Brandon and Zhao Chengfeng turn around in the camp. They see black bull, Mulder and Roy. The characters in the almost dreamland actually exist in the camp. Even the dead guards are alive now.

It's just that these people are not surprised. There is a villain on their head.

The only exception is that Mr. Minge doesn't exist.

Two people turn a big circle, also did not find and that Mr. min Ge corresponding character.

This round down, Zhao Chengfeng more and more sure of his guess.

A moment later, they came to the core of the camp. From a distance, they saw a rough but large-scale circular building standing in the core of the camp.

"My Lord, that should be the so-called temple, right? There seems to be someone in front of the temple. It should be the so-called sacrifice. My Lord, shall we go and see what the so-called God is and what crystal stones there are? There should be many in the temple, which are good things. " Brandon looked at the temple, curious.

He had little guts, but after walking around the camp, he found that there was no danger. Even the villains and the puppets they controlled could not find their existence at all, and his guts gradually grew up.

Even to the so-called God also some disdain, but greedy, began to peep at the temple of wealth.

Zhao Chengfeng is also curious. He also wants to see what kind of existence the so-called God is.

But after thinking about it, Zhao Chengfeng shook his head and gave up the idea of going to have a look.

Regardless of intuition or rational judgment, the so-called God should not be easy to provoke. Otherwise, Mr. Minge would not be secretive. Although he disdained the so-called God, Zhao Chengfeng could still feel his fear.

What's more, Zhao Chengfeng doesn't want to provoke the existence behind the God in Mr. Minge's words.

After thinking about it, Zhao Chengfeng shook his head, "no, my speculation has been almost confirmed. There's no need to stay here any more. Go to the soul nest to find my friend and leave here."

As they said, they were about to turn around and leave, but a priest outside the temple suddenly opened his eyes and stood up.

"Who is peeping at the temple?" That sacrifice a cold drink, unexpectedly walked toward two people to come over.

Zhao Chengfeng and Brandon were stunned. They subconsciously looked around and saw that there was no one else. Then they were sure that the person was really talking about them.

"My Lord, can he see us?" Brandon looked at the man who was coming towards them in surprise.

Along the way, no matter humans or animals can "see" them. According to the conjecture of Qianzhi adults, these people do not interact with each other by external senses, but form a network by their inner spirit. Because they have no villain parasitism, they are people outside the network, so they do not exist.

Although he didn't understand these words, he probably understood that these people couldn't see them, but now this person actually saw them. Isn't Qianzhi wrong.

"Go When he was in a daze, Zhao Chengfeng's voice sounded in his ear. Then he woke up. When he turned his head, he saw that Zhao Chengfeng didn't seem to hear the scolding of the sacrifice. He turned around like a puppet and wandered in the opposite direction.

Learning from Zhao Chengfeng, he pretended to be in a muddle and turned to go away.

Seeing that they were like this, the priest stopped and seemed puzzled, but he didn't come after them.

At the same time, several other priests outside the temple also got up and went to the previous one and asked, "younger martial brother, what's the matter?"

The previous priest shook his head in doubt and said, "I just felt that the two parasites were peeping at the temple."

The visitor was stunned and then said with a smile: "younger martial brother, you are stupid. The consciousness of the parasitic body has fallen. How can you peep at the temple?"

Before that, the sacrificial priest Wen Yan also thought that he was probably an illusion, so he gave a wry smile, grabbed his head and wanted to go back, but then he stopped, frowned and said, "no, I didn't pay attention just now. When you think about it carefully, it seems that there is no shadow on the top of the two parasites."

"No shadow? Are they spies of other gods? Younger martial brother, are you sure? " The visitors were also surprised.

"Sure, although it's far away and I can't see clearly, I really don't feel the presence of gods and shadows on their heads." The previous sacrifice said here, stamped his foot and said angrily: "how dare you sneak into the God's nest to peep at the temple, and dare to cheat me."

As soon as he finished, he ran after Zhao Chengfeng and Brandon, "where's the spy? Stop for me!"

In front of Zhao Chengfeng and Brandon are mixing in the parasitic body coming and going, moving forward leisurely. Suddenly, they hear the cry behind them, and they are surprised, "it's not good, I've been seen through!"

Zhao Chengfeng turned his head and saw that the man had caught up with him. He was so fast that he was less than 200 meters away from them.

There were several sacrificial rites after him.

Zhao Chengfeng hesitated a little, and then he gave up the plan to turn around to meet.

He whispered "run!" to Brandon

No longer to imitate those parasitic bodies, the foot power, body shape like Mirs like skyrocketing, people in the air a slide, that is tens of meters.

A couple of ups and downs. People are hundreds of meters away.

The speed not only startled the following people, but also Brandon, "good guy, it seems that the speed is faster than before in Hengyun mountains."

He didn't know that what Zhao Chengfeng showed at that time was not his own speed, but the speed of Wu he and others.

At this time, there is no obstacle. With the help of the law of the wind, the speed is more than ten times faster than before in Hengyun mountains.

But this time, Brandon was hurt.

He is the rank of the spirit department, and he is not good at speed at all. Let alone catch up with Zhao Chengfeng, even the sacrificial rites who come up behind him are much faster than him. In the blink of an eye, he has caught up with him.

The leader of the sacrificial ceremony, holding a staff, recited a word in his mouth, and suddenly drank, "God, destroy!"

Brandon immediately felt the buzz of his head, an incomparable force invading his brain, and he immediately felt that all his limbs were disillusioned.

"Mental attack!" Brandon himself is a member of the spiritual system. He is not unfamiliar with this kind of power. What's more, he found that his spiritual power could not resist this kind of power. He was so scared that he cried out, "help, my Lord, don't leave me!"

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