"Where are we going, my lord?" Brandon catches up with Zhao Chengfeng's steps and asks suspiciously. He doesn't know why Zhao Chengfeng is so confident.

"Go to the camp first, and then go on to the soul nest!" Zhao Cheng did not reply.

"Camp, soul nest? My Lord, it's not in a dreamland... "

"Ha ha, no one in the dreamland says that it doesn't exist. This kind of thing can't be virtualized by a cloud of ghosts. It doesn't have such a high IQ. What's more, if the fantasy is fake, do I have to play with it for such a long time? " Zhao Chengfeng still didn't look back and went on.

But Brandon's face was constantly changing, and his heart was in a state of suspense. "My Lord, do you mean that you already know that what we experienced before was the dreamland caused by the ghost fog, and you didn't break away from the dreamland in order to understand the information about the world from the dreamland?"

"Otherwise, do you think you have forgotten that your spiritual attacks are ineffective to me. Although the ghost fog is based on this world, it can not make me completely sink into a dreamland. Otherwise, we would not stay here, but be completely dominated by it. " Zhao Chengfeng a sneer, very stinky way.

"In addition, although I'm not a purveyor of the psychic system, I don't know the secret skills of the psychic system, but in my opinion, any attack of hallucination can't really come out of nothing. It's nothing more than relying on people's spiritual loopholes, like hypnosis. What you see and experience is what you think, and the so-called dreamland is just to guide. Or it is to take the real existence as the projection, like a mirage. You know that better than I do, don't you

Zhao Chengfeng looks back at Brandon and smiles.

Brandon frowned and nodded slightly. After all, he was also a spiritual authority at the count level. Zhao Chengfeng naturally figured out this point.

"It's true that the previous dreamland, whether it's people or things, is not owned by the immortal world or the Black Death world, such as the empty spear. The immortal world and the Black Death world have never heard of it. It can only be a projection of the real world. However, my Lord, how can you be sure that is the world? "

Zhao Chengfeng looked at him speechless, "do you think it's a ghost fog? Besides this world, which world can it be? Of course, it's also possible that you have experienced it. Now do you know why I slashed you? "

"Adults want to see what changes will take place in my dreamland after I am chopped to death, and then determine who is the subject of the performer, so that adults can determine whether it is the projection of the ghost fog cognitive world or the projection of my cognitive world." Brandon was a little black when he said that.

Zhao Chengfeng laughed and patted him on the shoulder with approval. "It's good, you can teach me!"

Brandon's teeth itched with hatred. On impulse, he hummed: "my Lord, are you not afraid that I will break away from the dreamland first, and then it will be bad for you outside the dreamland?"

Zhao Chengfeng hugged his shoulder and looked at him with a smile, "will you do this?"

Brandon was so hairy by him that he wanted to give himself a big mouth. He said, "idiot, are you digging a hole for yourself?" On the face actually extrudes a smile which is uglier than crying, "when, certainly not..."

Zhao Chengfeng did not smile. He patted him on the shoulder again and said, "fortunately, you won't, otherwise, you will be dead now. Why don't you believe it? Hehe, well, I'll give you a free lesson today. Do you know why I dare to kick you out of the dreamland first, because I'm sure you'll get it! "

"First of all, your secret skills don't work for me. If you dare to use them, I can get less information from the dreamland and get rid of it in advance. In addition, there is ghost fog around me. If you use physical attack, unless you have a long-range means, otherwise as long as you touch the ghost fog, you will be drawn closer to the dreamland again. Think about the result... "

Zhao Chengfeng smiles and releases Brandon's shoulder.

The latter's face has turned white into a piece of paper, and the previous chagrin has completely turned into happiness and fear. The whole person is in the same place for a long time, unable to move, and his back is bursting with cold sweat.

Looking at his back, he has the impulse to turn around and run. This person is the devil and should be as far away from him as possible, but his body can't move at all. It's like he has been given a body immobilization.

"Why are you still standing there? Let's go!" In front of him, Zhao Chengfeng turned around and yelled at him as if nothing had happened.

"Ah? Ah, good ~! " Brandon wakes up and swallows his saliva. Then he trots to catch up with Zhao Chengfeng. Although he wants to run away, his reason tells him that if he dares to run away, he will die.

Patience, patience, I must be patient, waiting for the opportunity, not rash.


"There really is a camp ~?"

When the sun is about to set, Zhao Chengfeng and Brandon come to the canyon in the dreamland and find a camp in the distance.

As like as two peas in the tower, there are guards and a muzzle near the camp.

"Sir, do you think the people we met before really exist? For example, Mr. Antong, black bull, and the captain of the guard, the leader, etc Looking at the familiar and strange camp in front of him, Brandon asked suspiciously.

Zhao Chengfeng shook his head. "I'm not sure about that. I just came here to see if it exists? For example, Mr. Minge... "

"Mr. Minge, what Mr. Minge?" Brandon said in surprise.

"Haven't you seen Mr. Minge in the dreamland before?" Zhao Chengfeng, too, frowned and looked at Brandon.

Brandon frowned and shook his head. "No, I don't remember seeing this man in my previous fantasy."

"What about the black ox?" Zhao Chengfeng asked.

"Black bull, I remember, an orphan, the guards came, or he told us." Speaking of black bull, Brandon laughed and nodded. Although it was a mirage, he had a good impression of the little guy.

"Orphans?" Zhao Chengfeng frowned again and looked at Brandon suspiciously.

Seeing that he was at a loss, it didn't seem like a lie, and it wasn't necessary.

"It seems that in the previous fantasy, what I experienced was not exactly the same as what he experienced. The reason is probably that it was Mr. Minge."

Slightly pondering, Zhao Chengfeng probably has thought of the reason in his heart. Everything in the dreamland is false. Maybe only Mr. Minge really exists, and the contact with Mr. Minge really happened.

Zhao Chengfeng is quite certain about this, because after he got out of the dreamland, the information Mr. Minge instilled into him is still in his brain, and the stars in his sea of knowledge have not disappeared.

I have experienced a period of reality in the dreamland. Ha ha, it's interesting. What is the means to achieve this, why does he do it, and who is he avoiding?

Zhao Chengfeng was more curious about Mr. Minge.

I don't know what his purpose is.

At this time, Brandon suddenly thought of something and asked, "my Lord, why does the ghost fog want to create that dreamland for us? What's its purpose? Do you want to kill us by the power of the dreamland?"

"I don't think so. Why do you ask?" Zhao Chengfeng turns to look at him.

Brandon looked around nervously, and then said, "I was thinking, are we experiencing reality, or a deeper fantasy?"

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