Zhao Chengfeng was stunned, and then laughed, "you can think of this layer is not easy, yes, its purpose should be this, step by step to pull us into a deeper dreamland, and then control us, by the way, it's parasitic. But you can rest assured that it didn't do it? "

Brandon doesn't know why this young adult is so confident. He still needs to ask. But Zhao Chengfeng has already stepped to the camp. Brandon hesitates for a moment and still follows him.

"Well, my Lord, these people don't seem to see us." When they came to the gate of the camp, they thought that someone would stop them. Just like in the dreamland, someone would cross examine their identity.

Who knows two people swagger into the camp, no matter those who pass by them, or the soldiers guarding the gate, they seem to turn a blind eye to them.

"Don't make a fuss. They can't see us because we don't exist to them. Look at the top of their heads. " Zhao Chengfeng nunuzui, indicating Brandon to look at the heads of these people.

When Brandon looked at them, he saw that each of them was as numb as a walking corpse in a dream. On the top of their heads, there was a villain, who was only ten centimeters high, but with perfect eyebrows and eyes.

Not only the image is vivid, but also the expression is very rich. Most of the villains on the soldiers' heads are arrogant, while the ordinary ones are submissive and bow.

Even some people as like as two peas in the camp, the small men on the head of the guard will cry out, and they can't stop the people. They will check their identity. Those who are being questioned, the villain on the top of the head will smile and bow, and will be almost the same as human beings.

On the contrary, those real humans are like puppets. They do whatever little people on their heads do, but their faces are numb.

Seeing this, Brandon almost cried out and quickly covered his mouth.

Zhao Chengfeng said with a smile, "it doesn't matter if you shout out. They can't see you and they can't hear you either. They can only sense each other. We don't exist for them. "

"My Lord, these things can't be the parasitism of the previous ghost fog?" Brandon put down his hand, but he was still frightened.

Zhao Chengfeng nodded slightly, looking very calm, but in fact his heart is also ups and downs.

Although he has the information instilled by Mr. Minge in his brain, combined with some of his own inferences, he may have anticipated this situation. The reason why he came here is to verify with his own eyes whether the information given by Mr. Minge is reliable and whether his inferences are correct.

But I still feel shocked to see this scene with my own eyes.

When they talked, some people passed by, some came in and some went out. It seemed that the camp was much more lively than the camp they saw in their dreamland. They walked into the camp, but no one stopped them.

When they walked into the camp, there were more pedestrians on both sides of the road, and some even set up stalls to sell seats. But as they have seen before, these people are also puppets manipulated by little people on their heads.

These ghosts and mists, which parasitize on the head of human beings, seem to imitate human beings intentionally and form a society similar to human beings.

And the pattern in the camp is similar to what they see in their dreamland.

Brandon looked at the confused human beings, and those ghostly little people who parasitized on the heads of these walking corpses.

If Qianzhi adults had not broken through the illusion of ghost fog before, would they have become the parasites of these villains and then become a walking corpse.

He suddenly had an idea, are these parasitic people still alive? Are they still trapped in the dreamland? Are these little people imitating human beings or showing their activities in the dreamland.

He looked at Zhao Chengfeng again, "Qianzhi seems to know something I don't know."

Brandon's face moved slightly and asked tentatively, "my Lord, these ghosts and mists have brought people into captivity and parasitized on the top of human heads. Don't they just want to imitate human life?"

"Pretty much, but, as far as I can infer, these ghosts are actually a whole to some extent, only in the spiritual level, they are a whole." Zhao Chengfeng's thoughtful way.

"The whole?" Brandon couldn't understand him for a moment.

"Well." Zhao Chengfeng touched his chin, thinking and nodding, "although I don't understand the specific, I got some information about the world in the dreamland before, but the existence of the information that gave me seems to have deliberately concealed some things, or it's not convenient for him to disclose some things."

"But according to this information, combined with our previous experience, I feel that these ghosts seem to be independent on the surface, but they are actually a whole on the spiritual level. Of course, there are some things I need clues about. "

They went on walking. After a while, they came to the place where Mr. Antong lived in the previous dreamland. From a long distance, they saw the house, fence and animal shed where Mr. Antong lived. There was a huge beast lying in the animal shed.

"Xiao Xi!" Seeing this giant beast, Zhao Chengfeng and Brandon could not help being surprised.

Although they came here to confirm whether Mr. Antong really exists, they all thought that Mr. Antong should be a ghost. Other characters may exist, but Mr. Antong should not exist.

All of a sudden, the beast stood up, and they were both surprised. They thought that the beast had found them, but at this moment, a big man came out of the door, and the beast immediately met the man.

Zhao Chengfeng and Brandon are relieved, it turns out that the beast did not find them, but felt the master.

Looking at the man, they didn't speak, because the man was Mr. Antong in the dreamland before, but at this time, Mr. Antong also had a villain on his head like others.

Looking at a man and a beast in the distance, Zhao Chengfeng and Brandon did not speak.

After a while, Zhao Chengfeng turned around and said, "go."

With that, he walked in another direction.

"My Lord, aren't we really in a dreamland now?" Brandon asked, catching up with him.

Zhao Chengfeng ignored him and went on.

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