it. He was so close that he suffered a dull loss.

At the moment of his horror, the ghost fog was instantly annihilated.

"Ha, eh ~" Zhao Chengfeng yawned, stretched out and walked out of the fog. He looked as if he had just woken up. He raised his eyes to see Brandon, and said with a smile, "Xiao Bu, you are still alive. Ha ha, good, good. Eh, why do you look so ugly and vomit blood? No, I've cut you, but it's a mirage? "

Brandon was annoyed. "Damn it, I missed a great chance! He had been trapped in a dreamland before. "

But he didn't dare to show his face. He quickly wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, met him and said with a smile: "thank you for your concern. It's OK. I was injured not because of you, but because of the scream of the damned ghost fog before I died. To say that, thank you for kicking me out of the environment, otherwise I'm afraid I can't break away from the dreamland. "

"Ha ha, little things, little things, life and death friends between us, why mention this little thing. What's more, I'm just making the final confirmation when I cut you. You don't have to worry about it. " Zhao Chengfeng laughs and pats him on the shoulder. He looks like you don't need to thank me. Then he turns his head and looks at him, "by the way, Xiaobu, you don't hate me for cutting you, do you?"

Brandon was so close that he didn't have a mouthful of blood. He bit his teeth and swallowed it. "No, it's my duty to go through fire and water for you, my Lord. How can I hate you?"

"Ha ha, yes, Xiao Bu has a future." Zhao Chengfeng patted Brandon on the shoulder again, then looked around and nodded slightly. "As expected, the dreamland is false, but the world, or the secret land, is real."

"Go ~!" Zhao Chengfeng said go, recognize a direction, step forward.

Brandon frowned slightly, then followed.

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